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Carl Sagan


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3 hours ago, Travesty said:


What am I try to see here? group of people angry at woman for support Trump or she yell at group people who support trump? And why are they yelling in autistic screeching?


I never can understand people but one thing I can understand that people are fucking retards, make me sad that this happens in Oregon too.

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So Trump is claiming the Obama administration wire tapped him in November. Make of that what you will. All I'm going to say is that it will be hilarious come 3,6,9,whenever months from now when they get caught doing it illegally. Maybe not from Trumps direct administration but it will happen and I bet you anything Trump will go off on how the intelligence agencies need to do these things and the court is delaying and holding back their blah blah blah blah I cry when someone does it to me but support spying on all your fuckers. After all, if you had money you would be able to put things in place to assure you don't get spied on right? Why complain instead go make something of yourself so you have the wealth to protect your own liberties.

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