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[Serious] Supernatural and the Unexplained

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Anyone have stories they just can't explain or eerie coincidences? Post them here.


Okay, story time.

So my cousin had bad heart problems from the second he was born. He was in the hospital too many times to count before the age of 7. traveled across the country going to visit many different doctors to take care of his weak heart.

One summer it was looking good for him. So much so that he could even swim with us in the pool. We got a good photo of that day. But later that summer he had to be put into the hospital once again. This was at age 8. He had to travel to the Ronald McDonald House in Saksatoon, Canada. (It's basically a children's hospital with some really talented doctors. My cousin was there with a bunch of other unhealthy kids.

During his stay he was kept in one big room with a drywall divider that didn't reach all the way to the ceiling. So you could kinda hear what was going on on the other side of the wall. My mom and my aunty were with him at this time (so keep in mind this is all hearse from them). They were sitting next to his bed not sure if he was going to make it out of this one. There was legitimate concern from the doctors during this summer.

He had fallen into a deep sleep and had finally just awoken.

He asked his mom, "Where are they taking her?"


"Where are they taking who, Dale?"

"The girl in the other room. I saw a man and a woman take her."

My mom and aunty were confused as to who he as talking about but not even two seconds go by when they can hear a monitor from the other room go beeeeep.

The young girl on the other side of had passed away right then and there, seconds after his vision.

I'm not religious by any means but I suppose you could say I'm a bit of a spiritual individual. I can't explain that type of shit but it is just simply one hell of a coincidence for him to have this vision in his sleep and to wake up and ask that specific question.

Dale didn't make it in the end and passed away on my dad's birthday the next May.

I thought I'd share it with y'all and wonder if any of you have or have heard some crazy experiences similar to that one. It's just an interesting story that i've been fascinated with for a long while ever since his passing.


My mom isn't a religious person really either. But my aunt is now, I think because it just brings her comfort that Dale is in a better place because it can't be easy losing a child. And I don't think she'll ever get over it, but who could.



Before you send your condolences, this thread isn't meant for that. While I appreciate the thought, please only share stories or thoughts on similar experiences in this thread. He passed away a long time ago and I've come to peace with his passing.


I'm fascinated with these types of stories so share them if you have any.


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I dont really believe in ghosts or spirits or anything but I had this really weird incident



So me and one of my boys were chilling in my car and we had picked up 2 cigarettes on a random summer night and pulled up to an empty parking lot in my town to have a quick smoke.


So we pulled into the far left corner of the lot, so imagine there is a tree line to the left of the drivers side and the whole parking lot pretty much and the empty building were to the right of the passenger side.


I was looking to my left and I noticed a weird figure standing in the trees.


It looked like someone in a black hoodie with the hood over his head, hands in his pockets, and was looking down.


My friend was completely looking the other way, to the right, and saw the same exact figure, hands in pockets and all, on the complete other side of the lot.


We saw the same figure at the exact same time, in two completely different places. It actually looked like there was a person standing there and it looked very real.


But it was only for a moment and you could no longer see it, and we floored it the fuck out of there.


Dont really believe in ghost stuff, but that shit had me believing for a good hour. 

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The only "supernatural" thing i've experienced was when I first came to California and I was staying in a hotel. I woke up in the middle of the night to a ghostly black figure at the end of my bed. I felt startled, but not enough to like yell or get up. I was too tired to care I guess? I kinda just closed my eyes and looked up a couple times and it still was there. Eventually I just fell back asleep and it never came back for the rest of the week in that hotel.


I asked some of my family about it and they decided it was sleep paralysis which is this weird waking dream thing that can happen to you. Scientifically from my experience, this would explain a lot of those ghost stories where its "I woke up and there was this figure" or "I was so scared I couldn't move" because from my understanding it's that your body is still entirely asleep as well as you are dreaming, but your mind wakes itself up? So your bodily functions are frozen, but you can see and experience things in the dream you are having in relation to the real world around you.


Ultimately since I had one of these "waking nightmares" and it is a very vivid and real memory over 2 years old, I could see how this could leave an impression on someone and lead them to believing in a supernatural force in their life which follows that whole "if you are looking for it you will always find it" premise. In the same way traumatic experience change people, without an understanding that these sleep paralysis episodes happen all over the world, I could see how one episode could lead to a spiraling belief of your life being taken over my supernatural forces.


tl;dr Sleep paralysis can lead to a unfounded belief and fear of supernatural forces around you


edit: I just remembered my little brother had a similar episode where he had thought he woken up, but didn't, and couldn't breath. He started panicking to where he woke up and started just walking to my parents room screaming bloody murder.

