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I thought rottweil was fine it's just the ability to buy Lj and 1 hit ppl jumping around qhat made it rediculous :P

I war3imba'd LJ on rott

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Cloak buffed from 30% to 35% invis


Ring reduced from 3100 to 3000 cause 3100 bugs me


Ammo regen rates buffed on resupply to 1/sec for most guns, 2/sec for pistol/shotgun, 3/sec for snipers


Price of Periapt increased slightly


Gloves of warmth now changes back to your previous gun, but it will cancel firing. This is preferable tho.

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Reserve ammo is fixed. If you notice any race not getting the ammo the skills state, please tell me. I likely just need to re-add it to the server.

If you notice your Reserve Ammo resetting to maximum (e.g. shadowlurker has 150, 3 ammo in gun, if you reload you should have 140 reserve ammo. If it resets to 12 this is a problem) when 1) you reload or 2) you buy armor, please tell me.


I also made it so that if you have more than maximum ammo (e.g. Ahmed having 70 ammo in a galil which normally holds 35 ammo) and you attempt to reload, it will cancel the reload.

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Made it so players in noclip take damage and die yesterday. Then I spent 30 minutes thinking of a way to give noclip as a skill that wouldn't be awful and gave up on it. But feel free to add noclip to your race suggestions if you can think of a way to balance the huge knowledge that peering through walls will give you. If you're slowed enough we could teleport you back out of the wall when you hit it, but probably not before you see through it for a fraction of a second. That could be balanced with instantaneous death or blinding for X seconds or something like that.

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Brewmaster needs to be nerfed or at the least reduced to only 1 per team. having 5 against a normal team that barely has 1 gives a massively unfair advantage.

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Brewmaster needs to be nerfed or at the least reduced to only 1 per team. having 5 against a normal team that barely has 1 gives a massively unfair advantage.

Changed to limit of 2. Thanks!

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Brewmaster needs a nerf again, or just an outright restructuring.


It's ult isn't melee range, it's quite far

The bonus damage proc goes through walls onto other teammates

Stagger and ult is fine I suppose, but stagger is passive and a 8 second cooldown on the full removal of damage? Ridiculous. 


As an Infected we were testing versus brewmaster, it was able to pistol me to death as I was right click hitting, that's absurd.

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Brewmaster needs seriously toning down or removing completly, it's 'Stagger' skill is making the race require at least 14 direct shots (not headshots) to take it down and this isn't occasionaly, this is every round. The ultimate has a ridiculous range which literally 1 hit KO's you if it hits.


I like the concept of the race but it's far too OP at the minute, there are four people on the race right now and every one of them is saying it needs nerfing.

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My thoughts are still the same.


Touch of Death damage should cap at like 80, not over 100.

Cleanse cooldown needs to be higher (15, 20?).

Stagger should trigger the damage a little faster.


8 second cooldown on a skill like cleanse is essentially no cooldown. The damage triggers quite slowly (compared to the CD length), and you rarely have less than 8 seconds between gun fights.


It is Dave's race however, so I'm gonna be respecting that until I have enough data to justify nerfing it myself (aka, lots of kills and 2.5 KD or 2.0 leveling KD etc).

I understand it is a "tank", but survivability is king in War3 and the race simply has too much of it to be balanced without buffing everything else on the server.


I also think making Stagger not effect magic damage would be beneficial for balance, as it means claws/white mage/crit etc are a LOT better.

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Touch of Death caps at 98 and has a cooldown if you miss.

Yes, survivability is king. But you can easily take out a brewmaster if you play smart instead of just charging at it. If you get the drop on a brewmaster and start off with even a single headshot, chances are you'll kill them. The ultimate is limited to 300 units at max health. The lower your health, the longer the range, capped at 600 units. I understand that may need to be nerfed and I probably will change that. However, it's meant as a deterrent to keep people from being stupid and charging up to them.

I'll change the stagger tick to 10 damage and increase cleanse cd to 12.

Outside of that I'm not entirely sure much of it HAS to be changed.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk

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Well, i've actually got the drop on one with an sg and found out around 2 headshots and extra damage wont down right kill it. The person will usually respond faster and kill you first. Though its staggered damage to it sometimes will end up letting you kill it long after you die. Found that out with Molecule, as i killed a brewmaster long after i died with my static. They are killable with most races using extra damage, but too many on a team did make it too stacked to win. From what Thorgot said its down to 2 now making them alot easier to handle.

