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TTT Strategy Guide/Tips

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Something I thought of writing. Post any ideas to add or suggestion of what to change.

TTT Strategy Guide

Traitor Weapons:

Knife: A one hit kill and can be thrown, but experiences an arched flight path. Valuable when you need to kill someone quietly and quickly; however, if not thrown from a far enough distance, DNA will be left behind.

Damage: *****

Stealth: ****

Productivity: *

Range: *

(NOTE: Productivity is my view combining the Rounds per Clip, number you can buy, how quickly you go through the weapon vs. the number of possible kills per weapon's life)

C4: A basic explosive with a timer, longer it is set the more wires will set it off if cut. Effective on smaller maps, but can be used effectively in key areas on larger maps. Biggest downfall is the beeping; however, unlike the knife, you can buy as many as you like, so long as you have the credits.

Damage: ****

Stealth: **

Productivity: *****

Range: **

Suicide Bomb: An all in attack which leaves you vulnerable, cuts you down to 1/5 hp. Takes time to charge and can be heard when doing so. Best if used in combination with a health station, which will allow you to take a bullet or two.

Damage: ****

Stealth: *

Productivity: *

Range: ***

Silent Sniper: Basically a scout with a silencer, which is its greatest strength and weakness. Reduces the distance the shot can be heard, but makes a unique noise, which can be tracked back to its source.

Damage: ***

Stealth: ***

Productivity: ***

Range: *****

TMP: A silences sub-machine gun. Quiet, little recoil, and high fire rate makes up for the lower damage per-hit and the gun with the most potential to kill.

Damage: **

Stealth: ****

Productivity: ****

Range: ***

Silenced Pistol: Slow firing, only 12 rounds a clip, and easy to tell difference from other pistols. Best used as a mid-long range attack, because it is quieter than all other silenced weapons, but doesn’t do enough damage to be a close range weapon; unless you remain hidden when you ambush the target.

Damage: **

Stealth: ****

Productivity: **

Range: ***

Traitor Accessories

Body Armor: You will be able to survive a few more shots before going down. Good to buy if you see yourself becoming involved in open gun fights.

Complements: MONKEH Complex, Chaos

Radar: Huge for isolating individuals to quietly kill. Allows you to see where everyone is every 30 seconds. You might want to turn off auto radar scan, so you can save it for when you need it.

Complements: Hit ‘n Run, HVT, and Ambush

Disguiser: Hides your identity, which means your name won’t show up when they look at you, and allows you to remain hidden on radar scans. Only negative is you are clearly traitor when your name doesn’t show up.

Complements: The Sniper, Ambush, and Chaos

Radio: Has a VERY specialized role, to cause chaos. Can’t directly cause someone to die, but can cause them to leave the area. By playing C4 sounds you can bring people out from camping, which avoids the risk of C4 killing yourself or other traitors.

Complements: Chaos

Decoy: Draws DNA sample towards it rather than you. Good to distract Detective, or innocents, for a little while. Need to be prepared to kill whoever finds it.

Complements: Hit ‘n Run, HVT

Teleporter: Useful to get away after killing someone. Simply mark your area then come back anytime. Setting it up in traitor rooms allows you to go there anytime and helps you escape when you have been called out. Good for the sniper to have, allows them to leave the area they are sniping from.

Complements: Hit ‘n Run, HVT, The Sniper, and Chaos

Flare Gun: Both a weapon and an accessory. Can light an alive person on fire, but doesn't damage them a bunch, while it can burn dead bodies and remove them from the game. Good to hide the DNA off a knifed person or a gunfight; however, the sound of burning the bodies can be heard from a good distance away.

Complements: Hit 'n Run, HVT, Chaos, and Ambush

Traitor Strategies

Hit ‘n run: Involves shooting a target and leaving the area as quickly as possible, best down with a one hit kill or fast firing gun, and best done in hallways or tight quarters with escape routes.

Who Does This: Knifemaster, Sketch, Blob

Weapon/Accessory Combos: Teleporter/Radar/Flare Gun/TMP

MONKEH Complex: One person has done this enough to deserve it be named after them, but you can use parts of his strategy to help you out. MONKEH calls himself out and kills everyone he sees. Useful since he know everyone he sees he will kill, while they are looking for him they have to confirm its him by seeing his name and by then MONKEH will have already shot them; basically the hit ‘n run tactic just towards everyone he sees.

Who Does This: MONKEH

Weapon/Accessory Combos: Body Armor/Radar/TMP

Ambush: Camp an area and ambush targets when they come. It is best to use diversions, such as hanging bodies, to draw their attention away from clearing the room.

