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Well played bios...I'm glad that my gay level rose a notch today after watching that.

Junzou, I agree that there are more factors than just hard work, but that doesn't apply to the majority of those impoverished. I think most americans are able bodied, race is becoming a smaller factor, and poverty is more or less a factor of whether or not someone decides to give up.

I'm not saying that there aren't people who just had some bad luck or can't seem to get out of the hole, because there are plenty I'm sure. What I was talking about was those who simply choose to be lazy, and there is a larger number than most imagine, especially where I live

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In all reality, we don't know how good we have it in America. Sure, you may disagree with our government, but does our government kill thousands of people just for disagreeing or saying something wrong? No, and also, I forget the country, but their were people known as the "Disappeard" because they would be reported to the government for saying something, and literally the next morning they would be gone without a trace, forever, and scarier thing, there were no mass graves ever found.

Also, if you compare a poor man in America to other countries, he would be considered more of a middle-high class, so we do have it very good in America, and I'm not saying it's their fault for being poor, but can they not swallow their pride and get a job at McDonalds or anything low paying, sure its low money, but its more than you would have w/o it.

Determination is a virtue, anything is possible.

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Guest Fohacidal
In all reality, we don't know how good we have it in America. Sure, you may disagree with our government, but does our government kill thousands of people just for disagreeing or saying something wrong? No, and also, I forget the country, but their were people known as the "Disappeard" because they would be reported to the government for saying something, and literally the next morning they would be gone without a trace, forever, and scarier thing, there were no mass graves ever found.

Also, if you compare a poor man in America to other countries, he would be considered more of a middle-high class, so we do have it very good in America, and I'm not saying it's their fault for being poor, but can they not swallow their pride and get a job at McDonalds or anything low paying, sure its low money, but its more than you would have w/o it.

Determination is a virtue, anything is possible.

Well said

Oh and race doesnt have much to do with it either, infact minorities have a better chance at getting a good education.

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If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.

If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.

I've heard this debate many times b4. i havent read the whole thread. ( obligated 2 state )

I did notice someone else post a relevant diagram.

But the jews took the muslims lands.

Look at that diagram

look at the way they treat the muslim government.

The fence slices up whats left of palestine.

The jews just take take take there. ( by jews i mean israeli's. Since most are jews. Not being racist )

If someone just took your home. And then accused you of starting shit when u wanted it back. Then you would say fuck em and keep fighting.

Easy for the jews 2 want peace when they have taken all they want and left the dregs 2 the muslims.

So no. atm. Peace is simply not an option until the israeli's stop acting like what they want is so much more important than the muslims and that the muslims are just bitching.

Claim during the 1900s..... Claim from biblical times..... Which holds up better 2 you?

Hey. I'm a christian. My people once ruled israel.... maybe im entitled 2 it? hrm.....

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Guest Fohacidal
If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.

If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.

I've heard this debate many times b4. i havent read the whole thread. ( obligated 2 state )

I did notice someone else post a relevant diagram.

But the jews took the muslims lands.

Look at that diagram

look at the way they treat the muslim government.

The fence slices up whats left of palestine.

The jews just take take take there. ( by jews i mean israeli's. Since most are jews. Not being racist )

If someone just took your home. And then accused you of starting shit when u wanted it back. Then you would say fuck em and keep fighting.

Easy for the jews 2 want peace when they have taken all they want and left the dregs 2 the muslims.

So no. atm. Peace is simply not an option until the israeli's stop acting like what they want is so much more important than the muslims and that the muslims are just bitching.

Claim during the 1900s..... Claim from biblical times..... Which holds up better 2 you?

Hey. I'm a christian. My people once ruled israel.... maybe im entitled 2 it? hrm.....

The british took the land and created Israel for the jews you ball tickler, global politics/religion/land is a lot less childishly simplistic then how you put it.

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And the jews did what..... They took it!... and im speaking more of the wars in the 1950s-60s in which israel took from the palestinians simply because they were muslim. Though the supported the muslims against israel they had no standing army 2 do battle. Not that that has ever stopped israel.

Politics are simple man. Don't attempt 2 over complicate them 2 make yourself feel ever so clever. There are an infinite number of arguements. None is 100%.

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Guest Fohacidal
Politics are simple man. Don't attempt 2 over complicate them 2 make yourself feel ever so clever. There are an infinite number of arguements. None is 100%.

Nice comeback, you really won some respect points there

[/obvious sarcasm]

But what the FUCK are you talking about, BOTH in the 1950s and 1960s Egypt, and then SYRIA both instigated fights with the Israelies and UN. Not only did Egypt try and nationalize the Suez canal, they prohibited Israeli ships from passing other canals and even went as far as to amass troops down the Sinai twice during 1956 and 1963 (im estimating) Syria was kind of doing the same thing by using the golan heights to take out civilian targets.

Not only that but during the 6 day war Israel was attacked by a super coalition of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia (I might be missing more) and they still won. Regardless of all the anti-air power Egypt toted going into the war the Israeli air force still played a major role.

Go read your history books

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A) Way 2 use wikipedia.

