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FIFA Corruption

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For those that don't know about Futbol or Soccer in the states. FIFA is the governing body of world soccer and awards the world cup to certain nations and such. Well as of yesterday the USA in the most awesome move this year has arrested a number of top FIFA officials for bribery and corruption charges in Zurich, Switzerland. Has anyone been following this more closely than I have? Is anyone else thrilled to see justice be served to these long time scumbags?


As you may know the 2018 and 2022 World Cups are in Russia and Qatar respectively. Do you guys think this will change the rulings on that considering Qatar is highly suspect to being bribery related?


Opinions and comments please! 

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Not a soccer fan in the slightest, but I follow sports enough to how fucking corrupt that organization is. It's about fucking time they get held accountable for their actions. Rather surprised the president (name escapes me right now) also didn't get clipped. Guess he's just better at getting others to do his dirty work. 


For those who don't watch him, John Oliver did a great fucking segment on Fifa last year. Give it a look.


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Ok, so I have some knowledge about this topic. For the last few years, fans around the world have been calling for changes within FIFA due to the awarding of the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup to Russia and Qatar respectively. Each country bids for the ability to host a world cup. For the 2018 World Cup bidding process, Russia was awarded the Cup despite objections due to their poor performance in building for the Sochi Olympics. Many suspected bribery from Russia to voters within FIFA.

The 2022 World Cup is even more controversial due to Qatar's well documented use of forced/slave labor to build stadiums on schedule for the world cup. They have been bringing immigrants into the country then confiscating their passports. They then force them to help build in 120+ degree weather, which is the usual temperature in Qatar during the day. In the last World Cup(Brazil), FIFA implemented "breaks" which stopped play so both teams could cool off due to the high temperatures. The regular temperature in Qatar is much higher than in Brazil, and along with the slave labor, it became obvious that something corrupt was going on behind the scenes as it would be practically impossible for players to play safely due to the heat.


There's a really well done 30 for 30 E:60 about Qatar and their slave labor for the 2022 Cup, I'll see if I can find it.


Here: http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=11019010

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Not a soccer fan in the slightest, but I follow sports enough to how fucking corrupt that organization is. It's about fucking time they get held accountable for their actions. Rather surprised the president (name escapes me right now) also didn't get clipped. Guess he's just better at getting others to do his dirty work. 


For those who don't watch him, John Oliver did a great fucking segment on Fifa last year. Give it a look.

I loved this segment, Jon Stewart talked about this just earlier this week too




At the start of the episode.

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