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Don Juan

Skins on JB

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In a recent attempt to bring back population to JB skins was removed. In my opinion this counter intuitive and will most likely give people less of an incentive to play.

Now I do not buy skins as I like to show off my credits but other people liked having and buying skins and saving up for the ones that they wanted. And by removing skins all over you don't really accomplish much in terms of making the server more popular. Just my opinion though.


Now small talking with @Pike on TS on the subject of populating JB and making the server more popular or atleast giving people more incentive to play on our servers we/I came up with some ideas.


Expensive skins: Expensive skins have been controversial, both me and @Pike believe that expensive skins will be healthy for the server, as people will get a reason to "farm" credits to get them. (I will cover credits in its own point.) And giving people a REASON to play is the ultimate goal because then they WILL come back.


Exclusive skins: Skins that are obtained by achieving special goals. Anything from 200 hours-1000 hours. Being IN sG, obtaining X amount of kills on T side and Winning X amount of rounds on CT side etc etc. Skins that are Exclusive AND purchasable are the ones I think will generate the most population. Imagine A skin that cost 300 000 credits, but You need to have 300 hours AND be in sG to get it, and said skin being really cool, wouldn't that be quite the achievement to obtain? It would make some people stay and some old people to play again.


Skin classes: Get a skin by obtaining X amount of kills on CT with a specific weapon would give you a sniper skin and the same for T side

                   Get a skin by Acing the CT team with at least 6 CT's online and you get a rambo skin or something.  You get the idea.


Now for those super expensive skins we need to do some changes to credits. I imagine the most expensive skin will be the magical number 1 000 000 credits. Now there is only two people I know that can afford that and that is @Iherdcows and @Pike. (staff giving themselves credits SMH)  So I was thinking something like instead of 20 credits incrementally lets do 25, give all new players 50 000 credits and like 2x credits on fridays and 3x credits on weekends and 4x on Wednesday or something similar. Reduce the cost of credits in the store to make players buy more, and to increase the overall costs of skins.


I believe that some form of changes in how we handle skins on JB to center around an in server currency will make people want to play more. Now at the same time I don't think it will take it to the old glory but it will be a good start. Make people join, and then give them an incentive to stay. That will be a good start to the resurrection of Syndicate Gamers™ Jail Break.


(Disclaimer; I do not know how hard this will be to implement, I fully understand if it will not be implemented but just throwing ideas around, I do not know what kind of skins people would want, I do not know if sG want to do anything like this at all and/or if it will help the server but I believe that it will be a healthy and good start in the right direction)

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Skins will be put back on the server once a population gets going again. No one wants to connect to a JB server that takes 10 minutes to download. However, your incentive for double credits on certain days of the week isn't a half bad Idea. Its like giving extra exp on War3. I'll give it a thought over. We can do something else with the credits that require a smaller download, if at all.

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Just now, Iherdcows said:

Skins will be put back on the server once a population gets going again. No one wants to connect to a JB server that takes 10 minutes to download. However, your incentive for double credits on certain days of the week isn't a half bad Idea. Its like giving extra exp on War3. I'll give it a thought over. We can do something else with the credits that require a smaller download, if at all.

!ws for credits LUL

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Too lazy to make a new thread about this.

@Moose@Iherdcows, @Pike pls fix ( I am just trying to help ._.)


when you removed the skins from jb you also changed the file path for the materials of both the Police skin and the Prisoner skin. 

As seen here: 





Moving the Materials to the correct folder fixes this for the Prisoner skin "materials/models/player/rgmodels/rginmate/". Currently it is in "models/player/custom_player/legacy/rginmate"


For the Police skin it is a little different 3 of the vmts were changed to refrence "models/player/custom_player/legacy/police" which isn´t correct they need to be changed to "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/police" when simply moving the files there the skin changes from being completeley black to:


then changing the 3 vmts to refrence "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/police" fixes the skin.


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