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you can easily take out a brewmaster if you play smart instead of just charging at it. If you get the drop on a brewmaster and start off with even a single headshot, chances are you'll kill them.

There is no way, under any circumstance, that you had any grasp on what playing against high evasion rate, 64tick, RNGfest on the server is like when you coded this race. There will be times where I could sit behind dorks and shoot them 6-7 times only registering 1-2 shots (which I have come to accept as common), add evasion and damage reduction on to that and you have a shitstorm.


I'm glad changes are being made to the race, and thank god for thorgot.

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As someone who has probably played brewmaster the most and understands it more than others, here is my honest opinion.

  • The cleanse ability at 8 second cooldown is what I rely on the most. Essentially the stagger damage ticks so slow, that if you are hit for 180 and have to wait about 6 seconds, you will probably make it and be able to cleanse about 60 dmg. Either change the cleanse cooldown to 25 seconds and make it 100% of damage cleansed -no point in calling it a cleanse when it doesn't even get rid of all damage- or increase the DOT effect of stagger to twice the current rate.
  • Touch of death is fine and ,contrary to what everyone thinks, is not a one hit KO. Many people on the other end of this skill are going to complain about it, that's normal. The viewcone for this skill is extremely small and we like to flip our shit when we get killed by it but forget that it took the dude 12 tries to even land a hit with it. An alternative I would have preferred was a 45 damage version with double the viewcone of what it currently is and an extra 5 second cooldown.
  • I don't believe it's possible, but this race from the start should have received the wizard of the everlasting treatment and began with an initial slow on the race. Any tagging done by guns is neglected. I don't know how doable that would be, maybe speeding up the player when they are hit, but it was my first thought when I maxed this race because everybody knows this shit is a fucking tank.



Brewmaster needs a nerf again, or just an outright restructuring.


It's ult isn't melee range, it's quite far "It's accuracy is quite terrible as well, you have to be dead-on for a hit and if you miss, then there is the cooldown"

The bonus damage proc goes through walls onto other teammates "I believe it's suppose to do that"

Stagger and ult is fine I suppose, but stagger is passive and a 8 second cooldown on the full removal of damage? Ridiculous. "It's not full removal of damage"


As an Infected we were testing versus brewmaster, it was able to pistol me to death as I was right click hitting, that's absurd. "Welcome to war3, where there are races that can kill zombies"

Edited by HornyCat

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I do agree with Cat. Brew does need some skill to use well, its armor and evasion are really what makes it a pain in the ass. Also, a simple priest can easily kill infected with a pistol. Infected is kinda aweful compared to other knife races. Ie fun to use but alot harder to get a kill cause everyone will focus on you.

Any who on the subject of knife races, the savages backstab doesnt seem to get its bonus damage even if it tells you that you get it in chat. Dont know if thats intended or not, but it is slightly annoying if you backstab something with more then 153 hp.

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As someone who has probably played brewmaster the most and understands it more than others, here is my honest opinion.

  • The cleanse ability at 8 second cooldown is what I rely on the most. Essentially the stagger damage ticks so slow, that if you are hit for 180 and have to wait about 6 seconds, you will probably make it and be able to cleanse about 60 dmg. Either change the cleanse cooldown to 25 seconds and make it 100% of damage cleansed -no point in calling it a cleanse when it doesn't even get rid of all damage- or increase the DOT effect of stagger to twice the current rate.
  • Touch of death is fine and ,contrary to what everyone thinks, is not a one hit KO. Many people on the other end of this skill are going to complain about it, that's normal. The viewcone for this skill is extremely small and we like to flip our shit when we get killed by it but forget that it took the dude 12 tries to even land a hit with it. An alternative I would have preferred was a 45 damage version with double the viewcone of what it currently is and an extra 5 second cooldown.
  • I don't believe it's possible, but this race from the start should have received the wizard of the everlasting treatment and began with an initial slow on the race. Any tagging done by guns is neglected. I don't know how doable that would be, maybe speeding up the player when they are hit, but it was my first thought when I maxed this race because everybody knows this shit is a fucking tank.


