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How to crΣate cool lΣttΣrs c:

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Every wanted to create badass letters well heres a tutorial for you. First off you want to turn on NumLock, after that hold the alt key and start pressing letters on the right number pad on the right of your keyboard, and walla, your welcome. You can get a list of what letters you want to make online, it shows you the formula of keys you have to press to create it. Note that this wont work in some typing chats, like in steam chat, but you can copy and paste them in steam chat C: goodluck!

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1 hour ago, Savage Princess Little One said:





Well see... when you want to apply to sG you need a certain post count. The best way to do this is to spam the forums with useless crap. The current member base appreciates your helpful tips and will surely vote you in. However, big ole mean staff have caught on to this trick and made posts in spam not count towards post count. Those bastards are always trying to keep the community down and new meaningful recruits out. DOWN WITH STAFF! rabble rabble rabble

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