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For all Obama fans-

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Guest Fohacidal

Mccain, because America is smart enough to realize that just because you add words like "hope" and "change" to empty promises doesnt mean they will happen.

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Mccain, because America is smart enough to realize that just because you add words like "hope" and "change" to empty promises doesnt mean they will happen.

Hahaha, that's awesome. If the truth about obama comes out in time McCain will win, but my faith in the common sense of America is thinning. Obama is quite the black supremisist as quotes in his book blatantly illustrate. But in all honestly I don't want either really, and I'm a pretty staunch republican. However McCain is a much more qualified man for the job. Not to mention the president is supposed to be the "COMMANDER AND CHIEF"...not skinny weak politician with no real military knowledge. Very few can argue against military types being the best strategists, and we need someone who is capable of planning out our course, or strategy for the nation if you will

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Mccain, because America is smart enough to realize that just because you add words like "hope" and "change" to empty promises doesnt mean they will happen.

Fortunately you're not allowed to vote yet.

Hahaha, that's awesome. If the truth about obama comes out in time McCain will win, but my faith in the common sense of America is thinning. Obama is quite the black supremisist as quotes in his book blatantly illustrate. But in all honestly I don't want either really, and I'm a pretty staunch republican. However McCain is a much more qualified man for the job. Not to mention the president is supposed to be the "COMMANDER AND CHIEF"...not skinny weak politician with no real military knowledge. Very few can argue against military types being the best strategists, and we need someone who is capable of planning out our course, or strategy for the nation if you will

TOTALLY! BLACK POWER! He's all about bashing whitey, cause, y'know, he was only raised with the white half of his family.

In all reality though, I wouldn't be put out if McCain did win-- but I'm still voting Obama.

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Guest Fohacidal
Fortunately you're not allowed to vote yet.

Screw you, McCain is a realist

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I see, so that is the only way people look at things now is it? Wishful thinking pretty much, i stated that i think Obama will win, and i'm willing to bet a lot of money that you will all think that i support him, or want him to win, well, if that is the case, you are very wrong, i TRY to look at things based on fact, not what i would like to happen, i'm not saying i haven't said things were a certain way because i want them to be that way, i'm just saying that i put an effort in to make sure that does not happen, i am not judging, if any of you wish to judge me, you may do so, but just know that the old saying "What goes around comes around" is still alive and kicking, probably the most underrated and overlooked saying ever, the one people call bullshit, the one people call whatever just so they can get on with their lives, so they can remain happy, not feeling guilty not feeling any bad feelings at all, for that is what this world has become, and that is what it is going to stay until the Lord decides he has seen enough.

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Guest Fohacidal
I see, so that is the only way people look at things now is it? Wishful thinking pretty much, i stated that i think Obama will win, and i'm willing to bet a lot of money that you will all think that i support him, or want him to win, well, if that is the case, you are very wrong, i TRY to look at things based on fact, not what i would like to happen, i'm not saying i haven't said things were a certain way because i want them to be that way, i'm just saying that i put an effort in to make sure that does not happen, i am not judging, if any of you wish to judge me, you may do so, but just know that the old saying "What goes around comes around" is still alive and kicking, probably the most underrated and overlooked saying ever, the one people call bullshit, the one people call whatever just so they can get on with their lives, so they can remain happy, not feeling guilty not feeling any bad feelings at all, for that is what this world has become, and that is what it is going to stay until the Lord decides he has seen enough.


Basically all I understood from your weird post is that people will vote Obama simply because Bush was republican, if thats the case you make ignorant assumptions. Just like how people blame the republicans for the depression

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TOTALLY! BLACK POWER! He's all about bashing whitey, cause, y'know, he was only raised with the white half of his family.

Well, he did talk about how his white grandmother was a racist, and was just being an average white person by being so.

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Well, he did talk about how his white grandmother was a racist, and was just being an average white person by being so.

Show of hands, who in this forum is both white and is racist/ "doesn't like black people because of how they act."

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Guest Fohacidal
Wheres CC90 when you need him?, also hand.

He is being gay somewhere else, im not putting my hand up though

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Wheres CC90 when you need him?, also hand.

I'll just cut to the chase for the sake of argument-- you're going to find that a great majority of the forum goers (who may be called average) are white/ racially prejudiced... So my question to you is, was Obama wrong in saying that?

Saying that racism among whites is the BASELINE is not black supremacy-- it's identifying a problem that needs to be brought into an open forum and discussed, rather than shoved under the carpet as it has been for so many years.

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Guest Fohacidal
I'll just cut to the chase for the sake of argument-- you're going to find that a great majority of the forum goers (who may be called average) are white/ racially prejudiced... So my question to you is, was Obama wrong in saying that?

Saying that racism among whites is the BASELINE is not black supremacy-- it's identifying a problem that needs to be brought into an open forum and discussed, rather than shoved under the carpet as it has been for so many years.

Im not racist I have no idea what in the hell your talking about, not to mention I always root for the black guy to survive in horror movies because the cheesy over cliched white guy falling in love with white girl couple keep surviving, If Im watching a horror movie its not for the stupid subplot in how their love gets stronger, I watch it so i can see everyone on the cast DIE DIE DIE DIE OMFG DIE

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Im not racist I have no idea what in the hell your talking about, not to mention I always root for the black guy to survive in horror movies because the cheesy over cliched white guy falling in love with white girl couple keep surviving, If Im watching a horror movie its not for the stupid subplot in how their love gets stronger, I watch it so i can see everyone on the cast DIE DIE DIE DIE OMFG DIE

For once, would it hurt you to not be a troll and to have a legitimate argument?

