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It could be a good movie, but its probably going to be really really crappy. The thing that looks retarded to me is that the only people who survived are apparently thug cannibals, where did all the decent, un-tattooed people go? Looks like a combination of I Am Legend and Waterworld.

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It could be a good movie, but its probably going to be really really crappy. The thing that looks retarded to me is that the only people who survived are apparently thug cannibals, where did all the decent, un-tattooed people go? Looks like a combination of I Am Legend and Waterworld.

Well, obviously, the tattoos helped them survive for some reason and they ate all the other ppl!

I'm gonna shit myself if that's true.

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I think it looks funny.

Thats very sad because as we know its not supposed to be a comedy. Just by the previews I see on T.V., you can tell the whole movie is going to have a billion cliché's in it.

Seriously, don't waste your money and go to the theater to watch this. If your going to waste your time, you may as well download it.

Oh. and PLEASE do not compare this garbage with the 28 Days Later series.

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Guest Fohacidal

Im a sucker for post-apocalyptic movies, I will probably see it, but I hate how everything has to have some sort of sex appeal, why cant we just have some anonymous masked hero a la DOOM or maybe even HALO 1 who just kicks ass and helps progress the plot, I dont want a closeup on some chicks ass every 15 minutes, I just want KILLING uiAhsasdgG

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Wow, don't freak ou mayo, just because I like to try and see new things doesn't mean anything, I said the plot seemed liek the 28 series, as the outbreak, and I love them, personally I like movies that aren't that realistic, hell If I wanted to see realism I would go outside.

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Guest some fag

Has kind of a Mad Max look to it. Might be pretty good.

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Thats very sad because as we know its not supposed to be a comedy. Just by the previews I see on T.V., you can tell the whole movie is going to have a billion cliché's in it.

Seriously, don't waste your money and go to the theater to watch this. If your going to waste your time, you may as well download it.

Oh. and PLEASE do not compare this garbage with the 28 Days Later series.

I pretty mych never waste my time/money at the theater unless it is in pursuit of some poontang. Why would I want to spend $10 to watch a movie that I can't pause in a place where I can't bring my bong?

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Guest Fohacidal
Simple case of good plot, bad movie.


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lol I just finished watching it... The begining was pretty good... only because all the voilent and killing :D (like zombie mod server). anyways it gets boring somewhat near the middle, but then it somewhat gets good again near the end. But this is just my opinion =P you may like it so yeah.

28 days later dealth with like zombies... Doomsday are like punk people.. people who have been isolated from the non-infected people. And these "punk" people that have been isolated arn't even zombies they are like punk style people. They have no life and etc etc. Really cheezy.

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lol I just finished watching it... The begining was pretty good... only because all the voilent and killing :D (like zombie mod server). anyways it gets boring somewhat near the middle(like zombie mod), but then it somewhat gets good again near the end. But this is just my opinion =P you may like it so yeah.

28 days later dealth with like zombies... Doomsday are like punk people.. people who have been isolated from the non-infected people. And these "punk" people that have been isolated arn't even zombies they are like punk style people. They have no life and etc etc. Really cheezy.


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I just got back from seeing it, and actually it was pretty good. Sort of like a cross between Beyond Thunder Dome, and Escape from New York. My only complaints were some pretty noticable plot holes and it looked as if it had been edited by a twelve year old with ADD. Other than that if you want to have some fun and see a good homage to post-apocolyptic B movies I recomend it.

Thats very sad because as we know its not supposed to be a comedy. Just by the previews I see on T.V., you can tell the whole movie is going to have a billion cliché's in it.

Actually the movie dosen't take itself seriously and there are some very funny parts in it. Check it out, I think you'd be suprised.

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Guest Fohacidal
Haha, everyone that saw it thought it was ok, but I thought the 28 series were good, but I almost hated the first, just seems like not enough guns, too much gore, the 2nd was gay cause doyle died, I was ticked.

Apart from the original Dawn of the Dead, the 28 Later series are the best zombie movies ever to get to hollywood.

Oh, does anyone else know of any (preferably non zombie) post apocalyptic movies that have come out recently? I am Legend doesnt count...

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Apart from the original Dawn of the Dead, the 28 Later series are the best zombie movies ever to get to hollywood.

Oh, does anyone else know of any (preferably non zombie) post apocalyptic movies that have come out recently? I am Legend doesnt count...

How recent?

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10 years about

Ok I'll give you some that are roughly in this time, with a brief review.

Escape from L.A.- Not as good as New York, but it's always good to see our favorite badass kicking the shit out of post-apocolyptic crazies again.

Children of Men- Great movie. Watch it if you haven't already

Land of the Dead- Wasn't as good as Romeros others, imo Day was better because of the physical effects.

Twelve Monkeys- Great movie, check it out.

Evangelion Series- I'm not big on anime, however I really enjoyed the series. If you have time I would definetly recomend giving it a watch.

I'll let you know if I can think of anymore.

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