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Closing Line

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I am working on the script for one of my upcoming films, and was wondering what you thought about this closing line without any context:


"But then we all know that this happiness cannot stay, as the sun sets on this fall day."

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i prefer open ends. leads to more thought about the experience as a whole, and what might happen afterwards. if you make it a question rather than a statement it might leave more of an impact on the audience. imo.

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Me and my co-worker were discussing a movie once and he brings up the fact that every story, especially fiction ones has a moral or a point to remember. It was brought up cause I was thinking no, you *can* just watch a movie to entertain yourself -- the moral doesn't matter. I brought up cheesey one-liners that flatout say the moral like "I guess at the end of the day, bla hblah blahbl", "we all learned that fateful day to cherish our loved ones blahblah" and we both agreed that pooping out the moral of the story at the end like that made a bad movie. I'm getting that from your line. yeah im a bully.

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