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I Am a Ukrainian

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Maybe touching was the wrong word. Moving is what I was looking for. Im afraid not enough people are aware this is going on and how bad its getting. The situation reminds me of the one in Syria. Not in the sense of a full scale civil war but in the sense that its political repression that the west isn't doing enough to prevent. Any government that's so blatantly killing its own citizens in the streets loses its legitimacy and even though some of the protestors are idiots to who are escalating it the government really hasn't given them much of a choice. Im hopeful the government steps down and Russia backs down but I really don't think the US and EU can sit back and watch this happen. Sanctions really aren't enough at this point.

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my dads going batshit insane about this jesus christ he went to a fucking protest in downtown toronto i swear hes about to jump on a plane to kiev and start protesting there

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my dads going batshit insane about this jesus christ he went to a fucking protest in downtown toronto i swear hes about to jump on a plane to kiev and start protesting there


I'd advise him against that!


Lopez that's crazy, their riot shields don't look very high quality... 

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I actually had a girlfriend that was from there and Ukraine Has been a bad place for so long I dk why now it's getting attention ! Bad bad world over there! I so miss her tho! I hope she ok! my Yulea :(



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It's been gathering attention for a while. Just the major news corporation usually have to check and double check what's going before they broadcast. Still sad to see this is happening. Not a good time over there, and when you think they just about sort it out/got the message across, they pull a 180 and back into the shit again.

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I actually had a girlfriend that was from there and Ukraine Has been a bad place for so long I dk why now it's getting attention ! Bad bad world over there! I so miss her tho! I hope she ok! my Yulea :(





Pics or it didn't happen. 

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