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Japan just hit by ANOTHER quake

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Nah, just proof that nobody can outsmart mother nature. :D

Bro. No.

God is mother nature, and these last two earthquakes are his wrath.

I'm not sure what they did to deserve it though, I'm still doing research.

I really feel horrible for those people. I can't even imagine how horrible something like that would be where I live. My thoughts go out to the families.

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That's life. People are dieing everyday, if I had all the money in the world to fix Japan from the Tsunami, I'd rather donate it to sG. I don't know anyone in Japan, therefore I don't care about them. There's just too many bad things going on in the world for us to be empathetic. Hold the ones you know close to you and fuck the rest of them.

You're view on things is so fucking disgusting to me in this post.

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You're view on things is so fucking disgusting to me in this post.

I know people who have breast cancer and do a full 180 in their successful lives, I've met kids who live off of half of a cheeseburger everyday because there family can't afford any better, I've seen so many bad things in the neighborhood around me - that it's hard to care for something thousands of miles away when there's so much poverty, pain, endless suffering and many other terrible things around me going on.

Socioeconomic conditions of people affect their moral views. Don't call me disgusting, you need to know me fully before you make a judgment.

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This thread gets better and better.

this. Although, I have nothing against religion being brought in.

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But still, using the ring of fire as a reason for these earthquakes directly in Japan is wrong. Volcanoes are a result of a shifting layer of rock running over a pocket of magma, not colliding plates. Theres another reason why the Pacific plate is the ring of fire, but collisions isnt it.

The fact that Japan is right ontop of that red line that outlines the ring of fire does not mean anything, that just means that Japan is where the ring of fire starts in that area, the ring of fire is that entire outline and everything inside it, hence Hawaii was made from volcanic eruptions and its right in the middle of the ring, not on it.

The correct reasoning behind the earthquakes is the fact that Japan lies on the fault line of two different colliding tectonic plates. Any two different plates colliding means mountains, and earthquakes. In a case of two diverging plates, that results in a trench.

But in this picture you can see the Pacific Plate batting heads with the Eurasian plate.

Completely wrong. Volcanoes are caused by subduction zones & hotspots like Hawaii. Earthquakes are caused by released tension between two plates sliding across transform boundaries. The ring of fire accounts for about 90% of the world's earthquakes. Also divergent boundaries cause ridges, not trenches. That's caused also by subduction or convergent boundaries.

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Completely wrong. Volcanoes are caused by subduction zones & hotspots like Hawaii. Earthquakes are caused by released tension between two plates sliding across transform boundaries. The ring of fire accounts for about 90% of the world's earthquakes. Also divergent boundaries cause ridges, not trenches. That's caused also by subduction or convergent boundaries.


I think Triv should stop talking as if he knows Biology/Geology :3.

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People are dieing everyday, if I had all the money in the world to fix Japan from the Tsunami, I'd rather donate it to sG.

I can say that line right there is disgusting if I want to. Whether I fully know you or not you've got your priorities way out of line.

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I can say that line right there is disgusting if I want to. Whether I fully know you or not you've got your priorities way out of line.

Priorities? What has anyone in Japan ever done for me? The most they've done is create technologies and manufacture things I use, but I can easily buy things made in USA. They haven't impacted my life in any moving way, so why should I be obligated to do so to them? I'm a humanitarian, but for the right people and for the right reasons - I support the people and causes that have moved me. Donating a million bucks to the families on my street would mean a whole lot more to me then donating to Japan. Natural disasters happen, get the fuck over it - it's just the way of life, and how chance (God/Mother Nature) plays itself out in our world.

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I'm not angry about the earthquake, I fully understand mother nature has no emotion; don't try to school me in that. I'm pissed from what you said, you'd rather donate to a gaming community than donate money to save lives. Whether you know them or not it shows you really are pretty fucking heartless. Don't tell me Japan has no effect on your life either, they're one of the U.S.A.'s greatest allies. I know that there's people dying around the world from various preventable deaths, don't talk down to me like I'm ignorant of this fact. I also understand that we're helping the people in Libya rather than Ivory Coast when civilians were being massacred in the streets, we can't help everyone in the world. But, the fact that you said you'd rather give money to a gaming community rather than give money to save lives is just sad. It's exactly the fucking sad attitude that I see too many Americans today develop.

And yes I'm mad.

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I'm not angry about the earthquake, I fully understand mother nature has no emotion; don't try to school me in that. I'm pissed from what you said, you'd rather donate to a gaming community than donate money to save lives. Whether you know them or not it shows you really are pretty fucking heartless. Don't tell me Japan has no effect on your life either, they're one of the U.S.A.'s greatest allies. I know that there's people dying around the world from various preventable deaths, don't talk down to me like I'm ignorant of this fact. I also understand that we're helping the people in Libya rather than Ivory Coast when civilians were being massacred in the streets, we can't help everyone in the world. But, the fact that you said you'd rather give money to a gaming community rather than give money to save lives is just sad. It's exactly the fucking sad attitude that I see too many Americans today develop.

And yes I'm mad.

It's a dog eat dog world, that's all I can say.

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I'm not angry about the earthquake, I fully understand mother nature has no emotion; don't try to school me in that. I'm pissed from what you said, you'd rather donate to a gaming community than donate money to save lives. Whether you know them or not it shows you really are pretty fucking heartless. Don't tell me Japan has no effect on your life either, they're one of the U.S.A.'s greatest allies. I know that there's people dying around the world from various preventable deaths, don't talk down to me like I'm ignorant of this fact. I also understand that we're helping the people in Libya rather than Ivory Coast when civilians were being massacred in the streets, we can't help everyone in the world. But, the fact that you said you'd rather give money to a gaming community rather than give money to save lives is just sad. It's exactly the fucking sad attitude that I see too many Americans today develop.