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I've had sleep paralysis once too. Thankfully only once because it was one of my most terrifying experiences/nightmares I've ever had. Except I couldn't see anything or anyone except the Misfits poster I had on my bedroom wall. I couldn't move any part of my body but my eyes and that was the extent I could see around my room. The eerie part came when it felt like there was someone standing to my right but I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to move my head to look but I couldn't. Instead I accepted the fact something may or may not be there and I just went back to sleep.


Later I woke up (or so I thought) and decided to check on my parents and my brother in the other rooms. I'm not sure why I chose to do this, maybe it was because I actually thought someone was in my room earlier.


I open my parents bedroom door and they're both in there sound asleep.


Then I open my brothers door and someone has a knife to his neck and slits his throat in front of me.


Then I finally woke up. What I had just experienced, I thought actually happened in my waking life but thankfully it wasn't. I was honestly in shock and didn't go to sleep for the rest of the night. Woke up at about 3:30 a.m. too and had work at 8:30 a.m.

I will never forget that nightmare haha.


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That's what I find most scary about a sleep paralysis episode is : there is no way to tell the difference between reality and sleep while it is happening.



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35 minutes ago, MisterTurkes said:



That's what I find most scary about a sleep paralysis episode is : there is no way to tell the difference between reality and sleep while it is happening.





I've had one sleep paralysis episode, only thing I remember is that my eyes were open and I was seeing everything but I just couldnt move my body at all and thats what scared the shit out of me. Dont think I hallucinated though. Happened while I was on vacation in Florida.

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The only "super natural" experience i have had idk  if it was a hallucination or something when i was 6-7 years old  i was scared of the Chucky doll so 1  night i was really thirsty so i got up out of bed and i


started walking down the hallway to my kitchen and on my way there to the kitchen i saw the chucky doll with it's knife stitches and all and it was like human size and i started chasing


after me so i ran into my room hid under my blanket and waited 5 mins looked back up he was gone i don't know  what it was a hallucination or what but it scared me shitless and i'm afraid of getting up off my bed at night because of that reason            



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I had two supernatural experience's


1. So it was night time, the time was 9:30 my usual sleeping time during the school year 

i went into my room only knowing my mother is sleeping in the bed because she was sick and she wanted the big ac i had so i had to deal with it 

a few hours had passed ever since i slept in the room

that day i woke up around 12 or 3 am in the night 

i turned to my left to get a more comfortable position as i woke up at that moment ,but only discovering a brownish ghostly figure sitting on my chest next to my wardrobe that appears to be crying

i blinked again and she disappeared


2. it was 8pm during the noon/night on a school day 

my parent's were asleep, my sister wasn't here as she had school

i was playing on the jailbreak server , after that i was done playing jailbreak and started surfing the web

i went up to get a glass of water and i see a shadow on the left from my fish tank that disappear's after the entity encountered me 

for a fact it wasn't my shadow because i got up the same position where i encountered the shadow, and after all my shadow never appeared.


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Lots of sleep paralysis talk in here, I actually did a lot of studying on it back in the day since I was really interested in lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis is closely tied to it. Trav posted a really good pic of what it looks like before and the feeling of dread is really well done; I refuse to look at the pic for more than a few seconds -- that shit is spooky.


The tl;dr of lucid dreaming + my method (WILD) is that you can trick your body into falling asleep while your mind stays awake. The goal, if you're lucky, is to jump right into a dream and have super powers and fun shit and it all feels real to you (you can't tell it's a dream, much like Trav's throat-slicing dream above.) It also means that you're fully aware that your body is entering sleep paralysis. Lots of very weird shit happens between the time your body falls asleep and you enter a dream while awake and here's where my post is relevant to the main topic. Preface: no, I didn't do any drugs or alcohol at the time.


