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airbus should be removed

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This map is annoying as hell, whenever we play it people block the only way out of spawn and people nominate it while we are still playing the map so when voting starts everyone spams airbus again and they do this repeatedly. If the map changes people spam rtv and vote for it again just to piss people off.

in my opinion this map should be removed, at least until it is fixed.

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Small spawn area, small map, yet people specifically vote for it because they know it clears out the server. Remove it

Problem is it doesn't clear the server, people that don't block spawn exit and spam about rtv. Then when we change maps the people that like it spam rtv, to go back... +1 for removing it

Edited by Kit Cat

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what if it was rearmed to spread the spawns about the plane?

Guns are only in the one room, I'd say that would solve the issues, but reduces the use-fullness of the traitor trap doors >:P

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what if it was rearmed to spread the spawns about the plane?

Guns are only in the one room, I'd say that would solve the issues, but reduces the use-fullness of the traitor trap doors > :P

Spawn guns in front of airlocks. Hilarity ensues as everyone gets thrown out as they rush for the guns.

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Not hard to avoid the air traps, just don't get close to them, as for spawn blocking yeah that's a shitty situation but 99% of the time it doesn't even feel like it's intentional. It seems like the doorways are so narrow everyone just starts running into each other and getting stuck... Usually takes 10-20 seconds for people to realize they have to let others go if we are gonna gtfo of spawn, by then 2 turtle bombs and mass RDM is already happening.

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