Who Does This: Sportsteen, Novacaine, Mafia

Weapon/Accessory Comboes: Knife/Radar/Disguiser/Body Armor/TMP

The Sniper: Whether silenced or not, sniping is effective on open maps. Often need someone to watch your back since you will be vulnerable to being flanked; you need to be a good shot.

Who Does This: Hoestomper, Sportsteen

Weapon/Accessory Comboes: Disguiser/Silent Sniper/Radar/Teleporter

High Value Targets: Some people focus on eliminating the best first, no matter how many chances they have to kill other people. This is good to get the detectives, since they will have no evidence it is you, and other good players. A knife is the best weapon to buy when doing this and aiming for a detective (You get 2 credits for killing detective).

Who Does This: Shotgunsniper

Weapon/Accessory Comboes: Flare Gun/TMP/Knife/Teleporter/Radar/Body Armor

Chaos: Sometimes the best strategy is to let everyone else kill each other in the chaos of a situation. This can be achieved by knifing someone in a large crowd or opening fire on everyone in a large group, M249 (Huge) works best for this.

Who Does This: Tubbles :3, Mafia

Weapon/Accessory Comboes: Knife/Body Armor/Teleporter/TMP/C4

Detective Guide

Awp: The long range special weapon for Detectives, more powerful than a scout, but has a lower shots per minute and causes you to leave scoped mode to reload next cartridge.

Range: *****

Damage: ****

Productivity: **

UMP: Low Damage per hit and moderate firing rate makes the gun worthless, until you add in that it disorientates the person shot. When hit by a UMP bullet, the

target spins and loses control of shooting.

Range: **

Damage: **

Productivity: ***

Detective Accessories

Radar: Same as Traitor’s radar, except you can see were the other Detectives are, unlike the Traitor Radar, which only shows were innocents and traitors are.

Teleporter: Same as Traitor’s teleporter.

Defuser: Increases the chance of disarming C4, might want to buy a few for some of the innocents so they can risk their lives disarming C4’s.

Tips: As detective you really don’t have any named strategies, just general tips.

1. Stay in larger groups, anything less than 4 is dangerous.

2. NEVER stand still even when getting DNA. Do a run by, have the DNA Scanner out and left click as you run over the body, because standing still is an easy kill.

3. Don’t always drop HP stations on a whim; if you have to place one put it in a secure location/hidden location. You don’t want traitors getting free HP, so only tell confirmed innocents where it is.

4. The RDM chain will only reduce your chances of living, so be the Chain-Breaker, for you slow people it means kill the last legit KOS person, rather than letting some Innocent do it.

5. When you have confirmed an innocent let everyone know and mark him as friend in your tab.

6. Radar is effective, but can be compromised by disguisers, so don’t always use that as the basis for being last innocent left; example: Dickbutt decided to have a disguiser on and the detective thought there was only one other person left, besides detective and Dickbutt, so he killed that guy only to realize he was innocent.

7. Don’t yell that you have DNA on a body; most traitors will kill you when you say you have DNA. Wait until it charges and shows the person who it is, then start shooting and calling them out.

8. Tell people to follow you when you are called to a body, or better yet, have the person calling you to it bring you the body. This keeps you in an open area and reduces the chances of it being a trap.

Innocent Guide

Innocents have a few strategies they can use to live.

Cat and Mouse Strategy: Traitors often follow innocents from a distance waiting for one to break off from the group. Though I don’t advise it, you can try to be bait for a traitor; however, you need to be a good shot, quick reflexes, and a mic to yell out the traitor.

Strength in Numbers: Staying in larger groups discourages traitorous acts, but leaves you vulnerable to the Chaos Traitor Strategy. Don’t over react, that is what the Traitor’s want, instead try to stay a step or two behind the large group, which will allow you to see the whole group and what is happening.

Jr. Detective: It is bound to happen, the Detective gets ambushed and killed, but what are you going to do to help now that he is gone? Well follow the Detective at a safe distanced and come to the rescue when he starts to get shot at. Should he die and you take care of the traitor GRAB HIS DNA SCANNER, don’t just leave it sitting on the ground for a traitor to come pick up. Now you are a Jr. Detective, but DON’T let the world know it. Just be quite and do the job like it needs to be done, and follow the above tips for being a detective.

Innocent Tips:

1. Stay away from small groups, anything less than 4 is bad…

2. Don’t always go charging head first into a gun fight; try to find back entrances or other access points.

3. Let people id bodies before you shot them, and if you are in a gun fight, id bodies before leaving…

4. Don’t continue the RDM chain, it’s pointless. Any half brained traitor would not blatantly kill an innocent in front of everyone, and the chances are too small to risk dying for it.