When I tried it, I was lucky in that I didn't get the spooky strange figure on my chest. Lots of people do. I did however feel the pressure on my chest and my heart felt like it was beating like 300 rpm; I panicked for a second but I remembered that I read it might happen and managed to calm down -- I'm pretty sure my experience would've stopped there if I hadn't. During this entire phase, you see a *lot* of stuff behind your closed eyelids. Many transforming shapes and w/e and you're supposed to just let them drift by and I did. I also recall hearing a bunch of bubbles popping, which I read was sorta common, and that was pretty relaxing; I always looked out for the bubbles in future attempts. I forgot to mention that from the beginning of the entire experience, your head is filled with a high pitched buzz, which I later found out to be theta waves (close your eyes with headphones on and this track produces them really easily.) Your body produces these to help with sleep and dreaming among other things, you might remember having your head blasting it after you wake up in the middle of the night to use the toilet. The waves were steadily increasing in volume in my head during the bubbles and it got really loud at a certain point, shit was blaring super loud and I couldn't hear anything else. There was this weird fast paced pulse that came with it and I felt something on my spine move up and down to the base of my head in accordance to it. It was really electric-shocking and uncomfortable, felt like someone was rubbing something up and down my actual spinal cord. At the same time that the pulse started, I felt like my mind literally unhinged itself from my head. If a consciousness was able to expand, this is what it felt like to me; and it expanded a whole lot. The room that housed my mental thoughts turned into a huge house; shit felt fukkin awesome. What didn't feel awesome was whatever feeling I felt on my spinal cord and I actually didn't have the mental fortitude to bear it for more than a few seconds. I wiggled the shit out of the tips of my fingers and toes and slowly woke my body up. This was where my experience stopped and any future attempts never got past the bubbles part as I'd just lay there and nothing would happen.


I think my one regret in this area was that I didn't have the mental capacity to ignore that last part and just continue -- it was probably the last step to getting a lucid dream. Lots of people who have gotten it to work say it's amazing and I was incredibly envious for a time until I didn't really care anymore. You should read up on it and try it out if it interests you. I told my little brother about it and he says he got it to work a few times. There are other ways to achieving one but most require weeks of effort -- dreamlogging, setting up a sleep schedule, etc; I'm way too lazy to do any of that.


Left out the piece about astral projection: Between lucid dreamers and astral projectors, the difference is probably miniscule. I'm fairly certain to achieve both you have to meditate, which I'm pretty sure is what my mind expanding experience above was. What comes after is where the two splits and astral projection honestly spooks the shit out of me after watching Insidious. The idea that I can leave my body brings up the question of what if something else can enter my body after I leave it? Spooky AF.

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once i woke up at like 5 am and had to pee, as i walk by the TV, it switches on. my whole family was sleeping and that shit scared the fuck out of me

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+when i was a kid, i had the same nightmare over and over, pretty much everday. i was standing in an all white room with "no walls", it was just white everywhere. when i turned around, there was on old ass fucking creepy woman in a rocking chair and she was wearing all dark grey clothes, and in the dream i was just screaming out of fear


and one day my dad had an idea, that i should try talking to the lady


next time i had the dream, i said something like "hello who are you" and she looked up at me and just smiled, then i woke up and since that day, i never had that dream again

creepy shit, my dad thought she was my "guardian angel" haha

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8 minutes ago, EL_PATRON said:

+when i was a kid, i had the same nightmare over and over, pretty much everday. i was standing in an all white room with "no walls", it was just white everywhere. when i turned around, there was on old ass fucking creepy woman in a rocking chair and she was wearing all dark grey clothes, and in the dream i was just screaming out of fear


and one day my dad had an idea, that i should try talking to the lady


next time i had the dream, i said something like "hello who are you" and she looked up at me and just smiled, then i woke up and since that day, i never had that dream again

creepy shit, my dad thought she was my "guardian angel" haha



Damn thats some deep shit son.

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Those are some crazy attempts at lucid dreaming. I've never heard of that way of doing it though. But I did hear about trying a couple things like: dream logging (to recognize things that happen in your dreams often), laying on your side trying to look at clocks in your dreams because they wouldn't tell the time, instead just weird numbers or symbols... Also trying to look at your hands in your dreams. No idea why on that last one but I too was too lazy to really try any of them. I wasn't committed enough but having a lucid dream always seemed so cool to me.


I would hope that these tricks could work while I'm dreaming so that I knew I was dreaming and could therefore control the dream and do whatever I wanted. But nothing ever came of it... Until one night where I had been drinking with a friend and two beautiful girls. We ended up drinking with them until like 6am and then I finally walked home. It was quite the walk and I was so damn tired... Not to mention tipsy. I wasn't super drunk because we had stopped drinking for a while but I could still feel the effects. Well I finally got home and without thinking laid on my side and fell asleep with the sunlight coming into my room cause the sun was already up. I kept waking up and falling back asleep just cause it was so bright out. The alcohol seemed to play a part too because since my mouth was parched, I kept waking up and was too lazy to go get some water because I had just walked a long way home haha. So I just continued to fall asleep and wake up and fall asleep again, on and off. On and off. 


