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Guest J_MaFia

Problems with cash script

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Guest J_MaFia
So what you are saying: They don't give cash the time you would like it? And you can't buy xp with it so YOUR cash is going to waste?


Nah I've seen admins just join in and set cash. I dont like it niether does the server.

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I think cash should be auto scripted to where its given 3 times per map without admins on the server. And if admins are on the server they can give it three more times per map, this would help alot of people just starting off leveling and solve alot of the cash problems due to people giving money back to back or without warning. Also a bank would be nice too, I would like to save my money before I leave the server/map so I dont have to start with just 1000 when I join in the middle of the map. Just an idea.

@ the bold.

A bank would be nice, but then you could just whore rebel/takeno and earn shit tons of money, then drop it all into the bank till you have say, 1.5m( 100 things of give cash, or basically 24 maps), then spend get 100k easy xp on a race :/. Would be a bit fucked up. However, if you were to say have a cap of like, maybe 150k for a bank(or less, but more is ugh). So, yes a bank would be nice, but possibly not allow you to deposit on money whore races?

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Banks have been suggested multiple times and we've always shot it down due to the fact that you can just pile money inside the bank from bets, and then instantly max races as soon as they are released. Automated money basically takes away the only thing an admin can do regularly on WCS, seeing as MOST of the people on WCS are unwilling to have special rounds. While TTD's suggestion attempts to fix the issue with automated money, it still takes away from the general game play on the server by makeing people less reliant on admins. It also decreased overall appreciation for admins, and takes away from the only thing that a paying admin has to do on WCS, thus taking admin subscriptions away from the WCS community, and thus making the WCS community less important to the community as a whole. Honestly, I thought it was better when only Premium (or higher) admin could set cash.

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Personally, I warn a round in advance. And the admins on when I play (Firsttodie is one of them) always warn a round in advance as well. I give it out 5 seconds after freeze time to give stragglers a chance to waste their cash before they get the next round of it. I don't know why everyone doesn't do this. Makes it less of a bitchfest when cash is given, OMFG I HAD 15K AND I WAS SAVING UP FOR A TOME :<.

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Agreed. With the bank I was going to say have a 32k cap. That way you cant whore money, and I do agree with you Mimic, it would take away from paying admins. So scratch that idea.

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Why the hell does cash need to be given anyways? How about we do a script that gives everyone 100k xp at the last round of every map... So we don't have to worry about lvling being so hard?

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I don't mind having cash from admins now and then but I only want admins to balance teams and maybe some abuse for the lawlz.

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Anyways i think admins should give some sort of warning before giving cash like money @ X:XX because i had 10.6k and i was gonna buy a respawn and al of a sudden we had this new admin login and give cash and the entire server became visibally upset and frankly i was shocked that a person who bought admin would just login and right away give money just cause he joined.

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Anyways i think admins should give some sort of warning before giving cash like money @ X:XX because i had 10.6k and i was gonna buy a respawn and al of a sudden we had this new admin login and give cash and the entire server became visibally upset and frankly i was shocked that a person who bought admin would just login and right away give money just cause he joined.

after that you had 16k :D 16k-10.6k= 5,4k win win? :D free money much? :D

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You guys speak of the cash script as if it's something you're entitled to, something that you must receive the maximum benefits of at all times otherwise you're in a pissy mood.

Jason just fixed it so it was impossible to break the rules giving cash more than 5 times per map, and you guys complain?

Even if an admin comes in and gives cash, you're still getting free money. Beggers can't be choosers. Bind a key to buy a tome of wisdom, and quit whining. Press it when you receive cash.

The point of the cash script was never to make sure everyone received the maximum benefit possible as that isn't possible. It's to give everyone a slight boost, just to help them a little.

Automated money giving won't happen for this reason -

While TTD's suggestion attempts to fix the issue with automated money, it still takes away from the general game play on the server by makeing people less reliant on admins. It also decreased overall appreciation for admins, and takes away from the only thing that a paying admin has to do on WCS, thus taking admin subscriptions away from the WCS community, and thus making the WCS community less important to the community as a whole.

Banks won't happen because of the amount of whoring that would occur. New race? Let me just spend the $250k I have saved in my bank on Tomes of Wisdom.

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Xmen i dont waste money on tomes of wisdom, i Buy respawns cause 1 they are cheaper and 2 you can potentially earn more xp than a tome of wisdom so i see no point in spending 15k for 1 item when i can buy 2 items for 7k ea

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Xmen i dont waste money on tomes of wisdom, i Buy respawns cause 1 they are cheaper and 2 you can potentially earn more xp than a tome of wisdom so i see no point in spending 15k for 1 item when i can buy 2 items for 7k ea

Except.. I've gotten more than 1000 exp like 5 times MAYBE with respawns. Tomes are better assuming your race isn't above level 20 and you want to level the race as slow as possible, otherwise buy tomes to max.

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Well, each kill you get is +75xp without the bonus expertise. Rounding, each kill will be about 125xp.

So basically, you need about 8-10 kills throughout that 15000 of spending in order to match even with a Tome.

However, you play this game for fun, and it's always better to have money to respawn so you can play for a longer time, or it's better to have an orb of fire to light people up, or other things.

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Guest Montgomery

give it once in somewhere between round 10 & 20, then give it all on last round or soemthing..

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I used to just give cash every 5 rounds so people would know where I was about go give cash...

SO's usually try and do that but with so many admin subscribers, they like to give it whenever they want to without warning.

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SO's usually try and do that but with so many admin subscribers, they like to give it whenever they want to without warning.

I definitely don't give cash in regular increments; however, I do make sure 5 sets of cash are given out each map when I'm on.

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We need to set it so that it automatically gives cash at rounds 5 10 15 20 25 and then spams on 30. That way only the server itself can give out cash in a controlled manner that doesn't interfere with gameplay and you don't need admins on to do it.

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We need to set it so that it automatically gives cash at rounds 5 10 15 20 25 and then spams on 30. That way only the server itself can give out cash in a controlled manner that doesn't interfere with gameplay and you don't need admins on to do it.

Was thinking the same thing.

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No thanks, I don't think it would be a wise idea. Literally speaking, mole rounds would be 6, 11, 16, 21 and 26. However, I also thought about an auto cash round system before this shit ever came up. If there is a controlled cash round I'd say something less than 10k, probably 5k would suffice. This way it won’t turn into abuse or some sort of oddball gameplay.

As for the spam cash on the last round, long as it isn't the last seconds before map change. I QQ when I'm on a race that can't use tomes, shopkeeper and adventurer for example. With that and adding the possibility of crashing the server, I'd think that would be enough to say, hell no.

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Banks won't happen because of the amount of whoring that would occur. New race? Let me just spend the $250k I have saved in my bank on Tomes of Wisdom.

@ This idea, Banks would be nice if there was a Limit on the amount of money you could put into the bank, at like 32k. This would be nice as, it would allow you to save cash to use on another race.

True, it Could be abused with addition of new races, but 32k saved up is only 2k xp. So, with a Small cap on bank, the possiblity to whore the fuck out of it is much less. True, you'll get 8 levels or so on a new race, but its not different than whoring rebel, then dieing and switching to new race, hit tome of wisdom bind, switch back and whore again..

So, bank idea would be nice, but i can understand WHY it will likely not be added.

@ The automated system. I'd love it, but i'd hate it. Giving money is nice and all, but fuck, its not that big of deal. There are usually 2-3 admins on from what i've seen, so this would only be an issue with Early morning players, when most of the admins are going to bed/asleep.

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