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idk :/

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So today at 10:43 AM (PST) while making my morning cup of tea I was wondering how easy it is to juggle three tennis balls, so I decided to try it and failed at all attempts. Failing these attempts I decided to take it down a notch and try to juggle two tennis balls and so from 10:45 AM (PST) all through 11:19 i tried juggling two balls and the end sweating and tired I thought to myself, what the fuck am I doing, and so I decided to make a post about me making my morning cup of tea and thinking to myself how easy it must be to juggle three balls, trying it myself, failing many times and instead try juggling with two balls. :thinking:

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what the hell?


I don't know why you posted this but I'll bite... Did you look up how to juggle? It seriously should only take you less then half a day if you read/watch how to juggle. After that it is just practice which might take a couple days worth so you can juggle more then just a couple tosses. There are more complicated ways but the simple cascade juggling should not take you very long to learn.

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10 hours ago, Shiro said:

@centran can you make a tutorial for me? Thank you.


do you not know how to search youtube? I'm sure there are videos to explain it better.


Step 1) Start with 1 ball. Throw ball up to just above your head and catch in other hand. Seems stupid but what you need to work on here is not looking at the damned ball for it's full path. You need to look forward, know where the ball will land, and catch it without watching catch it. Seems simple and stupid but everyone naturally watches the ball which you need to train yourself not to do. Also helps you get the feel of the toss so you know how high to throw it.


Step 2) Two balls in each hand! OMG! So you aren't gong to really juggle but do a toss, toss, catch, catch, STOP. What you are working on is getting that second ball throw up which is going to be on the inside arc of the first crossing the top of the arc of the first ball. How do you know the inside? Well that is what you are learning and also you don't toss the other ball till the first one is coming down. By then you should know the full arc its taking because you are looking forward and see the ball come up and over it's arc. You aren't juggling in a hurricane so you can figure out the full arc of the ball without watching it.

So you are tossing the second ball a little inside and you catch it a little to the outside. While it may seem simple you need to focus on getting the whole movement down of tossing the other ball up as the on in the air starts to come down. That is the basic simple juggling movement and remember you have to do it without looking because how are you going to track 3 balls. This movement is all that juggling is because when you add a third ball it will be in the air so you do this to free up a hand to catch the one in the air.


Step 3) THREE BALLS! NOE WE IS JUGGLERING... so you already have the toss and catch down from step 2. Just do that and start with whatever hand you have two balls in. Instead of stopping after the second toss try to keep going. Technically there will be two balls in the air for a short time as you toss one to free a hand but you can think of it as one ball in the air as you are just doing step 2 with two balls while the third one is in the air. 

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