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Name: Hunter


Location:Las Vegas

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:18330671 

GameME: http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/887931

Microphone: Yes

Favorite servers: Teamspeak, TTTgo

Have I been a part of a community before?: Yes, I was Janitor Projected out almost a year ago because I was a toxic asshole.

Questions or comments: 

About Myself: I play games and stuff.

Refs: Karma, Pike, Fugner, Eddy, Shikaku, Avery, Howard Dean

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I'm almost offended you didn't ask me for a ref.


First off, make sure you're well versed in reporting abusive players (ex. Mic Spammers, Admins, Hackers etc...)
• Have FIVE referrals from Level 2 Clan members or above.
• Have to have at least 2 week of forum time and 25 posts.
• Have at least 50 hours of playtime on the Syndicate Gamers Servers.
After doing so you will be ready to move on. The first phase of recruitment requires that you be screened by a staff member. In order to do so, you will need to add one of the following and ask them (if available and willing) to screen you.
Please add your "in-game name" and "Preferred Server" in the add friend comment, as to avoid confusion. This is not necessary, but highly, highly appreciated.
Staff List
Failure to complete the screening will result in a denied application. Your screening must be posted by a staff member.Check back often, as updates, comments and suggestions will be made throughout the recruitment process.
Thank you and good luck!

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EDIT: as long as you're not putting up an act and decide to be a prick after a month, cause I know you can be a decent person.

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31 minutes ago, Nau said:

Question 1: If there was a microphone spammer on the server, how would you deal with it? What if you ran into a hacker? Spammer = Mute. Hacker = Demo than report to higher power.
Question 2: What would you tell someone else who shows interest in joining sG? Have a good sense of humor and go to http://joinsg.net
Question 3: Would you consider yourself a mature person? If so, why? Kind of, I play video games to relax and mess around, I sometimes get taken the wrong way.
Question 4: Why is it that you want to join the sG community? How often will you be on the sG servers and forums? I want to join the community after messing up my first chance and being an asshole.
Question 5: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions specified in the recruitment thread? yes
Question 6: Have you ever received disciplinary action from the sG staff? If yes, why? I was a canadate of the Janitor Project, for being a toxic asshole. I have also prior bans for the same thing.
Question 7: Have you ever been a member in sG before or tried to become one? If so, why did you leave/get denied? Refer to the above question
Question 8: In around 5 sentences, tell us what we need to know about you before we let you into our clan. I would like a second chance, I feel as I have changed and made friends with prior members ive been an asshole too and would like a second chance


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You have met the prerequisites to move onto the next step of the recruitment process. This thread will be moved to pending recruits now. Your status will be changed to reflect that of a recruit. During the month long recruit period the whole community will be watching you. Stay active, maintain maturity, post on the forums when possible, and be patient.


Please add "sGr |" (without quotes) to your in-game name. If you are not wearing the tags, your application to join the clan may be denied. Any infractions received in the three week waiting period will directly affect an applicants approval. Feel free to contact any one of us provided we are available. If we aren't, you can send us private message at anytime by clicking on our respective profiles in the staff list and clicking "Send Message."


You are currently in the staff restricted voting period. Following this, you will enter the community voting portion where your peers will vote on your application.


Good luck!


Staff List


Made a 175° from what he used to be. 


Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog [+3]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3:

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Less of an asshole, would JP again.


Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike [+6]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3:

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Yes, He's been a changed man for awhile now.



Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy [+9]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3:

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His jokes are shit tier




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordless [+12]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps [-3]

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Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordless, fontaine [+15]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps [-3]

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Infinity doesn't even describe how many times this guy has "changed". No matter how many times he's changed, he still ends up being being the worst kind of cancer imaginable. He's one of two people I've had muted for more than a month on TeamSpeak.


I already know this application is going to be full blown aids since this application only exists to piss off certain members of the community. While I hope people vote honestly on this application, I already know that this application is going to become two groups of children jerking themselves off while giving the other group the finger.  This is why we can't have nice things.




Also, to give some of you some history, Naufrage was removed from the clan in the past through a Janitor's Project project vote on Staff after being an ass. I do not believe he has the capacity to not be an ass, so I'm voting no.




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine [+15]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic [-6]

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He is the real pheasant phlucker





Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner [+18]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic [-6]

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No. I haven't been around that long but my interactions with him pre-JP were pretty bad.

Other staff have had positive reactions to this app - but I am not someone who quickly forgives or forgets. People rarely do a complete and sincere "180", and Nau really needs to have done a full 180 for me to think he has a place here.




