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Learning Linux

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I want to learn how to use linux however, I was wondering which Distro to use? I've heard of mint, ubuntu, and Red Hat. Not quite sure which one is better. Also what is the best way to learn linux? Anyone with past experiences can you share what you did to learn linux? Also separates linux from something like windows? Why do people enjoy using linux etc? 


Edit: also should I use a VM or just make it dual boot? 

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If you are looking to use it as your day to day then probably just ubuntu. I would get virtual box to start. After you are comfortable to can duel boot but it would be best to have another drive or wipe your current one which would require re-installing windows. If you re-install windows then make sure to choose you partitions and leave some room for linux. Then install ubuntu second as it should auto-detect windows and setup grub to allow you to boot to what you want.


If you want to a more deep dive to learn server stuff then use s server image without a GUI and read up how to install things like apache, nginx, postfix and just practice install those and configuring them. I would get centos if you go down that route. 

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If you want to learn command line, then I recommend doing what Swed linked. Bash in Windows is really neat.


If you want to explore outside of that, then I have personally liked Debian for my dedi server. I know centos is pretty common on VPS.


Speaking of VPS, you can get them for pretty cheap. You can get a pretty decent one for $4/month or less if you really want to get into it.


I am more of a beginner into Linux but those are my thoughts.

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