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B-cock #1

Discussion: CSGO Pro

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I believe most of us play this mod because it has a lot of fun and unique races that really change up how you play the vanilla game. CSGO Pro is pretty much vanilla game, hence the name.


The problem with CSGO Pro is that it is not fun to play in the slightest, it's a race that turns into cheesing to get the most XP. Seriously why else would you play it? It's just a race to get levels and that's it. Most people that have it maxed (I believe) cheesed by shooting a zombie with something like a bizon.


The amount of levels in this race are also absurdly high, yeah, they can go fast since the race only gets XP. But this fucker is a grind, this is the last race I'm working on leveling and for good reason. I have played and maxed every single race besides Soul Spectre (can't play yet) and CSGO Pro, by far this is the worst race to get maxed.


Please lower the total levels at the very least if you don't want to change its mechanics, people can still level it beyond that if they want for the levels. With the XP curve, it just takes forever to level. I found it to be a bit of a grind to level 150 but going another ~100 levels without any notable xp increase (maybe like an extra 500xp/round (assuming you maxed damage taken/received) is just bad when you're ~150 you're required to get ~13k xp per level.


TL;DR please do something to make CSGO pro palatable

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How about this, instead of making the race give xp based on the amount of shots that it. At least give it xp based on damage done so there seems like a better variety in guns. Lets say you are a pro and kill people at most in 2-3 shots, that gives you 2-300 xp. Now, if you get a solid shot 1 a shotgun and don't even kill them that's about 6-800xp. That to me is a big problem, it doesn't encourage better play. Since you get to so high of a level, getting kills gives you 50xp most of the time.


You could also do the same for damage taken, make it based off of total damage taken instead of per shot. Right now, you get a ton of xp standing in the fire, I believe 5 damage for each hit w/o armor and I think 3 with armor. So without armor you can get up to 2k xp by standing in fire. This is following the trend of not playing the best to get the best amount of xp.


Ultimate and ability give pretty lackluster XP as well, absolute best you get 1200xp between the two in a round. This assumes that you survive to the very end of every round and use it as soon as they are up. Realistically you will probably get 200-600xp/round, when your XP to level up is above 10k it really isn't significant.


Spawning xp is just bad.


You probably can tell as of right now, the most XP you get is from taking and receiving damage, this gets you to level 100. The first 100 levels are easy for getting XP in essentially, then you don't get any significant xp gains afterwards. This makes the leveling curve VERY high.


These are just some of my thoughts to make it a little better, I just want it to encourage better play.

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How about this, instead of making the race give xp based on the amount of shots that it. At least give it xp based on damage done so there seems like a better variety in guns. Lets say you are a pro and kill people at most in 2-3 shots, that gives you 2-300 xp. Now, if you get a solid shot 1 a shotgun and don't even kill them that's about 6-800xp. That to me is a big problem, it doesn't encourage better play. Since you get to so high of a level, getting kills gives you 50xp most of the time.


You could also do the same for damage taken, make it based off of total damage taken instead of per shot. Right now, you get a ton of xp standing in the fire, I believe 5 damage for each hit w/o armor and I think 3 with armor. So without armor you can get up to 2k xp by standing in fire. This is following the trend of not playing the best to get the best amount of xp.


Ultimate and ability give pretty lackluster XP as well, absolute best you get 1200xp between the two in a round. This assumes that you survive to the very end of every round and use it as soon as they are up. Realistically you will probably get 200-600xp/round, when your XP to level up is above 10k it really isn't significant.


Spawning xp is just bad.


You probably can tell as of right now, the most XP you get is from taking and receiving damage, this gets you to level 100. The first 100 levels are easy for getting XP in essentially, then you don't get any significant xp gains afterwards. This makes the leveling curve VERY high.


These are just some of my thoughts to make it a little better, I just want it to encourage better play.


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Oh, I think B-cock forgot to mention that the skill description for the ultimate skill is completely different to what it actually does.


I wonder who would write such inaccurate skill descriptions...

Edited by HornyCat

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