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Travesty - Ask Me Anything

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13 minutes ago, Rayne said:

Do you personally think that @Rune's constant 'ass-fuckery' attitude towards the community, actually proves that Rune himself is, in fact, a faggot?


But I am a faggot and I suck dicks so I don't know why he would need to answer this for you.

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4 hours ago, Rune said:


But I am a faggot and I suck dicks so I don't know why he would need to answer this for you.

Er excuse me, this thread is called "Ask me anything" by @Travesty. Kindly step the fuck back, I want his answer.









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14 hours ago, Mark from Facebook said:

What are your plans for your future ? Where do you see yourself doing in about 5 years?


Plan is settling down and doing more travelling. I just recently got promoted to a position where I'm kind of my own boss, so I'll stick with this new position for 5 years or so and then evaluate after that. I'll be saving up money to travel again or potentially buy my own place. I just recently moved in with the gf in a big two-bedroom and I couldn't be happier as to where I'm at right now.


14 hours ago, Biig_E said:

I don't have any hours on CS:GO as I don't own it, but I plan to get it soon. What i can say is I have at the very least 70 hours on both TTT sG servers


70 hours? Then I'll be voting yes on you.


10 hours ago, Moose said:

Why do you use the devils lettuce?


I don't use it very often. Only once in a while but I like to use it to enhance an already great experience. It's actually pretty amazing if you can get the right strain.


I find it can be mind-expanding, make me think of new ideas especially if I'm surrounded by my friends who are like-minded. You can really find creative things to laugh about and then take that joke to the extreme. It allows you to think in new ways if you use it in the right setting. It's also just a fun thing to do and I prefer to do it socially with my closest friends or my gf. Rather than just doing it alone by myself.


The last time I did it was this summer in Amsterdam. I was in this amazing hotel with my gf and we had the best time just hanging out in a comfy bed, eating delicious room service, taking a bubble bath and sharing some laughs. We also took an edible on a different day, did a canal cruise and then walked around the main city and eventually strolled through the park during sunset. It was a blast.


It's not for everyone but I'd say give it a chance. And if you were to start, remember you'll only need a little bit. I never really overdo it anymore and it doesn't take me much to feel where I want to be. Maybe half a joint, if that. If you are going to do it, just breath in like you're taking a breath of air but your lips are near the joint. I'd say don't do a bong for your first time. Hell I can't remember the last time I took a hit from a bong lol.


7 hours ago, Rayne said:

Do you personally think that @Rune's constant 'ass-fuckery' attitude towards the community, actually proves that Rune himself is, in fact, a faggot?


Rune and I used to actually not get along back in the day. I remember in JB we'd always be wanting different things from the server. But lately, I've found myself liking his presence on the forums quite a bit and he usually has an apt way of describing people on here. I've come to appreciate his 'ass-fuckery' attitude and I can confirm he is indeed a giant faggot like the rest of us xD


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1 hour ago, cookie eater said:

Why'd you put this in spam?

Should I copy you and do a cookie ama?


Because if I put it in The Pub, you'd get people just wanting their free posts. Here I'm getting genuine interest surprisingly without any spam lol. Maybe I just jinxed that though.


Yes please, I got some questions to ask of you.


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You have the option to travel into any time period in any place in history and take your closest friends and family with you, but only you would know you have traveled. Do you go anywhere-anywhen or stay where/when you are? If you chose to go to another time/place, when & where?

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10 minutes ago, Karma said:

You have the option to travel into any time period in any place in history and take your closest friends and family with you, but only you would know you have traveled. Do you go anywhere-anywhen or stay where/when you are? If you chose to go to another time/place, when & where?


Can I go back after visiting? Or are we stuck there?

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9 minutes ago, Karma said:



I think I would go back in time to the 90s and move to Silicon Valley so I can capitalize on the boom of the internet and we'll all be in a nice warm place haha.


This is currently what it looks like here as we're in the middle of a blizzard:



So it may have influenced my decision a bit.

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1 hour ago, Travesty said:

Rune and I used to actually not get along back in the day. I remember in JB we'd always be wanting different things from the server. But lately, I've found myself liking his presence on the forums quite a bit and he usually has an apt way of describing people on here. I've come to appreciate his 'ass-fuckery' attitude and I can confirm he is indeed a giant faggot like the rest of us xD


I mean saying we had different views was kind of pushing it considering what you used to do on JB before you joined sG. You'd troll and try to break as many rules that you could without admins noticing. I'd know because I was a JB SO at the time and constantly had to deal with it lmao.


I remember you also won paid in from an event at one point and abused constantly. Someone made a complaint and they threatened to remove it should you continue. Pretty sure you're the reason they don't do that anymore. Either way, it's clear that isn't the case anymore so we're cool ;)

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10 minutes ago, Rune said:

I mean saying we had different views was kind of pushing it considering what you used to do on JB before you joined sG. You'd troll and try to break as many rules that you could without admins noticing. I'd know because I was a JB SO at the time and constantly had to deal with it lmao.


I remember you also won paid in from an event at one point and abused constantly. Someone made a complaint and they threatened to remove it should you continue. Pretty sure you're the reason they don't do that anymore. Either way, it's clear that isn't the case anymore so we're cool ;)


Yeah you're right I suppose. Oh man, the good ol days of JB. It truly was a better time back then! We had a lot of fun with you sticklers for the rules. It was honestly a joy getting you guys into a tissy for just barely following the rules.


I did win it from the CSGO Tournament (only reason why I wanted to win was for paidmin) but you've got the story just a bit twisted. We were playing failjail (eddy and cows were both there along with multiple staff members and SOs because they knew I had just gotten paidmin and just joined the server lol). After I got freekilled as a T, I respawned myself. Cows slayed me because the guy had already died. I respawned myself again. Cows slayed me again. Repeat, repeat. Banned. When I came back my admin was taken away and I laughed. It didn't really mean much to me as I wouldn't have had it in the first place (plus at that time I rarely played T). That was on day 1 of paidmin and a long, long time ago -- I think that happened in 2013 lol. And yes, I was most certainly the reason they don't give out free admin anymore.

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25 minutes ago, Travesty said:


Yeah you're right I suppose. Oh man, the good ol days of JB. It truly was a better time back then! We had a lot of fun with you sticklers for the rules. It was honestly a joy getting you guys into a tissy for just barely following the rules.


I wasn't as much of a shrewd for the rules as you might think. The only reason I really ever enforced anything was because people would start to complain, which meant I needed to do something. Other than that, I would usually let people have fun because that's what they were there for. At first I was pretty strict with free killing because no one wants to wait ten minutes for the next round. Soon after I only really slayed people for blatant kills or if someone complained. Regardless, there's a reason I dont bother myself with that server anymore.

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