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Transgender Community

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I know a lot of you guys have probably seen gender identity politics. I'm curious to see what opinions you guys have concerning the transgender community.


Are you scared of questioning/criticizing the community in fear of being called transphobic? Are you unable to take the community seriously due to people who voice, loud, generally radical opinions? 

I'm curious to see what non-transgender people think of it, and if it's doing more harm than good. 



Personally, I've been out as transgender for about 4 years now and I've seen that generally most transgender people have the same views. People like Milo Stewart, and among many other people like them are hurtful to my community. People, like me, who have 'wrong' political views have to self-censor to not face exclusion. If you are transgender, you're expected to hold their views. Hell, I have been called transphobic by a group of trans people for stating that I can't date/be attracted to other trans men like myself.  


I see the community becoming a fight for subjective identities, rather better healthcare, more accessible ways to transition, ect. I feel as if calling yourself transgender is almost an accessory at times, because many people see it as an aesthetic, and not how it really is for most people which is having extreme dislike/uncomfort with our bodies.  I feel it's being forced to not be seen as a medical condition, but rather an identity that deserves respect regardless if they don't have dysphoria. 

The equality movement should be focused on ending discrimination, rather the sense of self-entitlement that has been becoming of my community's politics. I think it has a long lasting effect on non-transgender people who have become fed up with it. There are many ways I think credibility has been diminished, but I am more curious about hearing your opinions and thoughts, even if you are transgender. 


What is your opinion on the community? Is it doing more harm than good, based on your current opinions and experiences with trans people? Have you ever been called transphobic although you don't seemingly hate transgender people? 


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In my opinion there's nothing wrong with it, but it can be annoying when people make it a big deal 


Respect to people that come out with even with fear that they may be judged

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i mean I'm young and my views on things can be well "childish" but i agree there is nothing wrong with it let people be who they want to be i mean it does not effect me or really anyone else in any way let them do what makes them happy :D 

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I agree that things in the community have gotten very unfocused, and a substantial part of it to me is that people are using transgender as an umbrella term for binary and nb people. Personally I don't have an issue with nonbinary people other than their approach to things being very focused on smashing the binary and creating new concepts. It really does make it harder for us considering nobody takes nonbinary people seriously especially when they say dumb shit, which isn't all of them, but enough where it's an issue at least imo. I know this isn't intended for people in the community, but I'm gonna put in my two cents anyways. 

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being trans is cool

being nb is cool

gender identities are cool


except edgy kids with their attack helicopter jokes

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As long as you don't talk about it like vegans talk about being vegan, then we'll get along just fine.


Did I just compare vegans to transgenders? You're goddamn right I did.


11 hours ago, SmileyCat said:

Is it doing more harm than good, based on your current opinions and experiences with trans people? Have you ever been called transphobic although you don't seemingly hate transgender people? 


Yes to both questions. If I have a son, I don't want him telling me he wants to be a girl, and vice versa.

I've been friends with a girl who self-identifies as a boy for a few years now and I call her by both of her names because I'm an asshole LUL .

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Just now, Dakka said:

If I have a son, I don't want him telling me he wants to be a girl, and vice versa.


Why not?

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Just now, Travesty said:


Why not?


Because I want to know the joys of being a father that raises a son to be a man who in turn raises his sons to be men, and so on and so forth. If my son becomes transgender, there's a greater chance he'll not want to have children, and if he takes surgery to remove the parts necessary for reproduction, the chances of me being a grandfather will be zero. Do you understand? Same goes for having a daughter and wanting her to become a woman who wants to have children with a strong and responsible man who in turn shares my belief in raising sons to be men and wanting to be a grandfather.


I don't know if there are other people in sG who shares this belief, but that's the gist of it. I want to be a grandfather or maybe even a great-grandfather when I'm older. It would make me the happiest guy in the world.

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Just now, Dakka said:


Because I want to know the joys of being a father that raises a son to be a man who in turn raises his sons to be men, and so on and so forth. If my son becomes transgender, there's a greater chance he'll not want to have children, and if he takes surgery to remove the parts necessary for reproduction, the chances of me being a grandfather will be zero. Do you understand? Same goes for having a daughter and wanting her to become a woman who wants to have children with a strong and responsible man who in turn shares my belief in raising sons to be men and wanting to be a grandfather.


I don't know if there are other people in sG who shares this belief, but that's the gist of it. I want to be a grandfather or maybe even a great-grandfather when I'm older. It would make me the happiest guy in the world.

What about if your kid adopts? Or if they have a surrogate? 

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Just now, Dakka said:


Because I want to know the joys of being a father that raises a son to be a man who in turn raises his sons to be men, and so on and so forth. If my son becomes transgender, there's a greater chance he'll not want to have children, and if he takes surgery to remove the parts necessary for reproduction, the chances of me being a grandfather will be zero. Do you understand? Same goes for having a daughter and wanting her to become a woman who wants to have children with a strong and responsible man who in turn shares my belief in raising sons to be men and wanting to be a grandfather.


