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The MOTD has been updated

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12. Baiting

a. Baiting will result in punishment.

b. If a T kills a CT that is baiting, that T may NOT be killed. If he is killed, it is considered freekilling.

c. General baiting includes but is not limited to:

     i. Going into a Terrorists cell (when the Ts are still in front of their cells).

     ii. CT's purposely going within knifing range.

d. Verbal/Textual baiting includes:

     i. Saying words that are very similar to another word in a game in order to get Ts killed. (example: saying 'semen' instead of 'simon' or 'bo' instead of 'go')

     ii. Interrupting trivia or asking/answering questions when you are not the warden (or the person designated by the warden) may result in punishment.


So if a ct is in the way of Ts but they do not do it purposely, like if they are afk for a second and warden orders Ts to go through them does that mean it is not baiting?






a. Basic LRs are: Gun Toss, Shot for Shot, asking to be killed, knife fights, and solitary/freeday next round for the terrorist with LR. These LRs cannot be denied by the warden.


Does that mean that a freeday is a basic lr? or just a solitary fd?

Edited by _kyle_

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Also, did we add CTS can't be on armory ledges?

It wasn't going to be changed but I talked to Josh and it was, no more ledge camping.

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I think i see an issue 



2b. b. You have five seconds to begin to comply with orders or you may be killed.


3d. Give the terrorists at least three seconds to begin to comply with all orders before killing them.




and revision date is wrong

Edited by cookie eater

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I know it's a bit late, but I think it should be made clear that jumping is or isn't a detour/delay it's beeing abused way too mutch...

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if people are told to run/shift walk/or crouch walk, then jumping is detouring the order,unless it's to jump over an obstacle in your path.

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Seems to have a bit of a formatting issue.





and revision date is wrong

Edited by xmen

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Seems to have a bit of a formatting issue.



Never question Josh's copypasta

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Can somebody please put in a rule where you have to restrict jumping while shift walking to a place? This would help the debate on jumping being considered detouring/delaying. It is such a minimal delay. And this would be the best way to solve it.

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/>Can somebody please put in a rule where you have to restrict jumping while shift walking to a place? This would help the debate on jumping being considered detouring/delaying. It is such a minimal delay. And this would be the best way to solve it.

By already stating in the MOTD that shift walking, crouchwalking, and running are the 3 move commands, Any alteration to these movements would change the name of the movement (ex. Leap frogging/bhopping) most wardens don't enforce it because it isn't an issue. It's mainly in place to stop bhopping.

Edited by Avery

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