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I usually rent games from GameFly. When I get the game from the mail, I go to my room open up the envelope and see if it has any scratches, markings, or any other damages, and all seems fine. I put the game in my 360 and I get to play the game up to a certain point to where it just freezes. My box doesn't show any signs of overheating of whatsoever, I take the game out and it still looks the same.

Btw, this has only happened with Kane and Lynch and GTAIV. No RRoD.

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possibly a fatal error in the harddrive, maybe a line of code that causes it to go into a coding circle ergo freezing

Might wanna try calling 1800-myxbox

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This happend with my guitar hero 3. It only happend cause of the scratches. How i did to fix it is. Take a tissue spit on it then wipe the disk and clean it off with another tissue.

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Because we all know, they don't have any problems whatsoever, and that you can buy Halo, Bioshock, and Gears of War on PS3 and Wii, good one.

PS3's technical problems are so low, defect rate is like at the max 2%. Bioshock is supposed to come to the PS3 btw, unless Microsoft lets their wallet do the talking again.

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Because we all know, they don't have any problems whatsoever, and that you can buy Halo, Bioshock, and Gears of War on PS3 and Wii, good one.

I never said they don't have any problems, the reason i said that was because the failure rates of the PS3 and Wii are so low compared to the 360 it's like they don't fail at all.

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PS3's technical problems are so low, defect rate is like at the max 2%. Bioshock is supposed to come to the PS3 btw, unless Microsoft lets their wallet do the talking again.

I love it when people say that, what is wrong with Microsoft, what, is it because they lived the american dream, by starting out as a nerdy skinny boy, creating a computer with some friends, start making more money, expanding, managing money, growing into one of the most wealthy companies. Sony is still pretty wealthy, so don't bitch.

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my suggestion, get maybe a cooler for it? Or keep it off of the carpet, away from other objects, on a hard surface, maybe keep horizontal instead of vertical?

I was thinking about getting a cooler, probably might get one off Amazon or Walmart. It's on my bookcase, which has no back or sides, on the bottom shelf, so nothing is really surrounding it and it's upright.

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Usually Dvd's and CD's work fine if they get scratched because the info is under alot of layers and the lasers can read through the scratch. I say maybe dirt/dust on the disk/console. Try cleaning the CD with a eye glasses cloth, or any soft smooth (and clean) rag. Make sure to clean from the center outwards because if you wipe around it it will probally wreck it.

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I love it when people say that, what is wrong with Microsoft, what, is it because they lived the american dream, by starting out as a nerdy skinny boy, creating a computer with some friends, start making more money, expanding, managing money, growing into one of the most wealthy companies. Sony is still pretty wealthy, so don't bitch.

They? It's not plural, not every who works there is rich.

I'm not talking about wealth, I'm talking about how it uses its wealth. It's the EA of console manufacturing.

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It is a problem with the disk, get another one. It happened to me with COD3.

The GTAIV disc was BRAND NEW, I don't see how the game could all of a sudden freeze up.

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They? It's not plural, not every who works there is rich.

I'm not talking about wealth, I'm talking about how it uses its wealth. It's the EA of console manufacturing.

And what is wrong with that? Don't be hating.

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Just buy a Nintendo Wii or a PS3 and you won't have any problems.

Actually, we had to take our PS3 back after a week. It started freezing with every game and the modem stopped working. This is why I hate the current console line up. PC's ftw.

To answer the question, GTAIV has known freezing issues. I haven't heard anything about K&L.

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Guest some fag

Lady, if it keeps freezing at the same spots over and over, then try clearing the cache. This happened to me every time I started to load a certain mission- it would start to go to a loading screen, and then freeze. Go to the system blade, select memory, and then press "Y", "X", "X", "LB", "RB", "X", "X". It will ask if you want to perform maintenance, and choose Yes. This will clear the cache and should solve your problem.

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Lady, if it keeps freezing at the same spots over and over, then try clearing the cache. This happened to me every time I started to load a certain mission- it would start to go to a loading screen, and then freeze. Go to the system blade, select memory, and then press "Y", "X", "X", "LB", "RB", "X", "X". It will ask if you want to perform maintenance, and choose Yes. This will clear the cache and should solve your problem.

Finally a solution, that means the majority of other posts were idiots arguing about consoles some more.

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