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Anyone a huge procrastinator?

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So I have two exams today, along with other classwork I need to make up, rather than doing notes right now and studying for a test, I am typing this post. Now this might come off as a random post for you, but it is something I would actually like to discuss. I procrastinate as a therapeutical way of dealing with stress, such as wondering about my grade after this upcoming test. I know that I shouldnt be procrastinating, but it is just an action that happens. I keep telling myself that I need to start working on something at a specific time, yet when it becomes half an hour from that limit, I extend it. Rinsing and repeating to where I am finishing up notes at almost midnight.


Do any of you procrastinate like this? What are some ways of breaking procrastination?


"Just do you work.", wont be an answer for me, as that is why I tell myself. 

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50 minutes ago, Shaymin said:

I procrastinate as a therapeutical way of dealing with stress


lol u srs


If procrastinating helped deal with stress, you wouldn't be submitting this post. In fact, nothing is more stressful than pumping out bullshit assignments because you put them off for too long.


I also procrastinate. It's not evil. I just know how much time it'll take to do something. If a math assignment is due next week and I have experience in doing those assignments and know it takes an hour, then I'll just put off an hour the night before to do it.


It's really not that hard. I'm assuming you're young so you really shouldn't have to deal with that many assignments. Once you hit college, yes, you actually need to do shit in order to make it. That's why it's college.

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I don't really procrastinate as much as I get distracted easily and take breaks that are longer than the time I studied. 


But like @Grayson Levi said, it's not a death sentence. 

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1 hour ago, Sith said:


lol u srs


If procrastinating helped deal with stress, you wouldn't be submitting this post. In fact, nothing is more stressful than pumping out bullshit assignments because you put them off for too long.


I also procrastinate. It's not evil. I just know how much time it'll take to do something. If a math assignment is due next week and I have experience in doing those assignments and know it takes an hour, then I'll just put off an hour the night before to do it.


It's really not that hard. I'm assuming you're young so you really shouldn't have to deal with that many assignments. Once you hit college, yes, you actually need to do shit in order to make it. That's why it's college.


Yeah I just started my junior year, but I am trying to challenge myself with AP classes so it looks good for college, I say it helps with stress just because it takes my mind away from my work, which ironically is worse. I know that I need to be responsible, but I still get the work done, just late. Not all of my work is late, most of it isnt. I know that procrastinating isnt a death sentence, but I made this post to see what other people think of it, and if it relates to them.


1 hour ago, TurtleFrenzy said:

ive been meaning to make a fresh start on here so people will give me pity and look at me in a better light, but im too lazy and keep putting it off.


I am not trying to have people give me pity, this post topic was just on my mind, whilst doing my work. I get where you are coming from though, I come back with another fresh start if you want to say, and say that I am working on taking criticism, which is true. I had some time to think over a few months during vacation, and I like this community a lot, and dont want to be exiled from it because of the stupid actions I have done. That whole sentence sounds contradicting towards my statement of people giving me pity, I know. I dont recall playing with you in any of the servers, so I'd like to know which one you play on, so I get to meet everyone in the community. If you dont want to that is fine.

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I'm the same way, but through the years of procrastinating because of stress, it is SO SO SO much LESS stressful if you do a little bit at a time, and get it done when it's due, than trying to cram in all in an hour before it's due.



If you can, try to get a little bit done at a time, you don't have to tackle the whole thing at once, but try not to put it off long enough that you have to do it in a rush because that will just make you feel worse.

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I am a huge procrastinator. Honestly, it only FEELS like a way of relieving stress. Procrastinating is more a means of temporarily avoiding stress with the unfortunate side-effect of creating more stress later than there would have been now. Imagine doing the dishes; if you do it right away it's done. If you continue to leave it off the dishes will pile up and pile up until the amount of work that has to be done at once is far greater than it would have been at the onset thereby creating a more stressful experience.


The best way to get procrastination under control is to set yourself a schedule and stick to it. Set a specific time to do whatever work it is you need to do. There's two ways you can do this: either do it all at once or do it a little bit at a time. The latter, of course, only really works if you have a decent amount of time to work on it but, typically, if you're able to split up the work into manageable chunks - say 1-2 hour blocks each day - it will end up feeling like less work and, therefore, you may feel less of an inclination to procrastinate.


At the end of the day, though, there's not really anything that anyone can suggest other than "just do it" because that's what it comes down to.

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I was a major procrastinator when I was in high school.  I took AP classes my junior year to test myself and try and break that habit.  Seems like we have pretty similar routes.  I'm a sophomore in college now and I'm just giving you a warning, DO NOT procrastinate in college.  I currently have two essays next week that I have yet to start.  It took me about halfway through my freshman year to realize that I'm in college now and I can't just do whatever I wanted like in high school.  Procrastination for me was a psychological thing.  Throughout high school I really just didn't care enough to do my work.  Once I hit college I realized how important it was.  Do a little bit of work at a time.  If you have an essay, do your intro early that way you can have the pavement for the rest of the essay.  For your exams, all you have to do is take 30 minutes out of your day to study a little.  Maybe even 15 minutes a day.  Space your work out.  You will slowly realize how good it feels to be done with your work early.  You can go to bed without constantly thinking about unfinished work etc.

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