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gameME dilemma for Jailbreak

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As some of you may have noticed, kills are no longer being recorded in stats (gameME) for Jailbreak. This is because a recent CSGO update changed the way kills are recorded in the server log. In the past, we have just kept gameME for JB as "CS:S" so that it thinks its still a CS:S server, and it has worked. We did this because changing gamemodes requires a stat reset. But now, stats are no longer really working correctly so it may be time to switch them over to CS:GO.

I contacted gameME support and asked them if there was anyway they could convert the databases, but they said it was unlikely because of many technical issues that arise from doing that. But they said they could do this:

The only possibility we can try to offer, is that we try to reimport players from a backup. However, we cannot promise anything and this might not be working. Also, not all data - like weapon/actíons/map/roles usage will be imported. But, it might be possible to import at least the players. If we should try this, switch your gameserver to CSGO and report back. Please notice, this would be a one-way try, it would not be possible to restore the players afterwards again.

What do you guys think? I think we should switch over to CSGO and risk the possibility of a total reset. Otherwise, stats will probably remain frozen indefinitely.

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Can you keep the database of hours just to keep track of member's playtimes for things like ranks/recruitment?

If so, I'm fine with switching over or at least attempting a re import.

From the sounds of it, they 'might' be able to import the players, but they make no guarantee of this.

Can you ask them if it's possible to transfer those stats over to another CSS server, say an IP that we don't use, and start a fresh database with the CSGO game mode selected for the JB server? Basically pretend we switched IP's....

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No point in having it if it's not really working. Do the switch and I guess try to keep all that we can, hopefully at least the useful stuff mitch mentioned.

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Need those hours, if score wasn't recorded then probably less kill whoring.

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I went ahead and just used one of our other stat accounts as the new "stats" for JB, so we can have an archive of the old stats. I sent a ticket in to have the guy try and import players, so we will see how that goes.

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