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Guest Fohacidal

Man, I really wish L4D weren't a terrible game.


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It's so awful, haha. When I first played it, I fired my first shot and noticed the like 250ms of shot lag, and was like, loooool. I also loved looking over my shoulder to see an empty hallway, taking two steps, and suddenly having a massive hoard on my nutsack. It was okay to play once in a while, but still a horrible game.

L4D2 is even worse, though. My friends and I played for about 20 minutes after we bought it, then uninstalled. I remember laughing so hard at how abysmal it was. Killing Floor is an infinitely better zombie game.

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Guest Fohacidal

It's so awful, haha. When I first played it, I fired my first shot and noticed the like 250ms of shot lag, and was like, loooool. I also loved looking over my shoulder to see an empty hallway, taking two steps, and suddenly having a massive hoard on my nutsack. It was okay to play once in a while, but still a horrible game.

L4D2 is even worse, though. My friends and I played for about 20 minutes after we bought it, then uninstalled. I remember laughing so hard at how abysmal it was. Killing Floor is an infinitely better zombie game.

Its actually not awful. I cant tell if you are trolling or legitimately serious.

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Guest Fohacidal

haha, I'm 100% serious. Which of those two things I listed aren't true, and how are they not terrible?

Both parts, you are literally full of shit. Just to test I played both L4Ds and compared it to CS GO and the input lag was exactly the same for firing weapons. And then just for kicks I compared it to your number 1 all time played game with 2000+ hours logged (CSS) and it was still the same.

As for the zombies all hordes are announced by either music, boomer bile, or the horde screaming and acting fucking retarded. There has NEVER been an instance in the 1000+ hours I have logged on both games that a horde comes out of nowhere with no announcement whatsoever. Occasionally a tank will spawn without music playing but its usually on laggy servers when horde or boomer music is already running when it spawns.

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ahah, by shot lag I mean the time between when you fire and when a zombie gets hit. You can't possibly tell me there is no hit lag. It's sooooo noticeable. It's better in L4D2, but still not eliminated last I played...which, albeit, wasn't since it was released.

And just because there's an audible signal for when a horde appears, it doesn't make any more sense that it literally comes out of thin air, haha. I shouldn't check a room and find that it's clear, then see 99999 zombies pouring out of it the next second.

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L4D games feel floaty as fuck but they're still enjoyable with a group of 4 friends over Skype. I much prefer Killing Floor personally, but I haven't played it since they've added the stupid pay weapons, and I don't know if I ever will.

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