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New JB minigames

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So I've been playing on the jB server for about 50 hours and its starting to get a bit stale with some of the game choices (math trivia anyone? at least make the answer NOT 4). I was pondering a game that I've never seen played or talked about and wondered if it would be legal, I don't see why it wouldn't be.

Game title: 1v100 kamikaze style, or simply "CT Kamikaze"

Location: Any room or area large enough to avoid a grenade (not necessarily not be hit by one), for instance the 1v100 run in thorgot's map, the kiddie pool in electronic's map, the castle in electronic's map (the minecraft one).

Rules: One Terrorist decides on two CTs to enter the area, CTs drop all weapons and go in at same time, with HE nades primed (pulled back). Ts are free to stab CTs if they choose.

End game: Basically whenever a CT with a primed nade is killed the nade is dropped and detonates. The Ts have to decide a) if they want to risk killing CTs (put a time limit on it) and try to avoid dropped grenades. Two CTs will ensure the possibility of terrorist deaths if you're close enough to both grenades.

I think the 1v100 room in thorgot's map would be best for this, it's plenty big. Isolation/Solitary rooms are far too small and will kill all terrorists. The game would be great for a start of round weed out game with a twist, as it's likely to kill ~50% of the Ts in one bloody mess. This isn't forced killing of the Ts either since they have the option of simply not killing the CTs and waiting out the time limit if they choose.

Comments/Questions/Opinions/Better Tweaks?

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that's basically just 1v100. just play a bit more and u'll see some pretty interesting ways to freekill

Edited by xmen

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