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Detective Nom Noms

Hello poopsocks

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Hey assholes,


Well it is time for me to finally go. Consider this my step-down thread as TTT ADV. It has been a fun and crazy, what is it a year? Two years? My time as a regular during the start up, SO through the thick of it, and ADV for my last leg has been fun.


Why am I stepping down? Well there are two reasons.

1. There are much better people to take my place, Jeff the Flying Shark and Peter Pepperoni to name a few, that will take TTT to where I could definitely not. Also, I lost interest. Hardcore lost interest. It felt more of a chore to hop on than a video game should ever feel for me. I began to not care like I did before. Along with not knowing shit about coding like I tried to learn but never had time to.




2. My life has gotten unusually busy these past few months. I started a new job, moved out of my parents into an apartment with friends. On top of my job I began doing freelance marketing consulting work for a couple of startup businesses in my area and I plan on opening my own business at the start of 2016. My days have been filled with writing, phone calls, emails, and talking to people who I never wanted to or cared to. Oh boy networking. Also, my family. My mother and father have been in and out of the hospital for these past couple of months to due complications from their surgeries. My mother had a botched surgery while my father just seems to be getting sick randomly and feeling better. I know you are probably wondering why I moved out with the condition my family is in. I moved out because I finally got them to a place where they can be alright by themselves health-wise and financially.


I know you didn't need to know about the second reason but I just thought I would be open about why my time these past few weeks have also gone down tremendously. 


All in all, thank you all for at least sticking with me through one last event, one last hoorah as this had been a few months in the making. You're all a bunch of assholes and I mean it in the nicest way. Now get on TTT and put all those little shits in line. Including the not-so-little shits. :)


This doesn't mean I won't be on any games. Just not as much as I used to be. I'll still be around. You can't get rid of me that easy.


Your favorite animal detective/cheese-filled dog,


Detective Nom Noms



NOW Name please play me off with one of those fancy Stepdown thread posts.

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Sorry to see ya step down dude. You've helped out alot at TTT. Go take care of life man. Sorry to hear about your parents illness, hopefully they figure whats going on. I'm sure I'll see ya pop on the servers or brofest. Let us know how your business comes along.

You keep shinning on you beautiful cunt destroyer

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I know me and you have our differences and we might not see Eye to eye in our conversations, 

but I'm sorry to hear about your family issues, I know how that's like having to worry about family (grandma in another country has health complications), 

But I wish you best of luck in your job and in your freelance  side-job, and that your family remains healthy.


Thanks for your service Noms, 


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