I fell back asleep again but this time I was dreaming. In my dream I was in my room but at my desk. My dog was beside me looking up at me, then I blinked and when I blinked, my dog was floating in the room. I blinked again and she was back on the ground. For whatever reason at that point in my head, I knew for a fact I was dreaming. Telekineticly I opened my bedroom window with my mind and I started to float towards it. I flew through the window and flew up above my house and above the city. I took advantage of the fact that I knew I was dreaming so I started to fly over the world and travel to different places. Flying over cities, flying over forests, flying over oceans and flying through the mountains. I finally came back to my literal dream home and the two girls from that night were on the porch. They had iced tea for me and started to strip down naked while taking off my clothes. We started to lay down on the porch and they had their hands all over me. But before I could do anything more in my dream, I woke up once again hahaha. I was pretty choked at myself and thought to myself, "Really mind? You couldn't just let me have that one?" 


It wasn't a long dream but it was short and sweet. I haven't had a lucid dream since but man I won't forget that one either. So clearly vivid that I can still remember every piece of it. 




My friend had a crazy lucid dream that he told me about too. He knew he was dreaming so at a party he started just punching people in the face for fun and running around the city punching people haha. Well the dream just kept going on and on... Eventually he wasn't even certain if he was dreaming anymore. He had tried to wake up so many times that he eventually gave up trying to wake up. But something was always in his head that he was dreaming. In his dream, he made his way up to the top of a skyscraper. Not knowing for certain but confident enough that he was in a dream, he decided to jump. He killed himself in the dream and then woke up. Pretty crazy cause he hadn't even see Inception yet. The movie came out shortly after he told me about that lucid dream.. That was a funny coincidence when we saw that movie. I almost couldn't believe it ha. 



I've never tried astral projections and never had an Out Of Body Experience but they've always interested me. Near death stories fascinate me as well. 


Theres something about this guy that captivates me. He's idiosyncratic,  weird and kinda creepy... no doubt. But the lyrics to the song he made are so profound.. You can tell it clearly changed his life. You might like it:



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40 minutes ago, Travesty said:

Also trying to look at your hands in your dreams. No idea why on that last one but I too was too lazy to really try any of them. I wasn't committed enough but having a lucid dream always seemed so cool to me.

I would hope that these tricks could work while I'm dreaming so that I knew I was dreaming and could therefore control the dream and do whatever I wanted.


The idea behind looking at your hands is to look for finger prints and other small details.

What you are supposed to do is over weeks or months, start to consciously exam your finger when ever you think of it.  This then becomes a sub conscious activity.  When you are dreaming, your dream self will check your finger, notice that it can't see any fine details, and you will 'wake up' inside the dream.


This is supposed to be one method of discovering you are in a dream.


The same idea works with clocks, your brain can not determine what time it should be in a dream, so it displays random symbols where the numbers should be....

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On a separate note. My mother is grossly fascinated with the terrible day time haunting shows for some bizarre reason. Because of this I have had the fortune of watching many episodes of "A Haunting". All of these shows center around an outward force acting upon the people in the story (i.e. poltergeist, possession, restless ghost scenarios), and my dad conversely has this long standing belief that places arn't haunted, but people are, as in humans physically have the willpower to make the world change around them (the whole you can will things into existence).


So my question is this: Do you guys believe that the supernatural is an otherworldly phenomenon that is affecting the real world? Or a creation by human minds therein making the supernatural "exist"?

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On 7/2/2016 at 2:04 AM, MisterTurkes said:

So my question is this: Do you guys believe that the supernatural is an otherworldly phenomenon that is affecting the real world? Or a creation by human minds therein making the supernatural "exist"?


Until any phenomenon can be replicated and proven scientifically, I'll never buy into any sort of supernatural or otherwise otherworldly events. All just stories for children.

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I have had 2 experiences.


The one that had happened first was at my dads friends house. This occurred when I was around the age of 15 and it happened numerous times. My parents were recently divorced and long story short we chose to live with my dad over my mom. Anyway, it always happened at night and it happened in the same room. Weird stuff would happen in the entire house, I think it was from the 1930's-1950's or so and it was a pretty large house generally speaking. It had all of the wooden squeeks that old houses have and it had a very peculiar noise when you went up the stairs onto the second floor. My dog at the time was a german shepherd that never barked and was well trained. What i experienced was different than the rest of my family. My brother and father had their own room and i slept on a pull out bed from a couch with my dog because that bastard was the best thing in the world. One of the nights I awoke to my dog growling and i was confused because he was staring at a corner, he started barking and followed a unmistakable path from the corner to the kitchen door which was all in all about 25-30 feet and literally stayed at the kitchen door attentive for the rest of the night. 


