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Still up with a crappy population.


This thread has been an amazing read, don't think I've ever given out so many + and - rep's in one thread before!


Morale of the story, from what I can see.


Demon needs to grow a pair and stop team stacking, whilst jumping off this humongous high horse he's sitting on. 


Everybody against Demo are spot on with everything they're saying... The amount of times sG/UV have tried to branch out into other games, like TF2, BF3 and now BF4...They never work, stick to our strengths and our main user base, which is counter strike. There aren't nearly enough players to constantly support other games as everybody is focusing on WCS or ZE...


Shit, even JB is suffering now and that used to be full all the time as one of the most popular mod's in the game.


I understand we get plenty of donations to keep server maintenance and expansion going, but it needs to start being put into guarantee's instead of hopefuls. 




Inb4 'You don't even play BF4' NO I DON'T ITS WANK. 


This thread was a GIANT cringe fest for me reading it today and seeing what I actually said. P.S. I don't know where he got team stacking from but I've never done that  :mellow:

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This thread was a GIANT cringe fest for me reading it today and seeing what I actually said. P.S. I don't know where he got team stacking from but I've never done that  :mellow:


Haha trust me buddy, the happens. I was browsing through my posts from 2007 and I actually can't believe what I'm reading.


I was a dirty little admin abooser with a foul mouth. 

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