I have also played Brewmaster quite abit and while i agree its a strong race, its a race that needs to be played properly - although  with that in mind these are some changes id recommend:


Changing the cooldown on Purify from its current to 15 seconds, make it purify all instead of 90%. This one alone will drastically reduce its survivability over the round.


Now i know its hard for people to realize this, but looking at console and damage done and hits is not always just bullets. Stagger damage ticks come  up as a "hit" Now, there are things  that cant be staggered as well - proc'n bonus damage will not be staggered and will go right through it. The "evade" on the race is not a real evade since any  shot it takes, even if it evades, it takes the stagger damage as well and will tick.


Another thing, people keep saying there doing "two headshots" one thing about this race is, if it takes a headshot, whether it  evades it or not it will then double proc the sound of a headshot cause of stagger/etc. So you did not actualy just do two headshots. Just thought id add this here cause people seem to constantly say stuff like this.


Anyways - back to stagger and the change i recommended, i believe this alone should tone it down, but if you want further changes, especially if you bring in the higher purify cooldown - is slightly tone the stagger damage  up slightly. Though with this you need to be careful how high you go when combined with a higher purify cooldown.

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Last night I increased the purifying brew cooldown to 15 seconds and gave it a spawn cooldown. I also made it so you are slowed based on how much damage you have staggered.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk

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  • Ult slow nerfed from 60% to 40%, duration nerfed from 3.0 to 2.5, cooldown increased from 25 to 30.
  • Armor damage absorption increased by ~35% of previous value
  • Bash chance increase by ~20% of previous value
  • Invis increased from 55% to 60%


  • When you stim, you now gain a 30 damage shield. It is retroactive healing (so if you are awped or headshot, you may die with the shield having no effect). If stim ends, the shield is unused and does not "stay active" or add to the next stim.

Other changes already made by skitt while I was busy

  • Now uses a famas and has a base speed of 85%
  • Stim speed is 55% down from 75%
  • Bonus HP reduced from 50 to 30


  • Previously the way the magic damage was coded, it would not "pierce evasion." I recoded it so that you will always deal the 25% magic damage regardless of whether or not the enemy evades.


  • The grenades used to deal 25 damage to anyone in a certain radius. Now, distance is calculated to see how far the player is from the "special grenades" that spawn. If you are right on top of them, you can take up to 75 damage. In my play-testing it seemed like the average was still around 20-30 damage so no real change, just more realistic and less frustrating if you are really far away (or directly between 2 nades and you take 50 dmg even tho you are quite far from each nade).


  • Buffed column skill and AOE damage ever so slightly. Also increased range of ultimate slightly.
  • Added a cooldown on the AOE skill (1 sec) so that it doesn't spam trigger vs an SMG or something like that.


  • Lowered evade from 35% to 30%


  • Fixed a bug where when Dunpeal evaded and reflected some of the damage it had a chance to bash the attacker.

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BOREAS (changes go live on server restart)

  • Ult slow nerfed from 60% to 40%, duration nerfed from 3.0 to 2.5, cooldown increased from 25 to 30.
  • Armor damage absorption increased by ~35% of previous value
  • Bash chance increase by ~20% of previous value
  • Invis increased from 55% to 60%


You made one of my favorite races even better





  • The grenades used to deal 25 damage to anyone in a certain radius. Now, distance is calculated to see how far the player is from the "special grenades" that spawn. If you are right on top of them, you can take up to 75 damage. In my play-testing it seemed like the average was still around 20-30 damage so no real change, just more realistic and less frustrating if you are really far away (or directly between 2 nades and you take 50 dmg even tho you are quite far from each nade).







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  • Buffed column skill and AOE damage ever so slightly. Also increased range of ultimate slightly.
  • Added a cooldown on the AOE skill (1 sec) so that it doesn't spam trigger vs an SMG or something like that.


Does this mean her Expertise is much more useful?

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I saw an issue with Shopkeep. Picking up a M4A1-s has a random chance to turn into a M4A4 on next round or respawn. I had it happen to me 3 times, and every time the M4A4 would have a name with it like CT Persons's M4A4. It also doesnt look like what the persons M4A4 looks like if they have a skin.

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Succubus no longer has long jump. Got broken right after the whole double succubus, unload/reload fiasco.


At 60 skulls gets 75hp. Don't know if that's intended. 1-2%hp per skull isn't reflecting the skull gains if so. 

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