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Invalid CT or Not?

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While playing on jb_tower_v7 there were cts going away from team into disco and turning it on. On this map, the disco music drowns out the orders and any other ct command for the most part. I started off by publicly warning the cts to not leave team to do so. Some continued to do it so I slayed those ct's and once again stated my reason. After I slayed 2-3 of them for doing so I publicly announced that I would be ct'ing any ct's that leave team, go into disco, and start turning the music on. They should not be away from team and by turning disco on as a ct they are crippling the ability of others to play the game fairly as some people can't hear and some can. I gradually moved up to ct'ing the ct's for what they were doing and everybody in-game is pissed for me being so 'strict' when I warned them several times. I find it pointless to constantly slay people when that obviously does not get them to stop as I tried it. The only certain way to keep them from doing it is to CT them. Am I right or wrong for doing so? All opinions are welcome.

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Warn ► Slay ► CT


One slay is a big enough warning, so just CT them after the one slay next time. I think you were perfectly fine.

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I thought so as well. There is no reason to slay them 10 times. If they don't understand not to do it after the first slay and me typing out the reason. They should be ct'd. I had 10+ people flaming me because I was "power hungry" and "too strict" for doing so. lol

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If you get in this type of situation, as soon as other people get hostile. start a demo


(to start a demo access console with ~ and then type [record demoname] without the braces.)


The last thing you want is for people to file a complaint against you with no evidence for yourself when you are in the right.


From what you said, you would be completely justified in gagging/muting >  then kicking people that continued to be openly hostile towards you, but I would advise against this unless you are going to record.

(not really advise against, but yea, jb does not cooperate easily)

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i usually just ct the people that do this shit.


Warn whole server that music starters will be CTed -> perma CT

I am very passionate about this issue

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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