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Question about a JB rule.

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I have a question regarding a JB rule. The answer may be in the !rules, so sorry if it is but here I go.


If a ct gives someone a drop command, but the warden says you can keep it do you get to keep it? 


I was killed for not dropping the weapon, when the warden specifically said I could keep it. The killer said that there was a sepcific 'command' the warden has to say. 


So, is there a specific command the warden has to say? 


Thanks :P



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If the Warden told you to keep it then you can keep it.

You were freekilled if the guy killed you after the Warden said you could keep it. The Warden needs to make it clear to his other guards tho. If they are unclear, they will think you are detouring and delaying.

Pro tip (instead of this unnecessary drama) : don't be a pussy, shoot down the guards and go down with a fight.

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How does it work then if a warden tells you to keep THEN someone says drop it...I am going to keep it.


dome the idiot who told you to drop it


that'll teach em

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How does it work then if a warden tells you to keep THEN someone says drop it...I am going to keep it.

Warden rules over every other CT. 


If a CT kills you for failing to comply with his orders even after warden said "You may keep the gun", just slay the dude. Or respawn yourself because JB can be chaotic and he may not have heard warden.

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I agree. Honestly, what's the point of telling the T to keep a gun if 90% of the time the Ts aren't going to play a game that requires a gun. It's like giving a serial killer a gun. Something bad is bound to happen sooner or later. I feel like it's a form of favoritism and even though the Warden generally has more of a say in things, these should be one of those cases where whoever says it first should have the say. Most of the times, a CT tells the T to drop the gun and then the warden realizes it's their butt buddy T with the gun that is ghosting them on TeamSpeak half the time and the T ends up rebelling with that gun. I just feel like it's something dumb and should be changed even though it's something small

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I agree. Honestly, what's the point of telling the T to keep a gun if 90% of the time the Ts aren't going to play a game that requires a gun. It's like giving a serial killer a gun. Something bad is bound to happen sooner or later. I feel like it's a form of favoritism and even though the Warden generally has more of a say in things, these should be one of those cases where whoever says it first should have the say. Most of the times, a CT tells the T to drop the gun and then the warden realizes it's their butt buddy T with the gun that is ghosting them on TeamSpeak half the time and the T ends up rebelling with that gun. I just feel like it's something dumb and should be changed even though it's something small



I agree with you too.


Even though the warden has power of the round, he/she is not allowed to give his t buddy a freeday if he wanted to as it would be classified under favoritism.


If another CT tells the T to drop the gun, the terrorist should always either shoot the gun or pass it between another terrorist, back and forth, until the warden gets royally pissed off and rage quits.

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Only exception is if the gun is empty.


Right but then you should do the latter:



"pass it between another terrorist, back and forth, until the warden gets royally pissed off and rage quits."

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I agree. Honestly, what's the point of telling the T to keep a gun if 90% of the time the Ts aren't going to play a game that requires a gun. It's like giving a serial killer a gun. Something bad is bound to happen sooner or later. I feel like it's a form of favoritism and even though the Warden generally has more of a say in things, these should be one of those cases where whoever says it first should have the say. Most of the times, a CT tells the T to drop the gun and then the warden realizes it's their butt buddy T with the gun that is ghosting them on TeamSpeak half the time and the T ends up rebelling with that gun. I just feel like it's something dumb and should be changed even though it's something small


Depending on the situation it may be a bad idea to tell them to drop it. Some CTs will tell them to drop it whenever they see someone have gun which might not be a good time and you should wait till you can control the situation better. Maybe they are grouped together. Maybe dropping it means dropping it into the path the warden wants them to walk. Maybe dropping it means if you shot it away it will bounce back to a different T. Maybe there is too much going on and the warden wants to know exactly who has the gun and by telling them to drop it it might end up in someone else's hand. This is especially dangerous when trying to move the group as there is a lot of moving parts.

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Warden always has more authority than the other ct's he says drop it you drop it, he says keep it you can, if he says you can keep it but later says drop it i'd drop it lol

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