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London "Terrorist" attack

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also @dogs, they did have a gun and were waving it about, its just they decided running the dude over and hacking at him with a meat cleaver was the better way, and while in the UK there is a lot more crimes involving unconventional weapons, you can still get a gun, its just its restricted to hunting rifles and pistols under a certain calibre

Oh, i didnt see it o.O 

Same rules apply here, Rifles that are .22 and shotguns are allowed under licence, but usually only given out to farmers.

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the koran should teach efficiency over honour



these two men took the shit conditions they were born with, said fuck that and managed to make it as citizens in a first world country.

but no they threw this away for 2 coherent sentences on liveleak




oh and a white guy died i guess or something whatever

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Incredibly far from the truth. You probably browse /r/politics on reddit all the time and feel like thats an accurate representation of cops all the time. If anything the cops took way too fucking long to respond and they need to be held accountable for that.

I actually have a distinct dislike for /r/politics seeing as how it is usually filled with a level of bullshit rarely seen elsewhere on the internet. I think my view my just be from an over saturation of bad cop videos on youtube or something.

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the koran should teach efficiency over honour



these two men took the shit conditions they were born with, said fuck that and managed to make it as citizens in a first world country.

but no they threw this away for 2 coherent sentences on liveleak




oh and a white guy died i guess or something whatever

Inb4 any screams that I'm overreacting, I understand where Carl is coming from. I'm a Sunni Muslim and The Quran is the only religious book (in my knowledge) to never have been edited since it's been written. Anyways, these monsters were only recent converts to Islam. They basically attacked and killed an innocent person, using the excuse of Islam as a reason to kill. If I may quote it from memory, in laymans terms, "Any man who kills an innocent, has committed a sin as bad as murdering the whole human race, and shall be punished at such." Meaning, if you kill an innocent person, then you will be punished by God (Allah is Arabic for God, not a different entity) as if you killed all of humanity. It's those extremists who use our religion to reach their goals. They are an embarrassment. Extremist leaders like Bin Laden or Omar are not  to our people's saviors or redeemers. They are/were thugs and bring shame to our culture. My parents are immigrants from Palestine. We now live in Ohio. I've been raised as a Muslim and been taught to be a "Modern Muslim". Basically, following the advice (not commands) from the book, in terms of today. For example, the Quran is criticized for allowing the beating of wives. This is true to the extent of a last resort, after all else fails. In older times, or even in secluded villages overseas, this is also used. My father, his father, and my mother's father have never blatantly hit their wives/daughters for any reason. The media also loves to blur the teachings of the Quran, which leads to much of the confusion or outrageous assumptions non-Muslims (or even non-devout Muslims) have accumulated over the past 50 years. again, inb4 someone starts spewing hate or something, I'm not trying to correct Carl, I just felt like I needed to clarify that those murderers are not the idea or symbol of Islam. Every religion has extremists, yet it's like if a criminal happens to be Muslim, it's made to seem its because his religion commanded him to do it.

TL;DR: These guys are fucktards, contributing to the negative image of Muslims worldwide.

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Inb4 any screams that I'm overreacting, I understand where Carl is coming from. I'm a Sunni Muslim and The Quran is the only religious book (in my knowledge) to never have been edited since it's been written.

TL;DR: These guys are fucktards, contributing to the negative image of Muslims worldwide.

I agree with the fact that people tend to miscontrue the Quran but I have to call bullshit out on that statement. Theres evidence that the Quran has been edited and it would be foolish to think that any religious book, whether it be the bible or the Quran, has not been edited.

Edited by Oreo

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