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Evolutionism vs Creationism

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So I saw this story about a creationist textbook for public schools in america.


This nearly made me sick to think that children in public schools these days are being force fed this bullshit.

Had this occured when I was in school, I would have fought it tooth and nail.

What is your stance on the subject?

Also want to say that this is obviously opinion based, so dont go flaming on people whose opinion differs from your own.

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What state was this?

This nearly made me sick to think that children in public schools these days are being force fed this bullshit.

Had this occured when I was in school, I would have fought it tooth and nail.

What is your stance on the subject?

Except it's not being force fed to anyone in any public school anywhere. As for the subject of creationism, it would be incorrect to assume that nothing has changed over time through evolution and that the world itself is only 10000 years old.

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As a Christian, Evolution is what I 'believe' in, doesn't have to be so black or white though. Even then, schools shouldn't teach Creationism as Science, but public schools should still teach about World Religion and belief systems, etc.

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As a Christian, Evolution is what I 'believe' in, doesn't have to be so black or white though. Even then, schools shouldn't teach Creationism as Science, but public schools should still teach about World Religion and belief systems, etc.

in history or philosophy class

History makes sense- there have been a lot of religions that can be taught with when they were 'founded' - Greek, Roman etc etc

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My dad is a strong christian. He's also a PHD physicist working in the field with lasers. He believes in the evolution of species over time. He also believes that God breathed the soul into humans at a certain point, and thats where humans in the bible start off. He looks at a lot of the bible as metaphors.

Some people unify their beliefs by picking and choosing what they believe. If someone chooses to believe in evolution, that doesnt mean they believe exactly what everyone else who believes in evolution believes. And some christians would like to deny, but besides the main tenets of christianity, its very open to intrepretation while remaining true to the basics.

Personally, I'm agnostic. I can't be bothered to make claims to know what we don't know. A lot of ppl, especially atheists, hate agnosticism for some reason. I don't really get it.

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As a Christian, Evolution is what I 'believe' in, doesn't have to be so black or white though. Even then, schools shouldn't teach Creationism as Science, but public schools should still teach about World Religion and belief systems, etc.

in history or philosophy class

History makes sense- there have been a lot of religions that can be taught with when they were 'founded' - Greek, Roman etc etc

I have nothing against the inclusion of religion in a school curriculum. Just like you said, religion is perhaps one of the most influential and dynamic forces in world history. There's no doubt that religion has been the catalyst for many major events and phenomena.

What I am against is the inclusion of pseudoscience, which is precisely what Creationism, or Intelligent Design, is. The most vocal proponents of ID (Michael Behe, William Dembski) have all been thoroughly discredited by the scientific community. Teaching Creationism in a classroom is akin to teaching Eugenics, or teaching that masturbation will cause blindness. The only place for pseudoscience is upon the ash heap of history, nowhere else.

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Honestly, religion should be separated from schools. Institutionalizing beliefs in the educational system is the equivalent of brainwashing in my opinion.

I believe in 3 (theistic evolutionism). I just can't believe that something as diverse and monolithic as the universe could have been created from pure nothing. I'm an agnostic theist. I believe there are deity(ies) out there but I can't (nobody can) be completely certain whether or not there is a specific God responsible for the creation of the universe.

But that's just me; believe whatever you think is plausible.

Edited by Faptastic

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As a Christian, Evolution is what I 'believe' in, doesn't have to be so black or white though. Even then, schools shouldn't teach Creationism as Science, but public schools should still teach about World Religion and belief systems, etc.

in history or philosophy class

History makes sense- there have been a lot of religions that can be taught with when they were 'founded' - Greek, Roman etc etc

I have nothing against the inclusion of religion in a school curriculum. Just like you said, religion is perhaps one of the most influential and dynamic forces in world history. There's no doubt that religion has been the catalyst for many major events and phenomena.

What I am against is the inclusion of pseudoscience, which is precisely what Creationism, or Intelligent Design, is. The most vocal proponents of ID (Michael Behe, William Dembski) have all been thoroughly discredited by the scientific community. Teaching Creationism in a classroom is akin to teaching Eugenics, or teaching that masturbation will cause blindness. The only place for pseudoscience is upon the ash heap of history, nowhere else.

What's pseudoscience? Earth orbiting around the sun was pseudoscience at one point in time, Earth being round was pseudoscience at one point in time.

It doesn't hurt intelligent children to be given all the facts and deciding for themselves what they think is more reasonable. It only hurts dumb ones who are scared of opposing theories.

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