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Dealing with Heroin Addiction

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assuming this thread isn't one big joke unlike your app:


be there for him and support him. you can't push him or force him to do anything. he has to be willing to get better and he needs to want to get better and to kick junk otherwise how else would he? if he doesn't want to kick the habit he'll go back to it no matter what. don't enable him for his addiction. you can eventually try suggesting methadone to him. 


addiction is not something easy to deal with for anyone and it's very likely in he'll relapse or become addicted to something else in the future. not necessarily another drug, but if he does get off junk, often times addicts will find something new to replace their habit whether it be exercise, video games, writing or what have you.  heroin addicts USUALLY use it just to cope with other problems in their life they can't normally deal with. it's an excellent coping drug because it's an opiate and it's so powerful. it just makes their problems seem to fade away while they fade out on it. most importantly be there for your friend and let him know that he has you as support. 


you can also find support forums online to talk to people who are in a similar situation as yourself or find somewhere than you can talk to recovering addicts or former addicts.

Edited by Professional Ass Eater

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Fucking sG...


Anyways, if he doesn't want help or doesn't think he has a problem there is nothing you can do. If he wants help then be there to provide support and resources. I just sent home a cough syrup addict from Afghanistan. He didn't think it was a problem either. Tell him you don't think its cool and I can't chill with him while he's using. Once he stops, you'll be there...

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i hope someone has screenshots of that night

I thought he was fucking around when he did it, then I realized he wasn't. Awkward.

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