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Dying Light DLC: The Following

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Wondering if anyone else here plays the game. The new DLC was released last week if you had the season pass, it opens up an entirely new area next to Old Town. (If you stand on embers tower in Old Town and look out to the coast in the opposite of the Bozak stadium, you will see a lighthouse. The new map extends from there to the back side of slums behind the mountain next to Rais' tower) If you like fetch quests, there is no shortage of them here. Lots and lots and lots of stuff to do. The buggy concept is pretty cool, besides the fact that entering and exiting feels clunky. Also, be ready to dodge lard ass exploding zombies and demolishers, but there are plenty of buggy upgrades to help you deal with this. Not going to spoil anything if you haven't played it, but all 3 endings kinda sucked. (1 ending is hidden, and technically you can access it during any part of the DLC) Overall likeable game if you ask me.


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