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Steam games for cheaper than steam is selling them

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well first ill link this


if anyone is interested in any dlc or game from steam add me and ask which games and i can give you a price bit coins are preferred as there are no fees and paypal is next for the time being and until i have sufficient enough rep to make the other person go first I would like to use hoeStomper as a middleman if no one has any objections with that since I already traded him and he didn't scam me we can also use a admin of sg if you would want too if they are up for being a middleman or you can just trust me and get it over with faster but its your choice.


signed [EMP]Shocktrooper

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i keep my methods they are perfectly legal and ok to do to myself or else this wouldn't be beneficial to me.

i buy them with virtual currency and i don't sell at a loss but i don't make much ether i'm cashing out if you are familiar with that term its more of a tf2 thing

and toxygen are you talking about me or the other guy getting the shit end of the stick? I'm giving others deals on steam games that are sold for more

any other questions?

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i keep my methods they are perfectly legal and ok to do to myself or else this wouldn't be beneficial to me.

i buy them with virtual currency and i don't sell at a loss but i don't make much ether i'm cashing out if you are familiar with that term its more of a tf2 thing

and toxygen are you talking about me or the other guy getting the shit end of the stick? I'm giving others deals on steam games that are sold for more

any other questions?

what virtual currency? TF2 keys or Bitcoins?

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p/c? price checks? if that's what you mean then only for unusuals because i get asked so much that its really annoying that's a way to discourage people asking

I wouldn't charge if i wasn't asked a lot it gets really annoying sometimes when im trying to play and I keep getting bothered

Edited by joseph3262

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more specifically tf2 items i.e. hats,misc,weapons i like to keep my keys for getting more items

you're one of those mother fuckers who always adds me on steam to try to get me to give my TF2 items away. I get like a message a week. They must be worth millions or something. I don't even play tf2.

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more specifically tf2 items i.e. hats,misc,weapons i like to keep my keys for getting more items

you're one of those mother fuckers who always adds me on steam to try to get me to give my TF2 items away. I get like a message a week. They must be worth millions or something. I don't even play tf2.

You should cash out on whatever TF2 items you have for games. If you have alot of really old things they could be valuable (i/e earbuds, unusual hats, ect)

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more specifically tf2 items i.e. hats,misc,weapons i like to keep my keys for getting more items

you're one of those mother fuckers who always adds me on steam to try to get me to give my TF2 items away. I get like a message a week. They must be worth millions or something. I don't even play tf2.

You should cash out on whatever TF2 items you have for games. If you have alot of really old things they could be valuable (i/e earbuds, unusual hats, ect)

I may need a broker to give me advice.

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more specifically tf2 items i.e. hats,misc,weapons i like to keep my keys for getting more items

you're one of those mother fuckers who always adds me on steam to try to get me to give my TF2 items away. I get like a message a week. They must be worth millions or something. I don't even play tf2.

You should cash out on whatever TF2 items you have for games. If you have alot of really old things they could be valuable (i/e earbuds, unusual hats, ect)

I may need a broker to give me advice.

I can help you see how much your stuff is worth. Link me to your Backpack (TF2 inventory)

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more specifically tf2 items i.e. hats,misc,weapons i like to keep my keys for getting more items

you're one of those mother fuckers who always adds me on steam to try to get me to give my TF2 items away. I get like a message a week. They must be worth millions or something. I don't even play tf2.

You should cash out on whatever TF2 items you have for games. If you have alot of really old things they could be valuable (i/e earbuds, unusual hats, ect)

I may need a broker to give me advice.

I can help you see how much your stuff is worth. Link me to your Backpack (TF2 inventory)


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Ok, so first off, the vintages there will all go for about a reclaimed metal each. Keys nowadays have inflated to being worth 5-5.33 refined metals each. A refined metal is 3 reclaimed metals, and a reclaimed metal is 3 scrap metals, scrap metals are 2 normal weapons. You have 26 vintage weapons, so that's 26 reclaimed metals possible. that means you can turn it into like 8.66 refined (8 refined metals 2 reclaimed metals) That's about enough to get one key and have metal left over

The vintage camera beard could go for a solid key maybe. The vintage stockbrokers and fosters go pretty cheap though. maybe about 3 ref total from them.

genuine volcano shard and sun on a stick probably go for about 2.33 refined metals each, totaling a possible 5 refined from those 2.

the ellis cap, superfan, and supporter are low tier hats and can go for like a refined each. You could gamble and craft 2 of them for a possible better hat that could sell for a good 3 ref, but that's up to you.

The uncolored essential accessories could go for a whopping 6-7 keys.

The genuine hats could go for like 3 ref each, maybe, depending on how hard they are to sell. Genuine pip boy could be a solid key.

alien swarm parasite and frying pan can be like 1 reclaimed to 2 reclaimed each, and the regular weapons are virtually worthless.

so in total, my rough estimate says 60.33 refined metals

that could get you about 12 keys. In terms of steam games and steam game trading, those 12 keys could get you 4 copies of garrysmod (Gmod sells for about 3 keys) but all game prices differ, you just have to look. Sales wise, you could sell on the steam market for like $2 each and get $24 in your steam wallet, or sell them via paypal for maybe $1.50 totaling $13 paypal. I would go the steam wallet route though.

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more specifically tf2 items i.e. hats,misc,weapons i like to keep my keys for getting more items

you're one of those mother fuckers who always adds me on steam to try to get me to give my TF2 items away. I get like a message a week. They must be worth millions or something. I don't even play tf2.

i thought the same thing until i sold my buds for $80 paypal and my bills hat for $50

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also the 12-13$ is if you do happen to sell everything for keys or metal. if you sell just the items as is it will get you less

Also his Essential Accecories alone can go for 11$. The genuines and vintages if all sold would add up to 17-18$

Edited by Sexy Batman

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more specifically tf2 items i.e. hats,misc,weapons i like to keep my keys for getting more items

you're one of those mother fuckers who always adds me on steam to try to get me to give my TF2 items away. I get like a message a week. They must be worth millions or something. I don't even play tf2.

i thought the same thing until i sold my buds for $80 paypal and my bills hat for $50

That's funny since neither of those items have ever gone for those prices in TF2 history. And someone who is willing to use paypal to pay for items must obviously know their prices.

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