I don't know if there are other people in sG who shares this belief, but that's the gist of it. I want to be a grandfather or maybe even a great-grandfather when I'm older. It would make me the happiest guy in the world.

So basically your own personal ideal of happiness supersedes what makes your kid happy? Also theres a thing called adoption if you want to experience being a grandfather

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Just now, Grayson Levi said:

What about if your kid adopts? Or if they have a surrogate? 

Just now, Ordinarygamer96 said:

So basically your own personal ideal of happiness supersedes what makes your kid happy? Also theres a thing called adoption if you want to experience being a grandfather

I want my genes to be passed down.

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Just now, Dakka said:

I want my genes to be passed down.

Why does it truly matter? Other than society telling you it is the ideal how dkes it truly affect anything? If anything your family could do the most good by providing a kid already alive a home instead of just having a kid because society says to

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Just now, Ordinarygamer96 said:

Why does it truly matter? Other than society telling you it is the ideal how dkes it truly affect anything? If anything your family could do the most good by providing a kid already alive a home instead of just having a kid because society says to

Society has no say in this, it's the natural thing to want to pass down your genes. You can talk to me about adopting kids when you've adopted one yourself, deal?

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Adopting is much different than raising your own family and children. Sure, technically it would make you a parent or grandparent but he wants to raise HIS OWN children, which is much different than adopting a child.

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Just now, Dakka said:

Society has no say in this, it's the natural thing to want to pass down your genes. You can talk to me about adopting kids when you've adopted one yourself, deal?

Its also natural to try impregnating as many women as possible but we don't do that because society decided its not right. Me and my girlfriend have already agreed we'd rather adopt because it does more good in the world to help a kid in need

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You can have multiple children @Dakka. If you want biological grandchildren, you need to have enough kids so that the cards are in your favor and the chances of you being able to have a grandchild are likely to happen. 


You wishing for your child to only do what makes you happy is retarded, plain and simple. Your relationship with your child will be strained and you may not even see your grandchild if you force your beliefs onto your children lol.

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There's no use in arguing, we all obviously have different views and beliefs, Dakka and I both believe that it's not just for our happiness, for our benefit to have children, it's what we believe is natural to do, to biologically have children is what we want to do and raise OUR children, and yes, adoption is also an option. Just because we don't, at least I don't agree with what you guys are saying, doesn't mean I'm going to dislike YOU or be intolerant towards your beliefs, we all have our different opinions and they're probably not going to change. Because of this, I don't think there's any reason for us to be arguing about it..

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To be clear, I respect Dakkas decision and dont think any less of him. I'm sure there are beliefs I have that he too thinks are ridiculous. I'm glad he shared his opinion, we don't need to get all care bear with it though. 

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Just now, TheOrangeGrape said:

There's no use in arguing, we all obviously have different views and beliefs, Dakka and I both believe that it's not just for our happiness, for our benefit to have children, it's what we believe is natural to do, to biologically have children is what we want to do and raise OUR children, and yes, adoption is also an option. Just because we don't, at least I don't agree with what you guys are saying, doesn't mean I'm going to dislike YOU or be intolerant towards your beliefs, we all have our different opinions and they're probably not going to change. Because of this, I don't think there's any reason for us to be arguing about it..


Just now, Travesty said:

To be clear, I respect Dakkas decision and dont think any less of him. I'm sure there are beliefs I have that he too thinks are ridiculous. I'm glad he shared his opinion, we don't need to get all care bear with it though. 

Goddammit, I love you guys. I never share this opinion of mine because I always think I'll get flamed for it.

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I don't understand why anyone would want to be transgender, imo


But other peoples personal lives are really none of my business. If a chick wants a dick or a dude is tired of his, idgaf one way or another, I have my own problems to deal with

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Just now, Sith said:

If a chick wants a dick or a dude is tired of his

You might be missing a fundamental point of what being transgender means. The key word is gender. Not sex.

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One of the many topics I wouldn't care about or look at it to being needed to be brought up unless you wanted to start a sjw fight.

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Just now, Ordinarygamer96 said:

You might be missing a fundamental point of what being transgender means. The key word is gender. Not sex.






Apparently being a social justice warrior means you can just change words depending on whether you want to be right or not lmao

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Just now, Sith said:






Apparently being a social justice warrior means you can just change words depending on whether you want to be right or not lmao

As you can see gender refers typically to social identities rather than biological. Trans people are saying their personal social identity is not the same as their sexual one. Not hard to understand.  Im not even a sjw. Its just called taking the time to understand issues rather than saying " o i dont understand it" 

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