And yes I'm mad.


Also, you aren't saving any lives by donating to Japan. Everybody who can die, has died at this point.

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Also, you aren't saving any lives by donating to Japan. Everybody who can die, has died at this point.

When the quake initially hit, yes it would have saved lives. Now it would be helping a nation back on its feet. Also, "it's a dog eat dog world" is a lame excuse to be a greedy asshole. What ever, my point was made. Call me soft or disagree with me, but I've learned a lot from what you've said today Mitch and whether you care or not most of the respect I had for you is gone. I'm done with this thread.

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Guest Pedo Bear

dude that sucks, prayers go out to the people trapped in japan.

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Also, you aren't saving any lives by donating to Japan. Everybody who can die, has died at this point.

what about donating to help fund the search teams that find trapped people?

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When the quake initially hit, yes it would have saved lives. Now it would be helping a nation back on its feet. Also, "it's a dog eat dog world" is a lame excuse to be a greedy asshole. What ever, my point was made. Call me soft or disagree with me, but I've learned a lot from what you've said today Mitch and whether you care or not most of the respect I had for you is gone. I'm done with this thread.

I never said that donating doesn't go to a good cause. I said that donating at this point in time wouldn't help with saving the lives of people. As far as I know (as of this moment), the people who had the possibility of dying due to the initial earthquake, or the following tsunami, have died. I'm not saying that donating to sG is more important than donating to rebuild Japan or provide humanitarian services to Libya, I'm saying that donating money to save the lives of dead people isn't a good idea.

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When the quake initially hit, yes it would have saved lives. Now it would be helping a nation back on its feet. Also, "it's a dog eat dog world" is a lame excuse to be a greedy asshole. What ever, my point was made. Call me soft or disagree with me, but I've learned a lot from what you've said today Mitch and whether you care or not most of the respect I had for you is gone. I'm done with this thread.

lol, throwing respect away for the standpoints other people have on social issues is very mature of you buddy - if you can't understand another person's point of view that differs from your own, your respect was never worth much in the first place to me. The respect and friendships that mean something to me are the ones between the people that differ a lot from myself, those people are interesting to have conversations with. I guess you just couldn't handle it, but whatever. Says a lot about yourself buddy ;).


most modern federal governments have that covered. the american government has that covered as well. :3. we're not advocating against donating towards japan - me and mimic are arguing on the foundations of why Caterpi disagrees with us, that's it.

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lol, throwing respect away for the standpoints other people have on social issues is very mature of you buddy - if you can't understand another person's point of view that differs from your own, your respect was never worth much in the first place to me. The respect and friendships that mean something to me are the ones between the people that differ a lot from myself, those people are interesting to have conversations with. I guess you just couldn't handle it, but whatever. Says a lot about yourself buddy ;).

This is one of the most retarded arguments I have heard in a very long time, I completely understand your stand point. The fact of the matter is that you obviously are very greedy and don't give a fuck about others unless is directly effects you in a positive way. And yes, because of that there is no wrong doing in losing respect for you because I can't stand your greed. I also understand that having different view points on a subject can often lead to greater understanding and a better outcome on a situation.

Also, I can call you immature and then continue on to speak to you in a derogative manner too buddy. ;)

I never said that donating doesn't go to a good cause. I said that donating at this point in time wouldn't help with saving the lives of people. As far as I know (as of this moment), the people who had the possibility of dying due to the initial earthquake, or the following tsunami, have died. I'm not saying that donating to sG is more important than donating to rebuild Japan or provide humanitarian services to Libya, I'm saying that donating money to save the lives of dead people isn't a good idea.

It was the point being made, I understand that the people that would have died are dead.

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Priorities? What has anyone in Japan ever done for me? The most they've done is create technologies and manufacture things I use, but I can easily buy things made in USA. They haven't impacted my life in any moving way, so why should I be obligated to do so to them? I'm a humanitarian, but for the right people and for the right reasons - I support the people and causes that have moved me. Donating a million bucks to the families on my street would mean a whole lot more to me then donating to Japan. Natural disasters happen, get the fuck over it - it's just the way of life, and how chance (God/Mother Nature) plays itself out in our world.

I think what you lack Mitch is a little bit of empathy and compassion. Imagine if that had happened to you. Your house, your parents, your friends all swept away by a giant tsunami. When all seemed bleak and hopeless, the Red Cross comes and hands you new clothes, food, and shelter. Wouldn't that make all the difference in the world to you? That money to fund those relief efforts have to come from somewhere- and that's from the generous donation out of a philanthropist's pocket.

We need to look out for our fellow man, because in truth it could have just as easily happened to you.

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I just wanna say, that yes, while it does suck that this is happening, most people are damn hypocrites.

Why is it that whenever shit like this happens to a country that isn't Japan or widely known, we don't give two fucks, but when it's a country we know and is "vital", then oh those poor souls? I swear, I've heard more shit about Japan's problems than I did Chile's or Haiti's or any other place that has suffered a natural disaster.

My raging aside, yes, it sucks. But Mitch is right, It's a fucking Natural Disaster. Look at that first word, NATURAL. These things happen. Money doesn't need to be dumped into the renovations so much as the preparations.

Will i donate? I already have. But do i need to dump all my time and effort into doing what i can to help them? Hell no. Empathy and Compassion are two things I have, but they're limited by what I can do and what I've already done.

Best of luck to Japan. Peace.

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