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Kos technicality?

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I was on the The vanilla server the other day and someone thought it would be a wonderful idea to to KOS as someone who they knew was a Inno as a joke, this would normally be a slay because someone followed it... One problem the Kos wasn't through typing chat or voice chat they spelt it out using the crowbar on a wall... I didn't Slay anyone but for the future how am I to deal with this I checked the MOTD today and it didn't really mention it...

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Random call outs in any form are grounds for a slay if the person gets killed. I'd say just give them a verbal warning the first time and if the person gets killed give the koser a slay.

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I disagree with TheInternet. IMO decal graffiti, AKA spraying or hitting words into walls, cannot be taken seriously.


If the person truly believed they needed to say that someone was KOS, typing it into chat would be far faster and easier than graffiti on a wall.

Additionally, wall graffiti can only be attributed based on "I saw them doing it". I do not believe you can currently trace that.

I would say slay anyone "who acted upon a wall graffiti message in a way which violated the rules as if the message wasn't even there".


Additionally, we don't kick people for spraying dicks onto walls, even though actualy images of dicks are forbidden in sprays. That's not quite related but perhaps relevant.

Also, I'm no longer an authority on this as I only used to be a TTT SO.

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This I what went back and forth in my head, obviously someone should not take a wall message seriously but you shouldn't to be trying to troll like that

Edited by yellowwhy

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I would say it shouldn't be KOSable but if we're going to warn or slay about it then a line should be added to the motd. "Ignore KOSes written on walls", something like that.

As DarkPredator said, an actual KOS is through chat usually, someone who's being shot at or running from a traitor or something wouldn't take time to spell it out on the wall with a crowbar.

Additionally, if we let wall KOSes be legit KOSes, then people could use it as a way to RDM. Person X writes "KOS Person Y" on the wall, both are inno. Person Y gets killed, but nobody saw who wrote it on the wall. So, Person X just effectively called an rdm kos on Person Y and is now going to get away with it.

If staff agree with me, I am serious about adding something to the motd, this has been a recurring issue lately.

Edited by lotmoshr

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So my understanding is they are legit kos? And you can be slayied for false kos w/ them?

EDIT: perhaps someone can make a final ruling or maybe a public vote?

Edited by yellowwhy

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Frankly, If someone is idiotic enough to follow a KOS from a spray or msg on the wall, it should just be made a warn, slay, then finally ban if they keep it up. The fact that someone even followed a msg on the wall to kill someone (could of been put by a traitor too....) is proof enough that people can't be trusted to use their brain. Also just adding the rule "Use common sense, If it seems wrong, DON'T DO IT" should allow SOs to point at and have something to back up what they're saying.

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