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canadian bill loves to laugh

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so canadianbill is on a roof with a rifle running around and im behind him watching i shoot my rifle right i miss, then hes like why you do that, i say "i have my glock out man" then he follows me and shoots me 2 minutes after when im just standing around. i report him and ofcourse since he has power he dismissed my report. a round after i shoot my shotgun at the floor next to him. ive seen him do the same to fuck with people cause its funny right?, except he actually shoots at their body and head. so he immediatly shoots at me and guESS WHAT HE WAS A T everybody shoots at him after he shoots me.

 then he reports me saying i shot at him. hes just mad he lost his T round cause i outsmarted him by seeing if hed take the bait for a free kill on me.

after that i replied back "nah man you arent gonna report and talk your way into slaying me" then he bans me saying revenge rdm. hes so mad he cant even write a proper ban and say attempted which i never did i just shot at the floor next to him

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Shooting at the ground is a traitorous act. But he def shouldn't have done anything admin related to you. You were a valid kill if he was inno, not sure why he risked being killed as traitor. 


If you didn t actually kill him then he's in the wrong. But it looks like you don't have any proof of the matter, so it's a good thing this is in spam. 


@CanadianBill stop getting tilted. Warn kick ban kid

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hard to have proof of him banning me when he just does it out of nowhere i honestly expected a slay. like your saying its my fault for not having the foresight to predict he will ban me so i dont have evidence

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On 11/19/2017 at 5:07 PM, CanadianBill said:

Oh, I haven't logged in until now. Except you did hit me, I checked damagelogs before, you can pull them up if you'd like

Good job why I love u!

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