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Apology for Recent Events

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I'd like to take a quick minute to apologize for my actions recently, specifically regarding disputes between myself and Clay about an issue that should have been kept private. While I recognize making an apology thread might draw more attention than necessary to a topic that's already old news, I also feel like it's necessary to "clear the air," and make it known that the issue has been resolved. I won't make any assertions about Clay and the decisions he made, but I do acknowledge my part as an active participant in the dispute, and that I was out of line. Regardless of what was said, or where, I should not have responded in the way I did, publicly or privately. He had a legitimate problem with me and I brushed it off; Clay, I'm sorry. Everyone else, sorry you had to view that display if immaturity on my behalf. You guys deserve better, and I'll do what I can to meet your expectations of me. Thanks for your comments, positive and negative, regarding the issue.

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I, as well, would like to apologize on behalf of my recent actions. I am a staff member, goddammit. Staff members are supposed to run the clan, not act like children. While it takes two to tango, I should have been more level headed about this whole thing. Junzou and I have worked out our differences, and I hope we can put this whole thing behind us. The cards were all against me, and I felt as if I had nothing I could do, so I made that thread. It seemed logical at the time, but I wasn't thinking right. If I was, I would have simply discussed this amongst staff; instead, I made the whole community look bad. But, I hope we can all let bygones be bygones. Staff has decided to let me back in to the staff forums soon, and I think I've reconciled with the other members that I pissed off. Keeping up with Junzou's post: I'm sorry, Junzou. We were both childish, and I hope we're all good again. Now give me a hug, you asshole.

So, while you're here, let me make this worth your while: Guitar Guy has finished up sGFM, and Lopez and myself are finishing up the final touches on the DJing related stuff. So we should be up and streaming very soon, probably by the end of this week. He's not here, so I can't pick a final date, but I think friday is a good day to shoot for. We will keep you updated on this.

EDIT: Also, Junzou cut this out of his draft, so I'm going to post it for him:

Now go populate the ZE server; if we aren't in the top 200 by the weekend I'm going to make 3 steam events every night until we are.

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Also, just because Jason asked so I know others will...

[2:31:06 AM] Jason: apologies to each other sound better when you don't post them RIGHT after each other.
[00:41] sG | Junzou [JCS]: I'm going to go make a public apology thread and it would probably be a good idea for you to comment in it.

[00:41] sG | Clay [Eng]: If you could be so kind

[00:41] sG | Clay [Eng]: Could you PM it to me before you post it?

[00:41] sG | Junzou [JCS]: ok

[00:42] sG | Clay [Eng]: I wanna write something good up, and I wanna make sure we're on the same page


[02:17] sG | Junzou [JCS]: should i post this now

[02:17] sG | Clay [Eng]: Lemme write my apology as well

[02:17] sG | Junzou [JCS]: ok

[02:27] sG | Clay [Eng]: Good to go.

We worked our shit out and wanted to both come out and apologize at the same time.

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Junzou You are not forgiven until you come to chicago to party with me and hoestomper. Or ohio to see me fight in my boxing match and afterwords party with church.

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I'd like to take a quick minute to apologize for my actions recently, specifically regarding disputes between myself and Clay about an issue that should have been kept private. While I recognize making an apology thread might draw more attention than necessary to a topic that's already old news, I also feel like it's necessary to "clear the air," and make it known that the issue has been resolved. I won't make any assertions about Clay and the decisions he made, but I do acknowledge my part as an active participant in the dispute, and that I was out of line. Regardless of what was said, or where, I should not have responded in the way I did, publicly or privately. He had a legitimate problem with me and I brushed it off; Clay, I'm sorry. Everyone else, sorry you had to view that display if immaturity on my behalf. You guys deserve better, and I'll do what I can to meet your expectations of me. Thanks for your comments, positive and negative, regarding the issue.


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I'd like to take a quick minute to apologize for my actions recently, specifically regarding disputes between myself and Clay about an issue that should have been kept private. While I recognize making an apology thread might draw more attention than necessary to a topic that's already old news, I also feel like it's necessary to "clear the air," and make it known that the issue has been resolved. I won't make any assertions about Clay and the decisions he made, but I do acknowledge my part as an active participant in the dispute, and that I was out of line. Regardless of what was said, or where, I should not have responded in the way I did, publicly or privately. He had a legitimate problem with me and I brushed it off; Clay, I'm sorry. Everyone else, sorry you had to view that display if immaturity on my behalf. You guys deserve better, and I'll do what I can to meet your expectations of me. Thanks for your comments, positive and negative, regarding the issue.

Sounds like something a psychology major would say.

Impressive display.

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