The other one that happened at the house was a few weeks later and it was during my weekend. I was staying up later than usual and it was just me and the dog when I heard something going up the stairs. I was on the first floor and I went over to the stairs to investigate because I was curious if anyone was up or not and I never heard anyone come down the stairs. As I approached the stairs my dog again started to bark at the base of the stairs and stayed at the stairs for the rest of the night.


I eventually told these things to my dad, brother, and dads friend and wanted to wait because I did not want them to think I was fucking crazy. They all have had experiences as well. My dad's friend said he had heard the stairs as well when he was the only one in the house. Also, he said that while he was trying to sleep he opened his eyes in the darkness and saw a little girl sitting on a rocking chair that he had in his room. My brother said he felt like something was watching him as he tried to sleep and he woke up in sleep paralysis. My father in a room upstairs said he felt something twice. One, while he was sleeping he awoke to the sheets being dragged down. Two, he woke up to use the restroom and before he got up he saw a little girl with orange eyes looking at him in a corner.


All in all, sure you may not be able to prove it scientifically, but I believe in the phenomenon. Eventually we found out that there was a death in the house and it just so happened to be a little girl. Never found out if the death was on purpose or through sickness or what have you. My fathers friend ended up getting a priest to bless each room of the house and then "sealed" the house with salt on all exterior edges. He still lives there to this day and has never had another experience.


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I want to share another story as this happened a few minutes ago 

As most of you don't know I'm visiting Mexico and today is my last day here 

I'm going to add a little backstory to this 


So I'm currently at my aunt's home or my sisters childhood's home.there are two building's. one is my grandma's house (my sister lived in that building most of the time) and one is of course my aunt's house , our aunt is called by the name of lulu , she passed away a year and a half ago due to breast cancer, my mother and sister were the only one who attended her funeral 

I never visited my aunt's home after 6 years due to the lack of money we had 

There was this couch in my aunt's home I would constantly sit on 6 years ago 

When you sit on the couch looking straight, there's a door in the middle that goes outside , the kitchen on the left and on the far right a bathroom, outside there is a small window on a slightly right position that leads to the bathroom to allow air in 

Well today,  I went to go visit my aunt's grave,  my aunt's grave is behind a small window door that's hidden by a small Mexican flag colored curtain, her grave is a small rectangle like box that contains her ashes/burned remains in it 

Me and my mother were talking about her and as we left we touched the box for a while to pay our respects for her 

A few minutes ago I was looking at my uncle talking to my dad as my intentions to call him in the first place was to make sure my computer is finished being upgraded. 

I saw the bathroom door open as I saw it on my far right eye and I saw a shadow in there, it disappeared as soon as I have both eyes looking towards the bathroom, after a good 3 seconds of looking at the bathroom it closed a moment later 

After that I was aware it wasn't the bathroom window because I ate food outside a while ago and the wind was coming from the south, the pressure of the wind was soft , nothing too hard and I thought it would be impossible how wind from the south would enter through the small bathroom window that was on the east 

Now I was unsure if that was the wind or it was my aunt's soul being earthbound to her own home, as I believe she was waiting for me to return considering how I heard voices saying my name including how I heard a catlike sound behind my pillow, I checked my bed and there was no cat. 


Sorry if this story seems a bit confusing in advanced. But if you would put it into perspective you could potentially see where I was coming from. I'll see if I could correct my grammar later on today as I am using my phone to type all of this.

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Not really sure  it is a coincidence or just randomly happened. But when I was in 7th grade I tried to kill myself twice. The last time I tried I actually died and was brought back to life. A week later my friend told me his grandfather had passed away the same night I tried to die. Now I walk around thinking I might of killed him by trying to kill myself.



Ps. It was due to a low thyroid and I dont have sucidal thoughts anymore.

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On 7/2/2016 at 0:04 AM, MisterTurkes said:

So my question is this: Do you guys believe that the supernatural is an otherworldly phenomenon that is affecting the real world? Or a creation by human minds therein making the supernatural "exist"?


I don't believe in the supernatural, not have I experienced anything like it. I think it's the mind trying to come up with an explanation where knowledge is lacking, or trying to connect two unrelated events to create some sort of pattern that isn't really there.

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regularly talk to reptilians from other dimensions through the use of mind altering substances and intense lucid dreaming

i cant tell if its the drugs or if I've unlocked one of the secrets of the universe

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It was a dark summer night...