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner [+18]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic, Face [-9]

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Honestly, I enjoy playing games with you for the most part, but I can't justify voting yes at this point. I don't think you were as bad as you once were, but along with this, I've also seen that side come out very easily. On top of that, you continue to complain about very trivial things when they don't go your way, I think you've toned down the trolling, to what could be considered Ted-tier - acceptable, and mildly entertaining, but can quickly cross the line, which is OK typically .. I just don't think right now is the right time.




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner [+18]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic, Face, Moose [-12]

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You never changed. You acted chill and relatively normal, before you were accepted as an sG member, the first time.

I remember we were in a Brofest, over a year ago. Someone suggested we invade a teen Tinychat, and that was fucking weird, by itself. Then, you started seething, when some (literally) gay kid in his underwear called you fat. You got into a serious argument with this random dude for 15-20 minutes, and it was so personal and cringe. You were more triggered than an AK-47.

I remember how you would get into retarded arguments, on the forums. You would make ridiculous, stupid complaint thread topics, just to troll, when you were in the wrong.

I remember how you would act like a fucking annoying lunatic, on TS. I have kept you muted, for months at a time, and every time I unmuted you, I considered scheduling an appointment with my doctor, to see if I had received some sort of brain trauma causing me to lose memory.

You haven't changed; you're just a sociopath.



Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner [+18]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic, Face, Moose, Gerald [-15]

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don't be retard pls




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner, Tristan [+21]
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic, Face, Moose, Gerald [-15]

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everyone knows i don't get on ts3 unless shit is broken.. that being the case, nau is the only person i have ever muted on ts3.. that should say something right there. If that wasn't enough, i briefly read through the chat history of nau and let's be real there is no change. he stopped posting so much which gives the appearance of a decrease in toxicity but he's the same guy.  If you're going to be a dick, be super smart. You can't be average and a dick.. doesn't work. take me for example, i doubt any staff will say i'm nice or pleasant, but im smart so it's ok. You need to find some balance, either tone down the insane asshat or tone up the smart. I'll give you a chance though and abstain for some post count (oh wait fucking driz blocks post count incrementing in here)




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner, Tristan [+21]
Abstain: driz
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic, Face, Moose, Gerald [-15]

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Yes, nau has improved a lot from what he used to be. I hope he doesn't make the same mistake.....




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner, Tristan, Bite [+24]
Abstain: driz
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic, Face, Moose, Gerald [-15]

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Wanna see how this plays out near the end of the month.




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner, Tristan, Bite [+24]
Abstain: driz, Jeff
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic, Face, Moose, Gerald [-15]

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-4 bans in the last year across his main and his alt.





-100 infraction points in the last 14 months, plus 2 week ban because he has a habit of fucking with recruitment applications (something he hasn't been able to do since being JP'd)


-The month prior to his JP removal, he was harassing people in Teamspeak and got salty as fuck when an admin temp banned him.



-Tried to avoid his JP because one of his friends on staff warned him he was being JP'd.  Nau then went on to vote in every recruit thread that month.



-Got JP'd for being generally toxic in this community (god, if only these were still permabans...)



-A month after being JP'd, got salty as fuck when he was CT'd by thorgot in Jailbreak because he didn't repeat his orders and ended up freekilling T's



-Two months ago he got salty about being CT'd again for 10 rounds on JB after multiple warnings.  Again, he raged on the forums about it.



And that's just the random shit I have proof of -- there are other times on Jailbreak where he's trying to stir shit up with admins that didn't warrant a ban, or times on TTT where he'll propkill and get away with it because there are conditions where logs aren't properly recorded.  Not hard to imagine though, given his personality.  Excessively racist in teamspeak, and has tried to get away with it in servers too.  And again, every time someone does call him out on his shit, he rages like it's his fucking job.

Gerald is absolutely right - he hasn't changed a bit, he just knows who to suck up to.  As soon as he's a member again, he'll go right back to fucking with recruitment apps, he'll keep raging when he gets punished or called out on his bullshit, and he'll end up getting JP'd again after another 6-12 months, all while wearing our tags.  He's still a blight on this community, and it boggles the mind how any amount of ball fondling of Eddy's clique could make people forget that.  He absolutely shouldn't be someone that's allowed back in, and even allowing him to wear the Recruit tags is fucking embarrassing.

The sad thing is nau, you might actually get get in.  Not because people like you, or think you've changed, but because some people know how much I don't like you, and they're going to let you represent us just to get a dig in at me.  You've got at least 10 votes or so coming your way from that crowd.

In case it wasn't clear -- Fuck No.




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [SO/VET] + 2:
Yes [Staff/LEG] + 3:  Bulldog, Pike, Eddy, Kordles, fontaine, Fugner, Tristan, Bite [+24]
Abstain: driz, Jeff
No [Community] - 1:
No [SO/VET] - 2:
No [Staff/LEG] - 3: Clamps, Mimic, Face, Moose, Gerald, Junzou [-18]



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