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Collin Kaepernick's decision

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7 minutes ago, Savage Princess Little One said:

okay so i can say all cops are bastards then

betcha wouldnt be saying that when you need the help from law enforcement ^_^

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11 minutes ago, Ordinarygamer96 said:

Literally all the people I see targeting him are white people that don't like being told racism is real. If the majority of the black community feels injustice is being done its quite likely theres something to it.

 If you are told something your entire life you are probably going to believe it.  Instead of the obama campaign to tell everyone that the odds are against the black community without offering any real suggestions on how to change it why not a campaign to make actual change where it needs to happen ie the families.  http://www.fathersforgood.org/ffg/en/flashitems/involved/excel.html  Yes there is a disproportionate # of black families splitting apart to those of other races.


Its a start to making real change

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15 minutes ago, Ironic said:


Bottom line is I think it's stupid what Kaepernick is doing. Not saying he doesn't have a right to do what he is, I just feel it's more rude than anything. People put their lives on the line every day for our country, that's why I feel standing for the national anthem is so important. You not standing for it, is basically spitting in the face of those who serve this country.



You know it's not always about being rude maybe it's not hate maybe its just him wanting something broken in america fixed, Collin Kaepernick cant be doing what he did for disrespect I feel that he did it mainly because he knows there is something wrong in america and he is just complaining or standing up against the anthem to call more attention to the problem

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6 minutes ago, Thelnternet said:



Well there you go there's half of the information I asked for. My request was to show that in proportion to white deaths by cops.  What you will see is no difference.  Clearly there is a problem in the black community but blaming whites for 100% of their problems is horseshit.

Whether or not you think that fatal force should have been used in the circumstances where those 102 blacks were shot is another matter.  No cop is going to give someone the benefit of the doubt when their life is at stake.  

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-08/breakdown-us-citizens-killed-cops-2016   So there the breakdown on cops killing white Vs blacks. You will say yes thanks lnternet there is a huge disproportion between blacks getting killed and their % of total population compared to whites.  Well there is also an even bigger disproportion of  the % of crimes that blacks are committing compared to whites.

http://www.amren.com/archives/reports/the-color-of-crime-2016-revised-edition/  No one is actually going to read this but stats.


Yes there is actual racism in America.  No it is not nearly or even 1% of what the SJW bandwagon claims it to be.




you do realize that comparing black shootings to white shooting is useless and biased unless you include the fact that there's shockingly a LOT MORE WHITE PEOPLE IN AMERICA

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1 minute ago, Savage Princess Little One said:


you do realize that comparing black shootings to white shooting is useless and biased unless you include the fact that there's shockingly a LOT MORE WHITE PEOPLE IN AMERICA

No point in arguing with internet when he uses white supremacist websites for his information

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3 minutes ago, ples said:

betcha wouldnt be saying that when you need the help from law enforcement ^_^


fuck that

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2 minutes ago, Thelnternet said:

 If you are told something your entire life you are probably going to believe it.  Instead of the obama campaign to tell everyone that the odds are against the black community without offering any real suggestions on how to change it why not a campaign to make actual change where it needs to happen ie the families.  http://www.fathersforgood.org/ffg/en/flashitems/involved/excel.html  Yes there is a disproportionate # of black families splitting apart to those of other races.


Its a start to making real change


A start was also the Fair Sentencing Act. I don't think you'd see that come from any Republican candidate.


Maybe we should ask the question, why are black people committing more crimes than white people? The buck doesn't just stop at the fact that they are committing more crimes.

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Just now, Travesty said:


A start was also the Fair Sentencing Act. I don't think you'd see that come from any Republican candidate.


Maybe we should ask the question, why are black people committing more crimes than white people? The buck doesn't just stop at the fact that they are committing more crimes.

it's because of gentrification, obviously a huge cycle of poverty, etc

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3 minutes ago, Ordinarygamer96 said:

The amren website you listed is a hate group lol. They fund studies that attempt to show blacks are inferior to whites. Nice attempt to use statistics.  They literally have had David Duke speak for them. If those are the types of websites you get your information from are you sure you're not a closet racist?

Ill be quite honest in saying I did not know that amren was a racist group.  Im not going to edit it out though because thats chickenshit.  No im not a closet racist.

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4 minutes ago, Thelnternet said:

 If you are told something your entire life you are probably going to believe it.  Instead of the obama campaign to tell everyone that the odds are against the black community without offering any real suggestions on how to change it why not a campaign to make actual change where it needs to happen ie the families.  http://www.fathersforgood.org/ffg/en/flashitems/involved/excel.html  Yes there is a disproportionate # of black families splitting apart to those of other races.


Its a start to making real change

Maybe you only believe what you believe because you read literal white supremacist websites lol

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On 8/18/2016 at 3:23 PM, Travesty said:

In 2015, The Washington Post launched a real-time database to track fatal police shootings, and the project continues this year. As of Sunday, 1,502 people have been shot and killed by on-duty police officers since Jan. 1, 2015. Of them, 732 were white, and 381 were black (and 382 were of another or unknown race).


But as data scientists and policing experts often note, comparing how many or how often white people are killed by police to how many or how often black people are killed by the police is statistically dubious unless you first adjust for population.


According to the most recent census data, there are nearly 160 million more white people in America than there are black people. White people make up roughly 62 percent of the U.S. population but only about 49 percent of those who are killed by police officers. African Americans, however, account for 24 percent of those fatally shot and killed by the police despite being just 13 percent of the U.S. population. As The Post noted in a new analysis published last week, that means black Americans are 2.5 times as likely as white Americans to be shot and killed by police officers.


