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*Note: Yes I did edit this post, the last one was cringe-worthy to me.


Like I have mentioned in one of Papyrus's topics, I was thinking about some commands in-game.


Here are some that I have been thinking of: 


!warden: Yes I know this is already a command, but what if rather than just giving it to the first person who got it, then allowing other people to spam/bind the command, it creates a queue of people based by join time after the first person types in the command, the warden can not be taken after it is already received by the person on the queue list, unless they pass it. If someone decides to leave the CT side they are removed from the list and the list moves up.

!pass: Creates a dropdown list to choose from to pass on the warden, or it passes on the warden to the next person on the warden queue list.

!mr: A request to an admin, SO, ect. to mute the CT's besides warden for 10 seconds.

!lr: Creates a dropdown menu of lr's, once the T has chosen one, the vote on an admins screen and wardens screen will appear calling for y or n.

!sid @: (Steam ID @) When typing in this command, you type a name of someone in game after the @ symbol, popping up someone's Steam ID.

!repeat: Makes a note on the wardens screen saying, "Please repeat your orders."

!votect: Say if there wasn't an admin online or an SO, and someone was abusing CT, a vote takes place and if 80-90% of the players accept, it CT's that person for X amount of rounds automatically.


(Note to self: stop posting about how to blankity blank blank it jb)

Edited by Shaymin
Created a non-cringeworthy post.

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1 hour ago, Mark from Facebook said:

Im strict and im very notable.


Maybe my red name calls some attention.


but yknow, whatever gets me them posts. 


can confirm. I know this guy. makeing him notable seeing as I don't play jb.

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8 hours ago, Shaymin said:

*Note: Yes I did edit this post, the last one was cringe-worthy to me.


Like I have mentioned in one of Papyrus's topics, I was thinking about some commands in-game.


Here are some that I have been thinking of: 


!warden: Yes I know this is already a command, but what if rather than just giving it to the first person who got it, then allowing other people to spam/bind the command, it creates a queue of people based by join time after the first person types in the command, the warden can not be taken after it is already received by the person on the queue list, unless they pass it. If someone decides to leave the CT side they are removed from the list and the list moves up.

!pass: Creates a dropdown list to choose from to pass on the warden, or it passes on the warden to the next person on the warden queue list.

!mr: A request to an admin, SO, ect. to mute the CT's besides warden for 10 seconds.

!lr: Creates a dropdown menu of lr's, once the T has chosen one, the vote on an admins screen and wardens screen will appear calling for y or n.

!sid @: (Steam ID @) When typing in this command, you type a name of someone in game after the @ symbol, popping up someone's Steam ID.

!repeat: Makes a note on the wardens screen saying, "Please repeat your orders."

!votect: Say if there wasn't an admin online or an SO, and someone was abusing CT, a vote takes place and if 80-90% of the players accept, it CT's that person for X amount of rounds automatically.


(Note to self: stop posting about how to blankity blank blank it jb)

Warden: It's a possibility... obviously it's being talked about in that other thread.

Pass: I don't mind this.. Probably the best suggestion here.

Mr: Probably not.

LR: No. We like to encourage custom LRs. Although a lot of people pick the "common" LRs, it stops people from trying to come up with new interesting things.

SID: No. (type status in console... Not gonna waste time making something that already exists)...

Repeat: Probably not, too many people spam things, and I could see 80% of the Ts just having a "say !repeat" bind, and literally just pushing it every chance they have that they're not playing a game.

VoteCT: Also a possibility.

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There is something here that I'd like for LVL4/SO's+ although he asked about it going the wrong way.


Do we have anything in the works that would mute all cts/players except for the one targeted?


E.g. !mutects Frosty -> would mute all the cts except Frosty, allowing him to give orders.


i mean it's really just one less line to type out, but it would be fairly convenient.

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56 minutes ago, Joscal said:

There is something here that I'd like for LVL4/SO's+ although he asked about it going the wrong way.


Do we have anything in the works that would mute all cts/players except for the one targeted?


E.g. !mutects Frosty -> would mute all the cts except Frosty, allowing him to give orders.


i mean it's really just one less line to type out, but it would be fairly convenient.

This isn't exactly the same, and what you said would be useful, but if you do @!me it targets everybody but you.


I'd say this would be better off as an addition to the ProcessTargetString code, such as making !<name> target everybody but name, but that code is coded in the C++ core of sourcemod so a second command would be easier.

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