5. Keep moving, camping only works on some maps, and even then you are likely to be caught off guard and killed.

Next on the list is Map specific Strategies/Overviews, and some clean up/ touch up work on rest of guide.

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The TehBlade tactic: Find the highest priority target, and kill them with a knife, regardless of the amount of people around, which usually results in your death.

This has to be added. :D

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Tehblade that falls under HVT and Chaos tactic, you have a hybrid style of those two...never seen you do it in game though; I've only "assigned" people based on what I've seen consistantly.


What do you mean by productivity? How many kills you can achieve with it?

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(NOTE: Productivity is my view combining the Rounds per Clip, number you can buy, how quickly you go through the weapon vs. the number of possible kills per weapon's life)

Lol maybe I need to put it in red.

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also my super secret tip that i have never told anybody:

you kill someone or find a dead body and bring it to a secret or secluded area where nobody is, then you call a detective to the body. when the detective gets there you fuck him up the bum with your knife and then take his DNA scanner and hang the bodies and then go fuck up some other bitches!!!!!

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also my super secret tip that i have never told anybody:

you kill someone or find a dead body and bring it to a secret or secluded area where nobody is, then you call a detective to the body. when the detective gets there you fuck him up the bum with your knife and then take his DNA scanner and hang the bodies and then go fuck up some other bitches!!!!!

pretty sure everybody does that

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I added a few people off the top of my head

Hit ‘n run: Involves shooting a target and leaving the area as quickly as possible, best down with a one hit kill or fast firing gun, and best done in hallways or tight quarters with escape routes.

Who Does This: Knifemaster, blob, Sketch

MONKEH Complex: One person has done this enough to deserve it be named after them, but you can use parts of his strategy to help you out. MONKEH calls himself out and kills everyone he sees. Useful since he know everyone he sees he will kill, while they are looking for him they have to confirm its him by seeing his name and by then MONKEH will have already shot them; basically the hit ‘n run tactic just towards everyone he sees.

Who Does This: MONKEH

Ambush: Camp an area and ambush targets when they come. It is best to use diversions, such as hanging bodies, to draw their attention away from clearing the room.

Who Does This: Sportsteen, Super NovaCaine

The Sniper: Whether silenced or not, sniping is effective on open maps. Often need someone to watch your back since you will be vulnerable to being flanked; you need to be a good shot.

Who Does This: Hoestomper, Sportsteen

High Value Targets: Some people focus on eliminating the best first, no matter how many chances they have to kill other people. This is good to get the detectives, since they will have no evidence it is you, and other good players. A knife is the best weapon to buy when doing this and aiming for a detective (You get 2 credits for killing detective).

Who Does This: Shotgunsniper

Chaos: Sometimes the best strategy is to let everyone else kill each other in the chaos of a situation. This can be achieved by knifing someone in a large crowd or opening fire on everyone in a large group, M249 (Huge) works best for this.

Who Does This: Tubbles :3

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go to by where the traitor room if there are people are protecting it ok and you open the traitor room by looking at it and then the people will go in there and then they will either kill each other because they think they are traitors or if there are a bunch of people charge up a suicide bomb from outside the traitor room and then you open the traitor room and run in there and blow them all up

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go to by where the traitor room if there are people are protecting it ok and you open the traitor room by looking at it and then the people will go in there and then they will either kill each other because they think they are traitors or if there are a bunch of people charge up a suicide bomb from outside the traitor room and then you open the traitor room and run in there and blow them all up


Throw some periods in there so your post isn't one big run on sentence.

But anyways, good list there sportsteen.

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go to by where the traitor room if there are people are protecting it ok and you open the traitor room by looking at it and then the people will go in there and then they will either kill each other because they think they are traitors or if there are a bunch of people charge up a suicide bomb from outside the traitor room and then you open the traitor room and run in there and blow them all up

I'm trying to stay away from Map Specific strategies for now. I'll get into specific overviews of the maps later.


Throw some periods in there so your post isn't one big run on sentence.

But anyways, good list there sportsteen.

Thx Nova.

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blob, novacaine, tubbles, monkeh, sketch, knifemaster

Why is monkeh part of this list when he shoots anyone he sees due to always admitting he is traitor?

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Why is monkeh part of this list when he shoots anyone he sees due to always admitting he is traitor?

He means kill them first. If you are traitor.

EDIT: We need auto-double post

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