B ) HOW IS THAT AT ALL RELEVANT 2 PALESTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C) i dont bother with books. Its called the interwebs. You should try it. Tis great.

D) not hard 2 win a war with american tech. never is. specially when u have no reservations.

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Guest Fohacidal
A) Way 2 use wikipedia.

B ) HOW IS THAT AT ALL RELEVANT 2 PALESTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C) i dont bother with books. Its called the interwebs. You should try it. Tis great.

D) not hard 2 win a war with american tech. never is. specially when u have no reservations.

Nobody else see the irony in this?

And no I didnt use wikipedia, its called AP European History, you learn a lot of things when you go to school. And I wont delve into Palestine because we are talking about Israel and jews, im not going off topic for w/e reason you want.

Oh and im pretty sure a lot of the stuff the Arab coalition got was prime Russian equipment, very much up to par with w/e the American and british contributed

*sorry for the long wait, I thought I posted and switched tabbed and came back and saw this window still open*

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Nobody else see the irony in this?

And no I didnt use wikipedia, its called AP European History, you learn a lot of things when you go to school. And I wont delve into Palestine because we are talking about Israel and jews, im not going off topic for w/e reason you want.

Oh and im pretty sure a lot of the stuff the Arab coalition got was prime Russian equipment, very much up to par with w/e the American and british contributed

*sorry for the long wait, I thought I posted and switched tabbed and came back and saw this window still open*

First, I see no irony in his statement-- I do however see ignorance in assuming wikipedia is the only reliable source on the internet.

Second, no offense, but a freaking HIGH SCHOOL European history class isn't going to give you a solid education on any particular region, enough to speak with authority anyway-- it's probably the broadest type of survey course you can get (You know what a survey course is, right?). Also, we're on the topic of Israel, Palestine, Jews, Muslims and Arabs... did you just join the conversation?

And yeah, you're right about them being supplied with Russian equipment, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that a coalition can't use equipment nearly as effectively as one army that has been running operations as a unit for the previous two decades.

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Nice comeback, you really won some respect points there

[/obvious sarcasm]

But what the FUCK are you talking about, BOTH in the 1950s and 1960s Egypt, and then SYRIA both instigated fights with the Israelies and UN. Not only did Egypt try and nationalize the Suez canal, they prohibited Israeli ships from passing other canals and even went as far as to amass troops down the Sinai twice during 1956 and 1963 (im estimating) Syria was kind of doing the same thing by using the golan heights to take out civilian targets.

Not only that but during the 6 day war Israel was attacked by a super coalition of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia (I might be missing more) and they still won. Regardless of all the anti-air power Egypt toted going into the war the Israeli air force still played a major role.

Go read your history books

Trying to claim something in their own country, what a stupid idea.

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Hard work always pays off. It is definitely true. The thing is this. What about the soldiers and Marines who have been fighting in this war? Not to bitch, but what have I received from being a Marine and serving my country? I got a steady paycheck, place to live and 3 squares. In exchange, I get to have nightmares and be traumatized for the rest of my life. When I got home, I thought that the response would be different. but it wasn't. While I was greeted as somewhat of a hero, the people that I thought would be there for me when I got home, weren't. All my friends have pretty much forgotten about me because I was gone for so long. So now my existence largely depends on my family. I have nothing else to show for it but a lifetime of bad memories and missing friends that are gone now. While it did help me get an education, the trade-off was very high. So I say this, Foh, your father must've been in the military during the bread basket in the 80's. People in this country marginalize everything about this war, it seems like people don't know and don't even care.

As long as the Jewish state exists, Muslims will never accept or recognize it's existence. Just like people are willing to die for their country, other people are willing to die for their religion. Religion in general has been the single most divisive thing in human existence, ever.

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That sucks bios, especially the fact that your "friends" basically gave up on you. I have a few friends who I know I can count on, who are there every time I need something...It would suck to lose those friends

About the muslims never accepting the jewish religion, true. Religion has good intentions, but yeah, it does cause alot of problems, especially in the middle east and countries where understanding isn't taught so much.

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That sucks bios, especially the fact that your "friends" basically gave up on you. I have a few friends who I know I can count on, who are there every time I need something...It would suck to lose those friends

About the muslims never accepting the jewish religion, true. Religion has good intentions, but yeah, it does cause alot of problems, especially in the middle east and countries where understanding isn't taught so much.

Don't get me wrong, I do have the few friends whom I still am close to, but most are just gone.

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I've always thought of Religion as moral standpoint to live your life, not to base your entire life around it. Of course Religion has good intentions, but so did Communism. It's when people really start taking Religion to heart is when the trouble stirs.

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Guest Fohacidal
but so did Communism

Actually you mean Marxism, or even closer to communism you might have meant socialism. The fact of the matter is communism with a big C never had good intentions...

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Actually you mean Marxism, or even closer to communism you might have meant socialism. The fact of the matter is communism with a big C never had good intentions...

Maybe that's what Oreo meant to say, not everythign has to be argued.

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Guest Fohacidal
Seriously, arguing semantics.




and Communism are not exactly the same thing, you should know that.

Just like how liberalism and Liberalism arent the same thing

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