Wind howling...

Moon Shivering...



Me and my friends had a sleepover @ my house,it was like 1AM so we came up with a retarded idea to play some Charlie Charlie.

im guessing you all know what the game "Charlie Charlie" is so we were all sitting at this table,with the "charlie charlie" board in the middle of this table.

We closed all the lights and then played the game,we had a phone capturing everything in the back so we did the command.

"Charlie Charlie are you here"

All of our hands are in the air,making sure nobody touches or messes with the Pencils,nobody was close enough to blow the pencils for them to move.

All of a sudden bro the fucking pencils move and shit,we didnt even expect it to happen.

So we all fucking run for our lives to the other room where the lights were on,while i was running somethin grabbed my ankle but i turned around nothing was there,i was in the back btw cause im the slowest runner.


Pretty shitty story but it's actually true lmfao ill be scared for life from this 1 night this some real shit Ghosts are real bro.


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I occasionally see black silhouettes in my room right after waking up. They're usually either staring over me or standing at the end of the bed and sometimes they run through my door.

I don't actually believe in anything supernatural and they don't scare me at all 'cause I'm aware hypnopompic hallucinations are a thing. I'm sure a lot of people would attribute it to something like that though.

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I wouldn't say I've had any "supernatural" experiences as although I've seen things I can't explain, I don't believe in ghosts etc for various reasons. 


Reading through the posts and Turkes bringing up sleep paralysis and Patron bringing up repetitive dreams I was reminded of some not so pleasant experiences from when I was younger. 



The first experience I ever had as a kid that truly scared me was a reptitive dream that I would have multiple times in a month, not incredibly often but enough to keep it constantly a vivid image should the thought arise. The start of the dream is a bit goofy, you know how you dream and everything around you seems normal until you wake up and realize that there were missing details and wonky features that weren't there? That was how this dream always started out, in my back yard working on an old computer trying to fix it before a big storm rolled in. I would always fall just short and have to go inside, then a time skip happened and I was suddenly in bed awake with the room pitch black with a figure standing over me with a scythe. He was wearing dark robes with a hood pulled over his face, in my mind Death, a grim reaper or something of that sorts. He would bring his scythe down and begin to cut me in half and I would wake up in a state of shock, that felt much like sleep paralysis. 


That went on for about 7 months, when I was 8-9 iirc.



Quite a few years went by without any seriously frightening dreams or events, but after moving into a new house I experienced sleep paralysis. It was very abrupt, suddenly I was awake sitting against my far right bed post in the middle of the night when a faint voice could be heard down the hall. I don't remember the exact words, however it sounded like an older man mumbling about "The Orphanage" and "The Children". He appeared in sight a few moments later, he was so tall that his head was in the ceiling yet I felt as if I could still see his old worn leathery face, he was carrying a lantern in his right hand and wearing a duster. Continuing to mumble, he walked past my room and phased through the wall and I woke up. There was creaking from down the hall and I couldn't move, I just sat there frozen in fear as a dark figure appeared in the hallway looking into my parents room which was adjacent to mine. I then, actually woke up. Still completely immobilized by fear, unable to reach over and turn on my light or scream I just sat there. 


That was, by far, the most terrifying experience I have and maybe will ever experience. It was extremely real to me and at this point if I had another experience like I don't think I would be able to distinguish it from reality. 



The last, and most recent "event" was only a few years ago and was a very short and interesting experience that I consider a lucid dream. The dream started off with me casually sitting on the edge of my bed staring out the window as the sun set with my lamp on and the window open. The sun finished setting and it was almost pitch black outside, the light outside the apartment breezeway flickered on and I saw someone who I assumed was my mother wearing a Green Bay Packers sweatshirt walking towards me. As the figure approached I opened my mouth to say hello and suddenly a twisted, almost demonic face appeared in the window mouth open and screaming. It then seemed to phase through the window coming after me, I quickly jumped back and started to move away at a speed that felt like it was in slow motion. About 3 seconds passed before I realized the full situation, and for some reason it dawned on me that I was in a dream. After realizing it was a dream I decided to push past the fear that was creeping in on me and simply reach out and try and grab this things face. It quickly recoiled and looked shocked and terrified before suddenly sprinting the other direction through my window again and disappeared. I, sadly, didn't get to do anything else in the dream as I quickly woke up, possibly due to shock.



They were all very interesting and in my opinion, even if only slightly, life changing experiences. Though, I don't think I'd repeat any of them if given a chance.

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