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SGDQ 2016

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Be sure to look out for language specific re-streams.

Install http://frankerfacez.com/ to add a 'Follow Current Runner' button to the Twitch stream!

What is it?
A bunch of people playing awesome games as quickly as possible for seven days straight, and it's all live!

When are they playing my favorite game?
The schedule is updated every 5 minutes. Check it often!


Where can I watch a run I missed?

Someone in the subreddit will compile some VoD timestamps and a few youtube channels will too, check those first.

Why should I donate?
All the donations go straight to charity! And if that's not a good enough reason there's a bunch of special events
The charity for SGDQ is Doctors Without Borders (http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/)

Also, if you sub to the Games Done Quick twitch channel (http://www.twitch.tv/GamesDoneQuick), 100% of your subscription will go straight to Doctors Without Borders

How do prizes work?
The grand prizes are listed below. If your total donations over the course of the marathon meet the minimum, no matter when you donate, you'll be entered to win any of the grand prizes you qualify for.

How do challenges work?
With any donation, you can pitch it towards one of the 'challenges'. These are things like bonus levels, hardest difficulty runs, one-handed runs, playing through DLC levels, etc.

Full list of challenges to bid on: https://gamesdonequick.com/tracker/bids/sgdq2016

Make sure you're not pitching your money towards a goal that's already met! 

How do I get involved in speedrunning?
It's easy! Find a game you like, and play it. Check Twitch and see if anyone else is playing it, then watch them! Join the SRL IRC server. Stream yourself playing and talk to the people who join. Race on SRL. If you need help figuring out how to stream, ask! Also check out some of these resources:

SDA: http://speeddemosarchive.com/
SRL: http://speedrunslive.com/
Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun
Somewhat leaderboards: http://www.speedrun.com/



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I am impressed that they actually included a Souls game this year even after the heavily contended DS1 WR. but overall I intended on watching 7 of speed runs on the first day. Side note I am sad there is no battle block theater this year because that was fricken hilarious when they had the voice actor on call during that game.

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In all seriousness i am mostly hyped about:

Bastion(that game was amazing,i'm hyped to see another speedrun of it)

Super Meat Boy with dark ending(its always fun watching SMB speedruns,since most of the time,shit goes south really quickly)

Mark Of The Ninja(actually haven't seen a speedrun of this game yet for some reason,excited to see some of the strats they will use and which paths they will take,since many missions have multiple paths)


This year's SGDQ seems like is going to be great!

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fallout 3 speedrun, progamingwithed mentions the girl thats been on the couch like 24/7 is his tranny girlfriend who's been "transitioned" for two years now.


and twitchchat has gone ballistic now. poor mods.


quality gdq




jak and daxter run with bonesaw577 was great. about a thirty minute talk about owen wilson and the cast of Anaconda. the whole two hours is the devolution of a man into insanity, instigated by his couch and the few crowd still awake at 2am. beautiful.

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1 hour ago, TurtleFrenzy said:

jak and daxter run with bonesaw577 was great. about a thirty minute talk about owen wilson and the cast of Anaconda. the whole two hours is the devolution of a man into insanity, instigated by his couch and the few crowd still awake at 2am. beautiful.

bonesaw was great

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bonesaw is a HUGE dweeb as well as patty and leon

darkman didnt even talk during the run i was bummed he's funny as heck


related to the jak run:


vulajin was holding up the whiteboard the whole run apparently lmfao

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