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Attempted Attack on Donald Trump

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20 minutes ago, fontaine said:


Playing devils advocate here... Did the killing of MLK dampen the civil rights movement? Lol.

I think the difference is his assassination essentially helped prove his point whereas if Trump dropped dead from a heart attack or  whatever it would show he wasn't some sort of invincible demi- god sent from heaven like half his supporters seem to view him as.

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41 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

you retards are literally brainwashed by the media to the point where you actually condone assassination

I think like one person said things could potentially be better off if he was assassinated while I said if he just went and killed over it would probably defuse alot of tensions. Don't know why im responding since long ago I realized you're just trolling

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i think you're the one who's trolling for writing my opinions off as trolling because they differ from yours AND literally saying that an assassination would make the world a better place 

the media has conditioned you to believe that if you support trump you are literally supporting hitler




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47 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

i think you're the one who's trolling for writing my opinions off as trolling because they differ from yours AND literally saying that an assassination would make the world a better place 

the media has conditioned you to believe that if you support trump you are literally supporting hitler




The fact i had family that actually went to concentration camps and am a history major with a focus on military history and a political science minor is why I can see Trump is bad news for america and the world.I literally don't even watch mainstream media or view it besides what pops up in my feeds. 

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15 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

i think you're the one who's trolling for writing my opinions off as trolling because they differ from yours AND literally saying that an assassination would make the world a better place 

the media has conditioned you to believe that if you support trump you are literally supporting hitler




That is what media has said some what but the fact of the matter is that both their view points were completely different, Hitler wanted to purify the lands while Trump is doing something else, he is making religion that middle Eastern people practice seem to be a dangerous cult type and anyone who follows could and very well be an extremist while most people who practice religion IMO are not extremist.

The way Trump is able to bring white suppremmsy(xD that spelling)  to be okay is really going to damage racail integration and make it damn near impossible aswell make people view their culutres as the pro dominant way of life.  I jumped the gun abit saying he should be assitnated, he shouldn't be aloud to run because of his hatful speaches and discrimation to religion and race around the world.  His polical rally's are turning into white suppremmsy rally's where people have been rejected by the supporters becuase of there color aswell injured.  Trump is in the middle of paying for someone's legal fees because they hit a protester on the way out(might be false but idk) becuase in past speaches he has condoned such behavior.  The amount of phycological damage he can do to so many people in a short amount of time being president is really scary as he isn't president now and look at what people have said and have done over the past 6 months since he started running..  


Aswell media isn't the one saying he should be killed that was my opinion that I formed on the spot, still think it would be nice reading a news article about his death.  He is apart of the 1% and he does not care about the public.

Next election we might aswell have a Rothwell or Rothschild running for president.

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15 hours ago, Ordinarygamer96 said:

The fact i had family that actually went to concentration camps and am a history major with a focus on military history and a political science minor is why I can see Trump is bad news for america and the world.I literally don't even watch mainstream media or view it besides what pops up in my feeds. 


How does your family being sent to concentration camps influence the way you see Trump?  Or is it just a negative response to some distant injustice you never experienced. 


Based on your knowledge of history and political systems, why do you see Trump as bad news? 



The way Trump is able to bring white suppremmsy(xD that spelling)  to be okay is really going to damage racail integration and make it damn near impossible aswell make people view their culutres as the pro dominant way of life.  I jumped the gun abit saying he should be assitnated, he shouldn't be aloud to run because of his hatful speaches and discrimation to religion and race around the world.  His polical rally's are turning into white suppremmsy rally's where people have been rejected by the supporters becuase of there color aswell injured.  Trump is in the middle of paying for someone's legal fees because they hit a protester on the way out(might be false but idk) becuase in past speaches he has condoned such behavior.  The amount of phycological damage he can do to so many people in a short amount of time being president is really scary as he isn't president now and look at what people have said and have done over the past 6 months since he started running..  


Aswell media isn't the one saying he should be killed that was my opinion that I formed on the spot, still think it would be nice reading a news article about his death.  He is apart of the 1% and he does not care about the public.

I tried reading this, but felt dizzy halfway through,


Anyways, would I be correct in saying that you believe that Trump's views negatively affect the people, and the behavior of his rally attendees are examples of the negative effect? 

And would I be correct in saying that you also believe that Trump shouldn't be allowed to run in the interest of protecting the public and to promote religious and cultural understanding and tolerance ?  

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50 minutes ago, fatb0y said:

Based on your knowledge of history and political systems, why do you see Trump as bad news? 


That's a great question!  Besides the obvious similotries between Hitler and Trump hating a certain quality about a certain group of people. Back in Rome people used to rule and those who ruled where to be living like Kings, while Jews where often perscitued becuase they were Jewish making them pheasants.  This is a unique political set up for Trump and there arnt as many examples as I'd expect there to be, but as far as I know not to much most tryants that ruled where usually born into power or given, while only some elected.

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57 minutes ago, fatb0y said:


How does your family being sent to concentration camps influence the way you see Trump?  Or is it just a negative response to some distant injustice you never experienced. 


Based on your knowledge of history and political systems, why do you see Trump as bad news? 


Because Trump is coming to power the same way past tyrants have. Influences masses of people by providing scapegoats for their problems and shifting the blame from the elite. Im not saying he is Hitler I am  saying he has adopted his methods of attracting attention. This has the effect of ballooning racism in this country. I understand this racism was here but not Trump has given people the ability to outwardly show it in the guise of patriotism. This has the effect of influencing others towards this thinking through crowd hysteria. Trump's experience is running real estate and selling his name to others. He is a part of the corrupt campaign finance system by donating money to candidates in the past.  Trump's policies are based around the idea of creating an US vs Them mentality in America that frankly can not work in a society this connected. He has offered no real practical solutions for dealing with other countries besides "I will be friends with putin" and military power  when history shows the US military using its power against weaker nations simply creates more problems in the long run. We need a president that dosen't throw a hissy fit on twitter because someone hurt his feelings. Trump's idea to deport ten million people ? That would tank the US economy when we no longer have an agricultural center. Ban muslims? How can that do anything but legitimize extremist movements and give them the simple ability to point at america and say "they hate you because you are muslim". 

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Honestly there is no "good" president in this race...in my opinion, the best one is probably trump and obviously that guy in the video disagrees xD

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9 hours ago, n3ro said:

Honestly there is no "good" president in this race...in my opinion, the best one is probably trump and obviously that guy in the video disagrees xD


Best guy is probably trump, he is a pathological liar, with ties to the mafia, won't show his taxes but wants to bring in all companies and force them to pay, is racist, xenophoic, homophobic, sexist, and acts like a child throwing blame on everyone but him. He's definitely the best choice and should be running the strongest country in the world.

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Honestly there is no "good" president in this race...in my opinion, the best one is probably trump and obviously that guy in the video disagrees xD

If you think Trump is the best President out of all the candidates then there's something wrong with you. A toddler would be able to withhold the constitution better than that cunt

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

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