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Guest Fohacidal
For once, would it hurt you to not be a troll and to have a legitimate argument?

Sure but tbh I really didnt understand what you were inferring or trying to imply in that other post

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Well, he did talk about how his white grandmother was a racist, and was just being an average white person by being so.
I'll just cut to the chase for the sake of argument-- you're going to find that a great majority of the forum goers (who may be called average) are white/ racially prejudiced... So my question to you is, was Obama wrong in saying that?

Saying that racism among whites is the BASELINE is not black supremacy-- it's identifying a problem that needs to be brought into an open forum and discussed, rather than shoved under the carpet as it has been for so many years.

Sure but tbh I really didnt understand what you were inferring or trying to imply in that other post

Does that make it easier?

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Guest Fohacidal
Does that make it easier?

Ya, i didnt skim your post this time.

But really, does it matter? Racism hasnt been a major problem for the past 40 years, and the only major group still instigating it is the KKK or small Nazi groups, both of which NOBODY likes. The only real areas where racism is a problem is probably in the balkans and the border with Russia to the west...

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Ya, i didnt skim your post this time.

But really, does it matter? Racism hasnt been a major problem for the past 40 years, and the only major group still instigating it is the KKK or small Nazi groups, both of which NOBODY likes. The only real areas where racism is a problem is probably in the balkans and the border with Russia to the west...

^_^ Not true

Well, if you're referring to violent acts of racism, maybe a teensy bit more true, but not as much. Start looking into institutionalized racism, and "color-blind" racism.

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Guest Fohacidal
^_^ Not true

Well, if you're referring to violent acts of racism, maybe a teensy bit more true, but not as much. Start looking into institutionalized racism, and "color-blind" racism.

Well I guess I overlooked the fact that a lot of racism is indirect, or "reversed". A lot of it pushed by stereotypes to, but is it really a problem thats ROCKING THE FOUNDATIONS OF THIS VERY NATION?!?!?!

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From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to

suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against

my mothers race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself,

maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty

to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It

was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the

attributes of Martinand Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

Yes, this is what we need in office. Racism is more prevelant among blacks than any other race...you don't hear whites or asians pulling race cards when something doesn't go their way. I'm sick of this shit, stand up for yourself, do what's right and you won't hear shit from me and 99% of the world. Odd's are you won't hear shit from me anyway unless you do something is affects the rest of the world or affects a culture...This race bullshit is one of those things. Obama needs to get out from under his fucking rock where he acts like nothing has changed in the world, it's fucking pathetic

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Hahaha, that's awesome. If the truth about obama comes out in time McCain will win, but my faith in the common sense of America is thinning. Obama is quite the black supremisist as quotes in his book blatantly illustrate. But in all honestly I don't want either really, and I'm a pretty staunch republican. However McCain is a much more qualified man for the job. Not to mention the president is supposed to be the "COMMANDER AND CHIEF"...not skinny weak politician with no real military knowledge. Very few can argue against military types being the best strategists, and we need someone who is capable of planning out our course, or strategy for the nation if you will

This is fucking hilarious.

I remember when cc90 said he was a black supremist and all of you told him he was stupid and wrong.

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From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to

suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

ingratiate: gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts

This is something that many people of mixed race, including myself, have to deal with on a daily basis-- He's talking about how he doesn't "feel" white, and so by identifying with his mother he is doing a disservice to his racial and ethnic identity by identifying his **race** with hers. How is that black supremacy?

From Dreams of My Father: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against

my mothers race.'

There is a sense of grievance and animosity between whites and mexicans, whites and arabs, etc, because whites feel that those races have wronged them. What is the problem with feeling pissed off about past and current oppression of your race?

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself,

maybe. And white.'

Explain the context of the quote, this has little meaning out of context.

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty

to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

Again, I don't know the context of the quote, but I suspect he's talking about being multiracial, and not being "black enough." How is talking about the societal struggles of being a person of mixed race related to black supremacy?

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It

was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the

attributes of Martinand Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

How is this quote relevant at all to our discussion? He says he doesn't emulate people of any race who don't fit him...

From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

Need context.

Yes, this is what we need in office. Racism is more prevelant among blacks than any other race...you don't hear whites or asians pulling race cards when something doesn't go their way. I'm sick of this shit, stand up for yourself, do what's right and you won't hear shit from me and 99% of the world. Odd's are you won't hear shit from me anyway unless you do something is affects the rest of the world or affects a culture...This race bullshit is one of those things. Obama needs to get out from under his fucking rock where he acts like nothing has changed in the world, it's fucking pathetic

Racism is more prevalent among blacks than any other race? Wow, I don't know if you're just willfully ignorant or you're too afraid of the truth-- that racism is a problem today, and people higher up on the racial hierarchy are befitting from racism-- subtle or blatant, "color-blind" or other, traditional or reverse.


Cut me some slack project, I've been at work all day, kinda hard to jump on his case when I'm not around =P

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