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Fucking Nirvash: the thread

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So yeah, if you're a regular on TTT you know who Nirvash is, or at least you have seen him from time to time.

My problem with him is that he takes himself way to seriously and loves to suck up to SO's and friends of the SO's

but that's not a problem. I suck SO dick too

My problem, is that he abuses commands (such as gag/mute, slap, and slay)

whether the times he gags me or intox because we talk over him is debatable, but my main problem lies with the way he abuses slap and slay commands like a jackass. Whenever someone is the last T he will slap them for 0 damage, and sometimes, like in this picture, for 1 damage, and constantly.


And later today, he actually slayed the last traitor for being slow, even though the last T had a minute left in time


although this is the only time i've seen him slay like that. he always loves to slap me when i'm alive (especially when i'm the last T)

essentially this thread is here to gather up all the shit he's done (and possibly a demo) so i can file an actual complaint

and before you ask, yes, i mad.

Edited by Siesan

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GJ Siesan, hopefully he will stop now. Although I like Nirvash I don't like people abusing the power they have, especially when it gives me a bad rep.

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I got to admit he kissed my ass all the time I'm on TTT(which is pretty much never) I don't understand why because I don't have SO for that server... in fact I got banned for having SO tags when I joined for the first time. FAGS...

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The only reasons I could see he would slap the person and then slay in the above pictures would be because the traitor was not going after the innos like you're supposed to. Other then for those reasons then this would be abuse.

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He gets really annoying sometimes, he likes to kiss my ass 24/7 too.

im not even Server Officer and he does this. Edited by Dilly Dally

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The only reasons I could see he would slap the person and then slay in the above pictures would be because the traitor was not going after the innos like you're supposed to. Other then for those reasons then this would be abuse.

yeah it's a slay, next round.

if the last T decides to go slow as turtles that's fine, but if they hold up the round until the time ends then i would agree with that slay.

I've seen a last T win it with 50 seconds left and 2 detectives before

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The only reasons I could see he would slap the person and then slay in the above pictures would be because the traitor was not going after the innos like you're supposed to. Other then for those reasons then this would be abuse.

yeah it's a slay, next round.

if the last T decides to go slow as turtles that's fine, but if they hold up the round until the time ends then i would agree with that slay.

I've seen a last T win it with 50 seconds left and 2 detectives before

An admin can slay on the current round so they can stop waiting if the t is camping and not trying to kill anyone. It doesn't have to be the next round. Of course it's admin discretion.

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GJ Siesan, hopefully he will stop now. Although I like Nirvash I don't like people abusing the power they have, especially when it gives me a bad rep.

Who says you don't already have one?

Brownies. Not sure what your deal is with me, but I don't want to argue anymore about this or anything else to be honest, and if you keep bashing me I could really care less.

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Not sure what your deal is with me

You must be retarded of have some sort of memory loss.

Are you talking about when you banned someone before asking them why they killed someone, and then continued to rage and yell in the mic, then when muted by Bulletford you ragequit, cause I didn't want to bring it up or anything because I have no problems with you (that's my point of view on that event, I was dead for half the conversation you and Bulletford had, but when I died you were already muted, unmuted yourself, and then got muted again and you left, not sure if it was rage, or if you had other shit to do). You made a mistake, I called it out, you are an SO, I am a premium admin, our goals are one and the same. Keep the servers fresh, and troll free. I know it's not my "job" to do it, but I would gladly pay 10 dollars a month to be able to keep a server, and a community I love going strong. I want nothing but the best for this community. So who cares dude, just drop it. I am trying to make peace here man. I respect you cause you are an SO, I think you do well most of the time, but people have faults, they make mistakes, sorry for calling you out on it, next time I see an SO break the rules I won't say shit and I will take screenies and post them on the forums. I know I was kinda a dick when it happened but that's cause you always say premium admins are faggots, and using a blanket statement on people, especially when they care, is garbage, for instance if you had said the N word I am sure you would have been banned. If I said that and you said you didn't appreciate it I would have apologized. You didn't say it in harmless fun, you were being maliciously rude and I didn't appreciate it. So, from now on can we just chill out and get along. I am sorry for whatever reasons you hate me for, if I missed something let me know, I will straight up tell you if I am sorry for it or not.