U.S. police officers have shot and killed the exact same number of unarmed white people as they have unarmed black people: 50 each. But because the white population is approximately five times larger than the black population, that means unarmed black Americans were five times as likely as unarmed white Americans to be shot and killed by a police officer.




A 2015 study by a University of California at Davis researcher concluded there was “no relationship” between crime rates by race and racial bias in police killings. A report released last week by the Center for Policing Equity, which reviewed arrest and use-of-force data from 12 police departments, concluded that black residents were more often targeted for use of police force than white residents, even when adjusting for whether the person was a violent criminal.




“The only thing that was significant in predicting whether someone shot and killed by police was unarmed was whether or not they were black,” said Justin Nix, a criminal-justice researcher at the University of Louisville and one of the report’s authors, said in April. “Crime variables did not matter in terms of predicting whether the person killed was unarmed.”


“This just bolsters our confidence that there is some sort of implicit bias going on,” Nix said. “Officers are perceiving a greater threat when encountered by unarmed black citizens.”




Racial disparities in the rate of police shootings do not mean, though, that criminal-justice experts are not concerned about how many people are being killed by police officers — including white people.


Statistics kept by the FBI have never counted more than 460 police shootings in a single year. However, The Post’s database chronicled 990 fatal police shootings in 2015, and 494 of those people were white.


Among them are several cases that drew national headlines. Two officers will face trial for the shooting of 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis, 2015’s youngest police-shooting victim. The family of Zachary Hammond, who was shot and killed by officers in Seneca, S.C., received a $2.15 million settlement.




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4 minutes ago, Savage Princess Little One said:


you do realize that comparing black shootings to white shooting is useless and biased unless you include the fact that there's shockingly a LOT MORE WHITE PEOPLE IN AMERICA

Do youi not realize that I literally just said that in my post. And then proceeded to speak in terms of ratios. 

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Last time I'm gonna mention it but I feel like it needs to be said. This is like the 3rd time I've seen sG members trying to debate and then linking a white supremacist website on our forums in an attempt to make the "I'm not racist looks at the numbers" argument. If the conservative people in the clan can't make an argument regarding some sort of racial issue without resorting to using a hate group's statistics what does that say about the country in general?

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15 minutes ago, Zerosz said:

You know it's not always about being rude maybe it's not hate maybe its just him wanting something broken in america fixed, Collin Kaepernick cant be doing what he did for disrespect I feel that he did it mainly because he knows there is something wrong in america and he is just complaining or standing up against the anthem to call more attention to the problem

I completely get his motive behind what he's doing, but to not stand for our flag that people have literally died for, just because "Oh, I think America is racist", I just think it's dumb personally. He could have made a stand some other way, but he decided to do it this way.

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2 minutes ago, Ironic said:

I completely get his motive behind what he's doing, but to not stand for our flag that people have literally died for, just because "Oh, I think America is racist", I just think it's dumb personally. He could have made a stand some other way, but he decided to do it this way.

black people die in mass for a country that hates them. people who die in war and people who die by cops in the street, not different.

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I mean if you're going to not stand for the flag in one of the most (almost insanely) patriotic countries in the world, you're going to get an insane amount flack for it.




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1 minute ago, Ironic said:

I completely get his motive behind what he's doing, but to not stand for our flag that people have literally died for, just because "Oh, I think America is racist", I just think it's dumb personally. He could have made a stand some other way, but he decided to do it this way.

Probably a controversial stance here but you can easily say the majority of people who died for the flag would not have wanted him as an african american to be where he is today. How many ww2 soldiers do you think would have at the time agreed with the civil rights act if it was explained to them? Once again not demeaning veterans since both my grandfathers served. But my grandfathers were also some of the most racist people I could think of however.

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2 minutes ago, Savage Princess Little One said:

black people die in mass for a country that hates them. people who die in war and people who die by cops in the street, not different.

can't just assume the whole country hates them. I love people of all races man cmon now

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4 minutes ago, Travesty said:

I mean if you're going to not stand for the flag in one of the most (almost insanely) patriotic countries in the world, you're going to get an insane amount flack for it.




i tells ya, big business is a sneaky motherfucker

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17 minutes ago, ples said:

well this would explain that lol






Honestly, this video is fucking comical. Meanwhile North Korea thinks they're doing a pretty great in getting their people in line and to blindly stand for and believe in their nation... They need to take some tips from 'Murica because they're clearly doing something right when you get a reactions like this from a dude sitting down during the anthem hahah.


"Is there's nothing more American than standing firm and resolute in the face of rational thought?"


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10 minutes ago, Savage Princess Little One said:

black people die in mass for a country that hates them. people who die in war and people who die by cops in the street, not different.

I'm not even going to argue anymore, you're making me laugh too much.

Edit: I'll just end with yes, there's a huge difference between someone who is fighting for this country, and someone who is breaking the law and gets shot.

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2 minutes ago, Ironic said:

I'm not even going to argue anymore, you're making me laugh too much.

Edit: I'll just end with yes, there's a huge difference between someone who is fighting for this country, and someone who is breaking the law and gets shot.

Agreed. My brother is serving right now, that shit isn't about breaking the law, it's about upholding it. Much respect to anyone who fights for this country.

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