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Fishy Taco

Update Clouds?

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I dont personally love clouds but the server plays it a lot and it can be fun, but in my opinion when the server decides to play it every 2 maps or something like that It can get pretty repeptitive. Its a good map but I think updating to v5 of the map would be a good thing with new games like surf and new vents.(this version already exists)

(This is just my opinion)

What do you think?

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I personally fuckin hate clouds but the server plays it a lot and it can be fun, but in my opinion when the server decides to play it every 2 maps or something like that It can get pretty repeptitive. Its a shit map and I think you guys should let Clamps remove it from the fucking rotation once and for all so we can play something other than Clouds Dojo Obama and Spy. 


(This is just my opinion)

What do you think?

Thats a great idea! 

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We at least need a surf on every map lol.

(No matter if the map has Surf or not)

Warden: All T's, type in chat what you would like to do today.



Personally I like clouds, but I feel it's one of those maps that's so easy to rebel on. Especially if the warden keeps them in the cell block area for a long time. I would be down for an updated version!

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There is no "new map" to update to. Final5(v5) has not yet been released, and probably wont for a while. 

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I hate clouds because it is Terrorist sided so I hate playing T.

If you or someone else made it even would love to play it!

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If you're going to suggest an update to a map there's a map suggestions area and also remember to link the map. 


P.S. Remove clouds pls

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T sided? You must suck as a ct

It's hard! There's like 24 T's and only 12 CT's! We're out numbered and they have knives!

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