I just want to get along man

Edited by Corbek

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Not sure what your deal is with me

You must be retarded of have some sort of memory loss.

Are you talking about when you banned someone before asking them why they killed someone, and then continued to rage and yell in the mic, then when muted by Bulletford you ragequit, cause I didn't want to bring it up or anything because I have no problems with you (that's my point of view on that event, I was dead for half the conversation you and Bulletford had, but when I died you were already muted, unmuted yourself, and then got muted again and you left, not sure if it was rage, or if you had other shit to do). You made a mistake, I called it out, you are an SO, I am a premium admin, our goals are one and the same. Keep the servers fresh, and troll free. I know it's not my "job" to do it, but I would gladly pay 10 dollars a month to be able to keep a server, and a community I love going strong. I want nothing but the best for this community. So who cares dude, just drop it. I am trying to make peace here man. I respect you cause you are an SO, I think you do well most of the time, but people have faults, they make mistakes, sorry for calling you out on it, next time I see an SO break the rules I won't say shit and I will take screenies and post them on the forums. I know I was kinda a dick when it happened but that's cause you always say premium admins are faggots, and using a blanket statement on people, especially when they care, is garbage, for instance if you had said the N word I am sure you would have been banned. If I said that and you said you didn't appreciate it I would have apologized. You didn't say it in harmless fun, you were being maliciously rude and I didn't appreciate it. So, from now on can we just chill out and get along. I am sorry for whatever reasons you hate me for, if I missed something let me know, I will straight up tell you if I am sorry for it or not.


I just want to get along man

wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text wall of text

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Also has an annoying ass laugh that he always uses his mic for people to hear. Way too much of a hard ass as well, like seriously there are levels where admins do their job too well that it makes it so the game isn't fun to play. And thats what he does.

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I just want to get along man

I'm only posting in response to this because you left out the part where you antagonized me over voice chat, calling yourself a better admin, how my way of administration sucks, etc. Also no when Bullet muted me I proceeded to unmute myself to explain of which none of you were obviously listening to. I asked many other SOs for TTT about the situation and they said I was in the right. I'm not gonna drop this grudge because that's not who I am. You fucked up in my eyes and now you don't get any form of respect from me. There will be no peace here, there never will be and don't even try to mend the wounds because you're dead already.

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I just want to get along man

I'm only posting in response to this because you left out the part where you antagonized me over voice chat, calling yourself a better admin, how my way of administration sucks, etc. Also no when Bullet muted me I proceeded to unmute myself to explain of which none of you were obviously listening to. I asked many other SOs for TTT about the situation and they said I was in the right. I'm not gonna drop this grudge because that's not who I am. You fucked up in my eyes and now you don't get any form of respect from me. There will be no peace here, there never will be and don't even try to mend the wounds because you're dead already.

Oh wow, you are serious. Well, I will just have to leave you alone then, I don't make regrets and I don't get caught up in petty highschool bullshit. However, I will say I did apologize for antagaonizing you. However, I was still upset about the way you said all premium admins are faggots. So brownies, whether you like it or not, I am sorry, I don't want there to be shit between us, I will try not to hold a grudge for this, and I will try not to start shit. Good day sir.

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I just want to get along man

I'm only posting in response to this because you left out the part where you antagonized me over voice chat, calling yourself a better admin, how my way of administration sucks, etc. Also no when Bullet muted me I proceeded to unmute myself to explain of which none of you were obviously listening to. I asked many other SOs for TTT about the situation and they said I was in the right. I'm not gonna drop this grudge because that's not who I am. You fucked up in my eyes and now you don't get any form of respect from me. There will be no peace here, there never will be and don't even try to mend the wounds because you're dead already.

Oh wow, you are serious. Well, I will just have to leave you alone then, I don't make regrets and I don't get caught up in petty highschool bullshit. However, I will say I did apologize for antagaonizing you. However, I was still upset about the way you said all premium admins are faggots. So brownies, whether you like it or not, I am sorry, I don't want there to be shit between us, I will try not to hold a grudge for this, and I will try not to start shit. Good day sir.

When did this turn into highschool?

Edited by SpartanSakaro

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