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My weight loss progress so far [COMPLETED!]

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Wow! Great job. Its incredibly difficult to change life styles. Especially if you're a big gamer. Gamers are more often than not very sedentary which makes it very hard to change that cycle. Good work on getting fit and being healthy. Hopefully you stick with it.

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I'm down for a fitness thread. being the buff black beefcake that I am.

Someone show this thread to Shadow and get your popcorn ready.

NB4 Shadow says you're doing it wrong...

Seriously, he's going to tell you this.

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I'm down for a fitness thread. being the buff black beefcake that I am.

Someone show this thread to Shadow and get your popcorn ready.

NB4 Shadow says you're doing it wrong...

Seriously, he's going to tell you this.

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I'm down for a fitness thread. being the buff black beefcake that I am.

Someone show this thread to Shadow and get your popcorn ready.

NB4 Shadow says you're doing it wrong...

Seriously, he's going to tell you this.


Chosen are you required to stay fit at all or you just naturally beefcakey

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Very cool man! Glad you put effort into it! I need to start getting on a diet. Just need to get my boneless wings fix and I'll start... Someday

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Chosen are you required to stay fit at all or you just naturally beefcakey

I've always been athletic. I did cross country, wrestling, soccer, swimming, etc. The Army makes people workout and meet a physical standard. I'm not going to tell people what to do with their body. I'm just going to say what works for me and they're welcome to mimic my routine. If it works for them too, cool beans.

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I've always been athletic. I did cross country, wrestling, soccer, swimming, etc. The Army makes people workout and meet a physical standard. I'm not going to tell people what to do with their body. I'm just going to say what works for me and they're welcome to mimic my routine. If it works for them too, cool beans.

I had no idea lol. Respectable approach to avoiding misinformation as well as debate +1

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I'm down for a fitness thread. being the buff black beefcake that I am.

Someone show this thread to Shadow and get your popcorn ready.

NB4 Shadow says you're doing it wrong...

Seriously, he's going to tell you this.

Bruh Chosen... Do you even Lift? Jk pls don't squat me to death.

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Thanks everyone for the praise and words of encouragement!


Here's a before and after picture of my face:




Like I said I plan on shedding 10 more pounds, the fat on my face seems to be the last go go on my body haha 

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Dude good job man!


SO many people i know have tried to loose weight and most (if not all) failed, or they will loose like 2 pounds, say its too slow, the quit.

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Ahhhh that's the encouragement I was talking about. You know how when you were young you used to be mean to your crush, that's the type of relationship we have Rayne

Serious though man, well done. You look like a different person altogether. How are you feeling now, a lot more lively and energetic? 

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Serious though man, well done. You look like a different person altogether. How are you feeling now, a lot more lively and energetic? 


Holy shit I was not expecting that haha. I definitely feel more lively and energetic, I'm all around a happier person and and am way more positive. Self confidence has gone up quite bit too  :D


Thanks man!

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