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[01/01/13] Server Officer Changes

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After weeks of deliberation and discussion amongst the staff regarding what we needed to grow sG in 2013, one of the big topics was we wanted to let more people who wanted to help the ability to. Therefore, using the pool of applicants (and others) who applied to staff recently, we have contacted some of the best of the best and asked them if they wanted to help us out with running our servers as a Server Officer.That being said, we would like to take this time to welcome our new SOs: Icon, Falco, BeauutifulChaos, Mr.Panda, Spell, JBandito, Eddy, DarkPredator, and Roflstomp.

We would also like to thank Papa and Archy for their service in the community.

The new SO roster-


█ sG | DarkPredator [sO]

█ sG | Dyscivist [sO]

█ sG | Falco [sO]

█ sG | jbandito [sO]

█ sG | Jenny [sO]

█ sG | Mr. Panda [sO]

█ sG | Snoop Lion [sO]

█ sG | Spell [sO]

█ sG | thorgot [sO]

█ sG | will.alaska [sO]

█ sG | wind.exe [sO]

█ sG | Youngz [sO]


█ sG | Nate [sO]


█ sG | BeauutifulChaos [sO]

█ sG | Necrophenia [sO]


█ sG | Amp [sO]

█ sG | bulletford [sO]

█ sG | Detective Nom Noms [sO]

█ sG | iAlwaysFail [sO]

█ sG | PolloLoco [sO]

█ sG | Reaper0470 [sO]

█ sG | Roflstomp [sO]

█ sG | will.alaska [sO]


█ sG | Aero [sO]

█ sG | BLiNDBoi [sO]

█ sG | Eddy [sO]

█ sG | Icon [sO]

█ sG | Pantera [sO]

█ sG | skitt [sO]

█ sG | xmen [sO]

Congrats to all and we from sG staff hope you have a happy new year!

sG | Toxygen [MGR]

SO Manager

Edited by Toxygen

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