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Seriously I think hacking is pathetic which 4 years ago playing cs I learned when I used a wall hack and was vac banned, and had to rebuy the game. For one you ruin peoples honest stats, and people like to have a good time and this is a way for people to mingle with fun until someone abuses. I am honestly blown away Dr. Phil was hacking. This whole time I've played with him and he would say I am hacking when really it was him. Seriously guys, grow a set and know its ok to have a shitty day at cs. Doesn't mean you should google hacks or however you get them because you suck. Earn the skill and tactics. Peace and GO PATS!!! 15-0 Biatches and broke what 2 of the Dolphin records in this game as well? haha

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What's this about Dr Phill? Link?

And yeah, hacks are for bitches. I used them once, just to see what playing with them was like and it was entirely pointless.

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yeah that fuckin homo. I wish I could punch him in RL. I was the one who gave him another chance. Something I do, very very very rarely. This morning he was on steam messaging me trying to tell me he was only in spec for a few minutes that day. Complete bullshit lies. His fuckin voice is in the demo, it shows his kills as they happen. I told him he is never going to be unbanned and deleted him from steam friends. Then I told him to go fuck himself.

15-0 is right! I think that the Giants are going to resign the game anyways, they are going to need all there starters and they have no reason to win. The game means nothing to them. Should be good. I think I might order NFL network for one month.

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i hacked in 1.6 for a few weeks, but i wasnt dumb enough to do it on the WCS server that i played on, where all my friends were. The only thing that was even remotely fun about it was pissing people off, even that got boring after a few minutes.

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No offense to Bios but, Phill is a reason why I believe nobody should be given second chances when they were caught blatantly hacking the first time. If it was a little sketchy demo, or something where it wasn't obvious, then yes maybe a second chance is in order.

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No offense to Bios but, Phill is a reason why I believe nobody should be given second chances when they were caught blatantly hacking the first time. If it was a little sketchy demo, or something where it wasn't obvious, then yes maybe a second chance is in order.

Yeah I know, I understand. I should have never given him another chance but then again I like to believe that people are half way honest, even though I know it's not true.

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I will be in Maine looking for you shortly :D

looking for me? how do you know I am in Maine, and do you guys always post on forums right after each other? lol

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Well, he's guessing you're in Maine because the information snippets under your avatar say you're from Maine...

hmmm I didn't know about that shit haha. Cool people can stalk me awesome lol

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