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Hey guys, I'm Blublub.

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For those who may have seen my original introduction post made well over a year ago, this is just a more proper introduction. My original one was written by Prok n Chiri and was purely a joke, so don't take that one seriously at all.


Anyway, I'm Blublub. I play on the bhop server and have for a few years now. I don't really play any games other than CSS (bhop4lyf) unless you count the random MMORPG a friend of mine may make me play here and there. You'll generally never see me with the same name as I always change it depending on what happens in the server. My current name on steam is Epileptic Warning because of the way I move my mouse when I bhop. It caused a person to say "You should come with an epilepsy warning." The main way to identify me with all of my name changes is to just listen to voices. I generally have the lowest voice out of everyone on the server. I also pretty much take the part as the guy on the server who teaches others how to bhop better, whether it be tips, how to get started, etc. If anyone here is interested in playing bhop, join the server and see if I'm there. If I'm on I'll gladly help out or give tips. And the server just got a new timer about 8-10 months ago I believe it was. If you played prior to then, it would probably be worth it to drop by and see what's new.


That's pretty much all I can think of to put in here for now, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask / comment on anything. Enjoy the mini wall of text.


TL;DR: I'm Blublub, I bhop. I can help people get better at bhop.

Edited by Blublub

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Thanks @ everyone who has posted so far.


No longer the woodland pedophile I see...


Sup, again, again.

I'm now a woodland lumberjack. I resigned the pedophile joke a while back.


But yeah, heya. Stop by the bhop some time man, haven't seen you in a while.

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