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Your earliest "experience" with the opposite sex

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I love that this thread turned into a hemad/umad? rage debate about...

...wait for it...

English grammar.

Clearly the internet is making great strides in its evolution. Pebbz, I ran out of thanks to give you - I've bookmarked this thread so I can 'lol' at your posts when I'm bored.

Ain't nothin wrong with being a virgin/abstaining. I, for one, thought I found the perfect human being on this god-forsaken planet and we were going to get married and live happily ever after like those people in that movie so the whole sex thing was no big deal...[takes a breath]...but the gods conspired against us and she's gone forever :( AND ON THAT SAD STORY WE GET TO MY POINT: I ain't touchin' moar pussy until I find (again) a person of that caliber. Is sex the bomb? ye. Am I good at it? I'd like to think so (inb4trolls). Why wait? Because I fucking feel like it. So get off peoples' nuts.

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As a Christian I'm obligated to not have sex till marriage. One more for the abstinence group I suppose.

Me too, but even if I wasn't, I totally still would.

Wait. Aren't you... a Jew? Jews for Jesus?!!?!!!?!?!!111 (This is a real organization by the way.)

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Me too, but even if I wasn't, I totally still would.

Wait. Aren't you... a Jew? Jews for Jesus?!!?!!!?!?!!111 (This is a real organization by the way.)

My name doesn't mean shit. I thought it was hilarious when I thought of it (I was like 11) and as a result I thought "Why not use it for a screen name?"

If I could think of a name that I liked I would change it (Sorry Clay, Hammer Trap doesn't quite cut it). My name doesn't mean anything.

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My name doesn't mean shit. I thought it was hilarious when I thought of it (I was like 11) and as a result I thought "Why not use it for a screen name?"

If I could think of a name that I liked I would change it (Sorry Clay, Hammer Trap doesn't quite cut it). My name doesn't mean anything.

OMG My Spleen was my first XBL gamertag. People I played against lol'd hard when I joined. You should use it :3

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Random recruit coming to correct me. Never mentioned grammar. Sorry this is a forum and not my thesis. I am glad you took the time to google correct uses of commas and apostrophes to correct me. And my spelling was correct, my grammar of course will be off because I don't give a fuck. I use my own lingo and I love white knights.

Implying you're legendary enough to talk down to recruits.

And anyone with a high school diploma knows how to use commas and apostrophes and shit, bro.

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As a Christian I'm obligated to not have sex till marriage. One more for the abstinence group I suppose.

You're also obligated to stone to death any non-virgin woman on the steps of her father's home. Do you comply with that commandment as well?

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O Leviticus.

Deuteronomy actually.

22.20 But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel,

22.21 then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die, because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house; so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

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Deuteronomy actually.

22.20 But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel,

22.21 then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die, because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house; so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Those parts in the bible pretty much say FU to the whole god is kind shit.

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You're also obligated to stone to death any non-virgin woman on the steps of her father's home. Do you comply with that commandment as well?

You're dumb.

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You're also obligated to stone to death any non-virgin woman on the steps of her father's home. Do you comply with that commandment as well?

Actually, it states that if the woman LIED about being a virgin after they married, then you stone her.

Common practices in those time, I think. (unsure about this one)

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Deuteronomy actually.

22.20 But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel,

22.21 then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die, because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house; so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

Those parts in the bible pretty much say FU to the whole god is kind shit.

John 8:7 And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."

The first 5 books of the Old Testament are considered "the law." Essentially God giving the Israelites laws on how to deal with everything. Literally everything. To say from those 2 verses that God is not kind is to only read part of something much larger.

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Values change over time. If you were to look at literature back in the days of Jesus, it would portray the world in a much different way. Why should we nit-pick things out of the Bible like being gay, wearing multi-stitched clothing, or stoning women to death? It is completely irrelevant and just another excuse for Athiests to try and prove how crazy Christians are. Don't go into a full on religious debate in a thread like this lol.

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blob wants me to post here so he can infract me.. so here it is :D

edit: just a joke from TS, but I agree with what Jiyeon and Ace said.

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Values change over time. If you were to look at literature back in the days of Jesus, it would portray the world in a much different way. Why should we nit-pick things out of the Bible like being gay, wearing multi-stitched clothing, or stoning women to death? It is completely irrelevant and just another excuse for atheists to try and prove how crazy Christians are. Don't go into a full on religious debate in a thread like this lol.

Which is exactly my point. It's outdated and useless, and in the modern age there's no reason for things like committing to a life of companionship with someone you haven't yet trusted enough to share physical intimacy with.

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I have lost count of people who have waited till they were in love and going to marry a person, these being mainly Christian people mind you, to give their virginity away to said person only to have said person leave them within the next week to 6 months.

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My point and argument are sound.

I don't feel like engaging your narrow perception of religion, so I'll just say that you're a retard if you believe your argument doesn't have any fatal holes in it.

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That is all.

EDIT: nvm, I have moar to say. Because pebbz makes me :3

My point and argument are sound.

[troll]But that doesn't mean you're not dumb!!!

I don't feel like engaging your narrow perception of religion, so I'll just say that you're a retard if you believe your argument doesn't have any fatal holes in it.

Yeah the holes made by the stones...duh[/troll]

love you guise :) I do think religion and religious reasons for all this is goofy as shit...

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Im catching up on the thread from last night. Only at page 15 and it feels as if karma is being a cougar toward these 15 year old kiddies.

Edit: Page 20 is a religious debate, saw that coming.

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